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Amy and I shared this belief, as kids, "We Are One".

We'd say it as a mantra. We believed that all humanity had one commonality that tied us together. Back then, together, we thought it was love. It's how we tried to view the world, to stay sane in an insane world and get through the day. When we got into fights, or when we felt each other the most, we'd say "We Are One" to remind us of that love. In fact, she even inscribed it on the inside of my wedding ring. The same ring I wore for years after she passed from cancer to remember her and how we tried to survive together in an insane world.

The older I get, the more experiences I have without her, the harder it is for me to believe in "We Are One". But, I hold on to it because of how important it is for me to remember her and the type of person Amy was. Nearly twenty years later, I realize that love isn't the only commonality that ties humanity together, it's also survival. Our fight to live, to exist, to experience as much as each of us possibly can, and to share these experiences with those you love the most, gives us meaning. That, for me, in her absence, hits hard. But what hits hardest is knowing that Amy deserved so much more than what this insane world gave her.

Amy was in all ways beautiful, wild, funny, stubborn, and compassionate. Our kids know it. But, it's an absolute shame they never got the chance to know her by sharing more experiences with her first hand, instead of through their father's stories of her.

We all have our hardships in life. The older we get, the more they seem to multiply. But, if you're still reading this, do me a favor please. Be a little nicer today. Be grateful for all you have. Live life harder today. But most importantly, love harder and convey these three little words out into an insane world in hopes to make it a bit more sane... We Are One.

Rest in Peace Amy. We miss you. We love you.



Tripal Helix

Amen brother - My fiancee' is a breast cancer survivor. We actually met right after she was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have met her. She pushes me every day to do better in every way. And in this INSANE WORLD, and I do mean it in every sense of the word, humanity needs to hear words of encouragement like this. After all, if we aren't fighting for each other, wtf are we fighting for?


Beautifully said. A tough situation, that no one should have to face, but with my poor health, It's something on my mind constantly, and sometimes keeps me awake at night. I was only a single dad to a teen, for 4 years, with my second child, who is also named Amy; that was over 10 years ago now, and was tough; it's tough enough now when my new wife (relatively) is working her 14-hour shifts, leaving me with my youngest two kids, but I can only imagine the difficulties your situation must have brought, and how tough it would have been. You made it through, with two great kids. For that, you have my respect.