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VAM Plugin: Delete Scenes & Appearances: Download (for Patrons only)

Update v1.3:
Added settings to backup packages and appearances (see description page)

Update v1.2:
- Critical Fix: "Delete Package" has been removed from Appearances as it would undesirably delete all the Appearances



Can you add the option to select multiple scenes, and delete their packages?

Michael Keller

Probably not adding that, as there is no multi-select function in the Scene Browser in vanilla VaM. But the deletion of Scene Packages is now threaded and much faster in version 1.1.


I dont have delete appearance option, i only have delete scene and delete package

Michael Keller

The "Delete Appearance" option only comes up when you press the "Load Look" button. Did you do that and the "Delete Appearance" option did not show up?


Hey I wanted to ask, since i don't know where to request stuff. Or if i'm even "allowed" to. If you could enhance the plugin "VAM Plugin: Delete Scenes & Appearances" to also work inside of JayJayWon's BrowserAssist plugin? I like using his browser and it would be nice to delete scenes and appearances that are inside vars inside his browser as well.

Michael Keller

You are welcome to request plugins and I highly appeciate plugin requests. The best way to get in touch with me is to send me a message on Patreon, I regularly look into those. As a general rule, I don't do changes on plugins of other creators. If it's a change that can be done solely on the side of my plugin, then I might be able to do it, but I'll have look into it. Thanks for the suggestion! =)

Mike Hayes

how do you install the Delete Scenes plugin