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Howdy. Got some decently big (and hopefully exciting) news to share with all you wonderful folk who find my story entertaining enough to support it here on Patreon.

First things first, I am glad to announce that I'll be increasing the number of chapters available to you patrons from now on. I've wanted to give you more than what you currently get for a while now, but I'm far from the fastest writers and getting even a small backlog usually takes me months with everything else I've got going on. But finally I'm in a position where I can make something happen. Starting sometime next week, the Expert-tier patrons will get 10+ more chapters ahead of the RR release, and the other tiers will also be getting access to more chapters. And who knows, that number might grow even more in the future as I find time to write some extra chapters here and there.

Secondly, I need to mention that there will also be a slight increase in the highest tier's price. Partly because of some updates in how Patreon converts currencies for creators (their system is a bit strange), and partly to simply align my price more with what has essentially become the standard for Royalroad fics. The expert tier will go from 9.5 USD to 10 USD. This change might not even be visible to you, depending on which currency you're using.

I am still in the process of editing the last of the chapters in my current backlog, but once that is finished I will be implementing this new change. Most likely, that will be in conjunction with the next chapter release.


Will be adding more chapters to each patreon tier, but will also be slightly increasing prices. Old patrons and their current tiers will be grandfathered. Change will likely be implemented after the next chapter release. New tier prices and chapter benefits detailed below.

Expert tier:
Old version: $9.5 for 10 chapters
New version: $10 for 20+ chapters

Adept tier:
Old version: $5 for 5 chapters
New version: $5 for 10+ chapters

Apprentice tier:
Old version: $3.5 for 3 chapters  
New version: $3.5 for 5+ chapters


David C

Will you keep making pdf and epub of each chapters? It make it so easy to read on phone thus you are one of my favorite author as far a QoL goes.


Im see : "The minimum price for this tier is 95.00 SEK " its normal?


When you're looking at the [Expert]-tier membership, you mean? Assuming your settings are set to show you the currency in SEK, and you're wondering about the "minimum price" thing, I believe it might be referring to the fact you can set a custom amount above the normal price if you so wish. If your own currency ISN'T SEK, and you're confused why it's showing the price in that currency, I imagine that it is either due to a bug on Patreon's end (there have been several such issues before) or you have some setting on your Patreon that shows you prices in the creator's currency instead of your own.