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I have to say that it was such an amazing experience to watch every Star Wars movie ever made in chronological order. When I had mentioned that we needed a Star Wars badge for such an occassionthe idea to watch all 11 Star Wars movies in chronological order over this Xmas break, my kids and I laughed. Devon wanted nothing to do with it. But, Zoe stepped up to the challenge and we began our journey. I really can't express in words how important it is to do this for all who are or have been Star Wars fans. It's such a wonderously strange experience to watch the lives of each character from beginning and sometimes end. To go through 3 generations make you appreciate the entire story arc even more. Yes... some of the story lines are generic or at times get cheesy, but by the time you get to Empires you are completely invested and you begin to feel this weirdly cool transformation. I really enjoyed Rise of Skywalker more as it was the last movie in our marathon that much more and as Zoe and I left the theatre we decided to take the movie tickets and frame them to remember our journey together. I thought about how my dad took me to Star Wars as a kid and how this story wil never end and how my daughter will take her kids and so on.

May the Force be With You!



(No title)



That is great dude, but you've got another challenge a head. Next you gotta do the 23 MCU film marathon XD


Yeah I always love it when I get a theater to myself I hope you guys enjoyed the movie!