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Scarlett sat beside Dean Godwin on the bench, her eyes fixed on the Loci at the center of the garden. “I appreciate your patience, allowing me to conclude my affairs before greeting you,” she said.

“Disturbing a noble lady in her private matters is something I try to avoid whenever possible. The tales of my impropriety are often overstated. Besides, I did not mind the opportunity to observe the progress of your protective spirit while I waited,” the man replied. Though his words were light, his tone carried a noticeable gravity to it.

Scarlett turned to look at the old wizard. “You are here to inquire about the incident in Bridgespell, I presume.”

“Quite right, Baroness.” He nodded. “I’ve been away from the empire on other ventures and only learned about the events recently upon my return. There’s concern among various influential groups about the emergence of one of the six Vile’s citadels in our lands.” His expression grave, he held Scarlett’s gaze. “It would appear to me as if the continent were on the brink of experiencing another Desolation Calamity during my absence.”

Scarlett did not shy away from his gaze, maintaining a calm expression. As always, she had to be careful about what she said around this man, since he could detect lies.

“Things might have seemed dire, but I assure you, such worries are unfounded.”

The man scrutinized her closely, forehead slightly creased as he likely tried to determine the truth of her words. With one hand, he stroked his neat white beard, then turned to admire the vibrant garden before them. “One troubling characteristic of yours, Baroness, is that you always make me doubt my ring’s efficacy whenever I speak with you. You consistently appear so convinced of your own words, even when what you say is incredibly bold and far-fetched.”

Scarlett’s gaze moved to his gloved hand, where he was likely wearing the truth-telling artifact Fynn’s tribe had gifted him.

“… I would be a fool to attempt lying to you, knowing what I do,” she said.

“A fool to lie, certainly, but I do not think you are incapable of finding ways to bend the facts to your advantage,” he replied. “Truth has always been a fickle thing, even to someone like me who can discern it in others.”

Scarlett chose not to comment on that.

There was a brief period of silence as Godwin’s expression turned reflective. “I’ve already looked into Bridgespell. Elystead Tower, along with other mage towers and the Ustrum Assembly, has worked to secure the area around the citadel and is currently lending our aid in exploring the situation. Our current findings suggest any immediate threat has passed, thankfully. My contacts experienced with demons confirm that, while the Blazes are in turmoil, all the Viles appear to remain in their respective domains.”

Scarlett raised a brow. Anguish had left her domain though, and was now sealed inside Rosa.

Perhaps news of this hadn’t widely spread since Malachi had stolen the Vile’s authority and returned to the Blaze of Anguish? It was possible that the woman’s presence there was being misinterpreted as Anguish’s.

Godwin went on. “While it does appear as if no Vile has successfully entrenched itself in our realm, it’s evident that there was an attempt to. The lingering citadel speaks of as much, but there is much confusion as to why it persists when there is seemingly no connection to the Blazes to sustain its presence.

“Perhaps unsurprisingly, there are many such questions that remain unanswered regarding this scenario. The emperor has decreed a thorough investigation, involving the Shields Guild, the Followers of Ittar, and other concerned parties,” the man said, turning back to Scarlett. “I know only one way a Vile might manifest here, and it happens to involve someone who often keeps you company.”

Scarlett looked at him. “Speak plainly.”

“I have heard about your involvement in the happenings with the citadel, Baroness Hartford. If I may be so bold as to ask, was Miss Hale also involved in those?”


Godwin seemed to ponder her reply. “…I recall you promising that no Vile would touch your incarnate when we first discussed this matter.”

“To be more specific, what I promised was that I would prevent the situation from escalating out of my control. As you yourself stated, the immediate danger surrounding the citadel has already passed, so it should be clear that I kept my word.”

“You have an unusual definition of ‘control’,” he said, studying her for a few moments longer. “…Yet, given that you remain both sane and breathing, there may indeed be some merit to your words. However, I must still ask: did you strike a deal with the Vile?”

“During the events in Bridgespell, you mean?”

Godwin’s gaze narrowed somewhat. “I mean during or apart from those events.”

Scarlett suppressed the slight desire to click her tongue. No worming herself out of that question, then. “I did not strike any sort of deal with the Vile during the Bridgespell events that would compromise my standing as a noble or a citizen of the empire, no. That said…prior to that, I did enter into a pact of non-interference with the Vile to ensure Miss Hale’s safety. This pact, however, became void once the citadel emerged.”

Surprise briefly flickered in the wizard’s eyes. “A Vile agreed to a non-interference pact with a mortal?”

“She had little choice in the matter,” Scarlett stated matter-of-factly.

“And how did you manage that?”

“I leveraged her reliance on a covert agent within the empire’s nobility, threatening to expose them. She acquiesced to my demands at the time, underestimating the threat I posed. In hindsight, she likely came to regret that decision.”

Godwin’s expression grew contemplative once more. “I did attempt to inquire into the specifics of what happened within the citadel, but there was regrettably little for me to learn. Are you suggesting that you were responsible for thwarting the Vile’s attempt to manifest?”

Scarlett nodded. “I was, yes.”

There was no point in lying about that to this man.

“And the noble who served as the Vile’s pawn? Who are they?”

“That information, I am afraid, is not something I can share. Rest assured, they will face justice through the proper channels in due time.”

“I see…” Godwin nodded, falling silent for a moment. “Which Vile was it that attempted to manifest?” he eventually asked.

“Anguish,” Scarlett replied.

“Anguish, you say? I have heard that she is a devious one.”

“She is, but she is arrogant as well. That was her undoing.”

“You speak as if you vanquished the Vile.”

“What I did was not far off from that.”

“Truly?” Interest sparked in Godwin’s eyes, replacing some of the previous solemnity. “Please, enlighten me what you mean by that. How exactly did you confront a demon of such caliber?”

Scarlett considered him for a bit. “If I were to divulge that to you, I need your assurance that it remains confidential between the two of us.”

He raised both eyebrows. “Let me remind you, Baroness, that the empire has mandated an inquest into the cause of the events in Bridgespell.”

“That may be, but I doubt it would deter you,” Scarlett said. “What I know about forthcoming events is far more crucial for the empire than understanding my full role in past incidents. Moreover, while a Vile may have tried to manifest through my retainer in an attempt to lay waste to our realm, I dealt with the matter in a way that ensured no civilians were harmed.”

“From what I have heard, an entire village vanished,” Godwin pointed out.

“Crowcairn, yes. That village served as an enclave for the Tribe of Sin, something you were probably already aware of, despite Duke Valentino’s efforts to conceal it. They were implicated in the events leading to the citadel’s appearance.”

Judging from the wizard’s expression, he was, in fact, aware of as much.

“If you can give me your word that you will not share what you hear here with anyone, then I can reveal how I subdued the Vile. In return, however, I expect that you listen to one of my requests in the future.”

Godwin remained silent for a while, as if he was indeed considering it.

Scarlett suspected he had already mostly made his decision before even arriving here, honestly. His independent investigation before visiting her and his willingness to listen indicated his interest in working with her. If she were to guess, he just needed to confirm she wasn’t some demonic worshipper in disguise, and he should already know that she wasn’t a Cabal spy.

She also reckoned that, even if her involvement in the citadel affair was made public by him, she could leverage her noble status and the connections she’d made to stall out any consequences for a while. The actual evidence against her was scarce, and she could get people like Raimond to testify on her behalf if necessary.

“I am sure that you see the value of our continued collaboration,” she said after the man hadn’t replied for a while.

Godwin gave her a slight, knowing smile. “I believe you have already seen me through, then. What I did not mention earlier was that Elystead tower has not officially joined the investigation into the citadel event’s origins. In essence, I hold no direct obligation to immediately report any related findings I might stumble upon.”

“So, do I have your word of discretion?” Scarlett asked.

“You do. A gentleman’s word is his bond,” the older man replied.


Scarlett went on to give Godwin a summarized account of her relationship with Anguish and what had happened in Bridgespell, carefully filtering the details to reveal only what she deemed necessary.

Godwin did ask some questions, in particular regarding Scarlett’s plan to free Rosa from Anguish’s influence and her collaboration with Malachi, but she was careful with her answers. He probably sensed that she was holding back, but it would be hard for him to force any more out of her.

When Scarlett neared the end of her explanation and revealed that she had used Anguish’s real name to weaken the Vile so that they could seal her properly, Godwin displayed a rare expression of pure astonishment.

“You discovered the true name of a Vile?!” he asked, eyes slightly widened.

Seeing that reaction amused Scarlett a bit. “I did, yes.”

“How? For centuries, scholars have debated whether the Viles even possessed true names since there has been no historical evidence suggesting it.” He paused. “Was this another aspect that your precognitive talents revealed to you?”

“Indeed, it was.”

“Hmm.” Godwin thoughtfully stroked his beard. “If even such insights are revealed to you, it would certainly explain your confidence. I continue to be astounded by that ability of yours, Baroness Hartford. It is regrettable that I have yet to make any progress in deciphering how it works since our last meeting. Pray tell, has your foresight revealed the names of the other Viles?”

“It has not,” Scarlett replied. “My visions mostly pertain to significant events that will occur in the near future. Anguish’s manifestation was among these, which is why I learned her true name, but the same does not go for the other Viles.”

“A shame, that, but I suppose it should also be considered a blessing. Our empire already faces ample challenges without adding another Vile’s intrusion into the equation. However, you mentioned that, with Anguish’s name, you and this ‘Malachi’ were able to subdue the demon. Considering your foresight seems linked to the very same fate which you have displayed the ability to alter, it appears unlikely that you can foresee a future that you yourself helped shape. Can you then be certain Malachi won’t become a threat comparable to Anguish, now that she possesses a fragment of the Vile’s power?”

“Malachi’s intentions were never to dominate our realm, unlike the Viles,” Scarlett said. “Even if she sought to emulate Anguish’s actions, her comparative lack of power would almost certainly hinder any such ambitions for a long time. I do not believe we need to worry about her becoming a threat.”

“Perhaps you are right. And perhaps any alternative ruling the Blazes is preferable to a Vile,” the man replied. “Now, returning to the matter of Anguish, I am curious about the details of her current state.”

“What more is there to elaborate on?” Scarlett asked.

“Much, I dare say.” Godwin let out a disbelieving sigh. “The notion that you managed to confine a Vile, an entity predating most known civilizations, within a human is still hard to accept.”

“Considering a Vile can possess an incarnate to achieve physical form in the Material Realm, I do not see why it should be surprising that they can also be contained within an incarnate.”

The wizard raised a finger. “But therein lies the mistake of applying standard logic to entities beyond typical understanding. Never have I even heard the suggestion that such a containment should be possible.”

“Nevertheless, it was successful.”

“So you claim.” The man fell silent. “…I would like to see Miss Hale, if possible.”

Scarlett’s eyes narrowed. “I am afraid that I cannot allow that.”

“I ask that you reconsider. The presence of a Vile’s essence within a living person, in a controlled state, is an unprecedented phenomenon. I must see this myself, both as a wizard and to ensure she poses no danger to herself or others. I am particularly interested in this ‘Heartstone’ used in the sealing process.”

“What insights do you expect to gain?” Scarlett questioned. “You yourself have admitted your limited expertise in matters related to demons, and I refuse to have my people treated as mere subjects for experimentation.”

“A respectable stance,” the man replied, “but I believe I could help Miss Hale understand and control her newfound abilities. It would be in both our interests to ensure Anguish cannot make a resurgence.”

“I am confident Miss Hale can master her new abilities without outside help.”

“Perhaps, but can you be absolutely certain that it would not be better for her if she did have my assistance?” Godwin waved his hand, and a small, intricately crafted amulet appeared.

[Whispering Amulet of Thainnith (Unique)]
{An ancient power resonates within, whispering words of a realm untouched and sealed. When that which cowered trembles, these whispers relate its stirring with watchful eyes}

Scarlett recognized it as the Zuverian artifact the man had shown her when he last visited.

The man presented the amulet to her. “You mentioned that the Heartstone was created from an Astral Soulstone. That is a near-legendary Zuverian artifact. Like this amulet here, such artifacts are inordinately complex. My expertise in artifice and experience with Zuverian relics might uncover aspects you or Miss Hale overlooked.”

Scarlett frowned, considering his proposition.

“I assure you that I will approach the matter with the appropriate discretion and consider your position as I do,” the man continued. “I have already faced some stern reprimands from Adalicia, and, in extension, my own daughter, after they learned of our previous encounter. Do not worry, however; I will try not to hold sharing that with her against you.”

Scarlett stared at him. It was true that she had maintained some correspondence with Adalicia Mendenhall occasionally, and in those, she had vaguely mentioned her somewhat rough first encounter with Godwin, but she hadn’t expected Adalicia to confront him directly about it. And the woman had even shared it with the man’s daughter, it seemed.

That was an amusing thought.

After thinking it over for a few seconds more, Scarlett eventually nodded her head. “Very well. I will permit a meeting with Miss Hale, provided that she consents.”

Godwin smiled. “Excellent. Then, let us not tarry. My time is somewhat limited.”



I look forward to seeing where all the characters end up power-wise. Seems like there's a lot of upward mobility still to come


“A fool to lie, certainly, but I do not think you are incapable of finding ways to bend the facts to your advantage,” - what was that Patrick Rothfus quote? "You have to be a bit of a liar to tell a story the right way. Too much truth confuses the facts." both are saying that the "Truth" and "Fact" are interpreted through our own individual biases. As much as we try to be impartial we never will be and a tool that can tell you if someone "believes" that they are telling the "Truth" or "Fact" independent of context will always be subject to question and leave a loop-hole wide enough to drive an 18 wheeler through. It's the same for Polygraphs.


I’d say the first quote has more in common with fictional races/languages that can’t tell lies like the elves from Eragon, where they say things that aren’t technically a lie but don’t tell the full story. Eg “the man attacked me”, and “the man attacked me because I punched him and kicked his dog”, both equally true. The Rothfuss quote is more just general advice on good storytelling.


"Catching the Elderly"... poor Godwin, being treated like a nosy grandpa.