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IF YOU DID NOT WIN, DON'T WORRY, WE WILL BE ANNOUNCING AUGUST'S GIVEAWAY OFFICIALLY ON AUG 3RD!!! THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL!!! BIG THANK YOU to Saint Eric on this awesome Perseus prize AND Tripal of Predator mounts for literally turning down the win because he's a sponsor of the channel and giving someone else a chance to win! EVEN THOUGH Trip actually supports the channel as a member. That's HUGE. ON TOP OF THAT... Trip then offers up a $50 Gift Card and I offer up some MERCH!

3 BIG WINNERS TONIGHT!!!! What a fun time and PePe hijacks the Banana Fountain Wheel and replaces it with ... the wheel of thunder?! lol Congrats to our winners... I am in the process of getting with you all on Discord, Patreon, or YouTube. You should be seeing DM's/Msg's soon!!!



Thank you DG


Of course man. We couldn't have done this without all the amazing and charitable members of this most amazing Community! Can't wait for the next one! These are so fun for me to do lol.


WOOOO I won?! That's awesome !!! Trip is the Goat !!!! I was looking the video and saying to myself that i would never be this close to a perseus (lmfao), and then....


anyway! huge thanks!! i'm very hapy! I'll show this to my org mates! maybe they'll suscribe, who knows?!