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I'm very excited to share the latest instalment in the Home Alone series, commissioned by my amazing Suited God patron, Maru. 

When Clover and Ace's stepdad comes to visit, things take an unexpected turn for Milo! 

I hope you guys enjoy this latest chapter and if you do, please give it a heart or comment below. 

After the incident at the doctor’s office, Ace and Clover had dragged Milo out to the parking lot, both of them going out of their way to slap and grope his exposed ass as much as possible. They’d both considered Milo’s doctor setup to be hilarious and genius but had suggested that maybe he could let them do one on one next time rather than cumming together.

Milo had been so mortified that he’d not only been caught, but had been exposed as well, that he barely saw the two frat brothers for the next couple of weeks. He spent most of time jerking off so much that he was fairly certain he was reliving his teenage years. He hid away in his house doing his utmost to avoid Clover and Ace, who both confused, humiliated, and exhilarated him.

But the following week, on a Friday afternoon, he could no longer stay away from them.

Milo had just finished up with work for the week when he heard some commotion outside. He assumed it was just Ace and Clover, or maybe some of their frat brothers, but when he headed upstairs to peak out of the window, he was surprised to see Ace and Clover with an older guy.

The older guy was in his late thirties or early forties by Milo’s assessment. He was the same height to Ace, but his body was a little leaner, although just as muscular. He had a handsome face that was currently grinning as he pulled Ace into a head lock.

Ace was laughing as the guy put a foot behind his leg and pushed him backwards. The guy dived on top of Ace and pinned him to the ground, whilst Clover looked on with a grin.

There was something incredibly erotic about watching this guy so easily pin Ace down, and Milo felt his dick twitch in his pants. But before he could do anything about it, he suddenly locked eyes with Clover. Clover’s face lit up in a smile and he waved. Milo weakly waved back, his cheeks heating, before Clover beckoned him over.

“Fuck,” Milo groaned as he realised he didn’t have any choice other than to go down and say hello.

Milo looked down at the tent in his jeans and repositioned his dick so that it was held down by the waistband, before adjusting his sweater and heading downstairs.

As Milo walked across his drive, Ace was laughing hard as the older guy tickled him mercilessly. Ace’s shirt had ridden up, so his furry belly was on show and Milo felt his dick throb against his stomach as he stared open-mouthed at the sight before him.

“Hey Milo, come and meet our stepdad,” Clover said, immediately noticing where Milo was staring.

The stepdad gave Ace’s belly a slap before he jumped to his feet.

“Ah, so you’re the neighbour my boys have been terrorising,” he said as he came over and offered his hand. “I’m Jack.”

“Milo,” he said as he shook Jack’s hand, the grip firm.

“I hear these two have been giving you some trouble,” Jack said as he nodded in the direction of Clover as helped Ace to his feet.

“Trouble? Uh, not really. They’re great kids.”

Jack laughed. “I’m their stepdad and I’m only thirty-eight. They tell me everything, including their antics with their hot daddy neighbour.”

Milo spluttered as he tried to find something to say to such an inappropriate comment, but the other three just laughed.

“How about you and I grab a beer whilst these two go and get some studying done for a change?”

Despite being utterly uncomfortable with the current situation, Milo couldn’t find a reason to say no, so after a quick goodbye to Clover and Ace, Milo was shepherded back to his house by Jack.

“How long have you been their stepdad?” Milo asked as he pulled two beers from the fridge.

Jack leaned against the encounter and crossed his arms, his thick biceps bulging against the sleeves of his t-shirt. “Since they were seventeen. I was really lucky that they liked me so much, or it could have made life very difficult. But it’s like having two kid brothers, rather than having kids.”

“And they, uh, tell you about everything?”

Jack laughed. “Yep, and they’ve told me all about their antics with you. I was impressed with your doctor’s office prank, but it sounds like it backfired on you somewhat.”

Milo blushed as he remembered his pants ripping and his ass being exposed, not to mention Ace and Clover groping him as they manhandled him out to the parking lot.

“Yeah, I guess it did.”

“The incident at the pool party sounded like it was fun though,” Jack said, wagging his eyebrows.

Milo nearly choked on his beer and shook his head. “No, that was all just an embarrassing mistake. No harm done though. Shall we go and sit on the deck?”

Despite Jack’s obvious ease with the whole situation, Milo felt anything but and did his best to keep the subject on lighter topics as they moved from one beer to two, and then three and four.

It turned out that Jack was an army veteran and had met Ace and Clover’s mom when he’d first got home. Jack was bi and she’d been completely relaxed about it, and before long, they were living together whilst Clover and Ace finished high school. Ace and Clover had both been adopted by their mom when they were babies.

Jack told Milo about how he’d created a relationship with his new stepsons by being their big brother, constantly pranking them and messing around. They hadn’t really needed a dad, so he’d found what worked for them. Just after Ace and Clover started college, their mom had left and moved to Columbia, but Jack had kept his relationship with the two boys.

By the time they opened their fifth beers, Milo was feeling far more relaxed and told Jack about his own kids, and how different it was now that they were both at college and he had so much time to himself.

“Must be great to be able to jerk off whenever and wherever you want though,” Jack said with a knowing smile.

Milo laughed. “It’s like being a horny teenager again.”

Jack nodded. “I know all about those.”

Taking a swig of his beer, Milo decided that now would be the perfect opportunity to find out more about Clover and Ace, but he didn’t want to seem too keen.

“I guess you must do with Clover and Ace. I imagine they were both very horny teenagers.”

Jack grinned. “Very horny and very happy to talk about it. Clover was always more open about how much he jerked off, whilst Ace would do it everywhere and anywhere, and not give a fuck who knew about it.”

That sounded completely right to Milo. Knowing how easy-going Clover was and how indifferent Ace was to what people thought.

“I can imagine that, particularly with Ace,” Milo said, imagining Ace with his cock in his hand.

“I bet you can,” Jack laughed. “So, Ace is the one you fancy?”

“Nah, I fancy both,” Milo said, before immediately clapping his hands over his mouth. “I didn’t mean . . . I don’t . . .”

“Relax, Milo,” Jack said calmly. “They’re both great looking guys, and they’re twenty years old. There’s nothing wrong with fancying them.”

“Even so, you’re their stepdad and it was inappropriate, I shouldn’t have . . .”

“Milo, I know you wanted to watch them get off at the doctor’s office. They told me the story. You’re into them. It’s cool.”

Unsure what to say or do, Milo just downed the last of his beer before heading back to the kitchen to retrieve another. The truth was that he was desperate to see Ace and Clover jerk off. He thought about it daily, and he’d blown more loads thinking about the two of them than he’d ever done thinking about anyone else.

“What if there was a way that you could get what you want?” Jack asked as he joined Milo in the kitchen.

“What do you mean?” Milo said, conscious that his dick was at half-mast again.

“Clover and Ace are sharing a room whilst I’m staying. I owe them a decent prank, so what if we were to slip them some Viagra and rig a webcam in their room so you could watch?”

“That’s crazy! You wouldn’t do that . . . that would be . . .”

Jack closed the distance between the two of them and placed his hand on Milo’s bulge. “We absolutely could do that, and I reckon it would be seriously hot to watch how horny you get enjoying them putting on a show.”

Milo’s dick throbbed against Jack’s palm. “I . . . I’m not sure . . .”

“Tomorrow night, I’ll come over for another beer, and when I do, I’ll have a little treat for you. In the meantime, you can keep your hands off of this.”

Jack squeezed Milo’s cock so hard that he squeaked.

‘You mean . . .”

“No jerking off, Milo. Keep your hands off. I want to see just how worked up you are tomorrow. Catch you then.”

Milo’s mouth hung open in shock as Jack gave his cock another squeeze and then walked out. Surely, he wouldn’t actually setup a webcam or slip Clover and Ace Viagra? There was no way he’d do that to them.

But what if he did? What if Milo would finally get the chance to see Clover and Ace stroking their meat?

Milo’s cock throbbed inside his jeans. He immediately unbuttoned them and pushed them down his thick thighs to his knees, before freeing his cock from his boxers. He wrapped his hand around it, but immediately stopped himself from going any further.

“No jerking off, Milo.”

That’s what Jack had said. Jack, the incredibly handsome army veteran who was openly bi and wanted to see Milo worked up and horny over his stepsons.

Whatever happened tomorrow, Milo knew he was in for quite the night.

It was just gone 7pm when someone knocked at the door. Milo had gone to an unusual amount of effort to get ready for the evening and was wearing a white shirt that was on the snug side, along with a pair of dark jeans that hugged his thighs and ass.

“Evening Milo,” Jack said with a warm smile as Milo opened the door.

Jack was wearing another tight t-shirt that highlighted his thick muscular build, along with a pair of khaki shorts that clung to his thick thighs.

“Come on in,” Milo said in a breathless voice as he stepped back to let Jack pass.

“I hope you’re ready for a fun show,” Jack said with a chuckle as they headed into the kitchen.

Milo grabbed them both beers, trying not to appear too excited or intrigued. “What sort of show?”

Jack pulled his phone from his pocket and tapped on the screen, before turning it around to show Milo. The screen displayed an image of a bedroom where Ace and Clover were sat on a tiny sofa playing video games.

“I may have slipped them a little something in their sodas before I headed over. We probably have thirty minutes or so before things start heating up.”

Milo’s jaw dropped. “You actually gave them Viagra?”

Jack laughed. “Damn right I did, and I can’t wait to see what effect that show has on you.”

There was something so teasing and playful in Jack’s tone that Milo felt a little more relaxed. Milo wasn’t used to having a guy’s attention on him, but there was something about the way Jack looked at him that made him feel attractive.

The two of them headed to the lounge and Jack mirrored his phone screen on the television. They drank their beers as they watched Ace and Clover on the PlayStation, completely oblivious to the fact they were being watched, or indeed that they had an erectile stimulant racing through their bodies.

“Have you ever used Viagra?” Milo asked Jack as he watched Ace scratching his thigh.

“A couple of times. I don’t need it, but it can add a nice rush every now and then. Sure makes your dick hard as steel though.”

Milo couldn’t help himself glancing down at the bulge in Jack’s shorts and wondering just what Jack’s dick would look like hard as steel.

“Wondering what it looks like?” Jack asked with a wicked grin.

Milo blushed, completely busted. “Maybe.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll get to see later.”

Despite his excitement at seeing what Ace and Clover might do, Milo couldn’t deny that he wanted to see Jack naked too.

By the time they started their second beers, Ace switched off the PlayStation.

“It feels really hot in here,” he said, stripping off his shirt and showing off his furry muscular body with his soft gut.

“Looks like your show is about to start,” Jack said with a grin, turning his chair so that he was facing Milo rather than the television.

“Yeah, I feel hot too,” Clover said, looking somewhat confused as he opened the window.

“Do you fancy going to the grocery store for me?” Ace asked as he adjusted himself inside his sweats.

Clover raised an eyebrow. “No way! Why should I go to the grocery store?”

“Come on man, I need some privacy.”

Ace grabbed his bulge to provide an explanation as to why and Clover laughed.

“Since when do you ever want privacy? Just jerk off if you’re horny.”

“I’m not just horny dude. I’m hard as a fucking rock.”

Clover blushed a little as he looked down at the tent in his own pants. “That actually makes two of us, which is weird as I jerked off an hour ago in the shower.”

Ace looked contemplative for a moment. “How about we just jerk off and get some release?”

Milo’s dick was throbbing inside his tight jeans as he listened to Clover and Ace and watched his greatest fantasy come to life.

“Come on Ace, we don’t really wanna cum in the same room again, do we?”

Ace shrugged. “We used to do it when we were teenagers. It’s just getting off.”

Milo was practically on the edge of his seat as he prayed that Clover would go through with it. Jack watched Milo closely, his own cock hard as he watched Milo’s bulge throb.

“Okay, fine, but I get to choose the porn.”

Ace laughed. “Dude, choose what you want. I just wanna bust a nut.”

Clover loaded up some porn on the television whilst Ace pushed down his sweats and boxers, his thick cock immediately in his palm as he got comfortable.

Some suited porn loaded up in the background and Clover dropped his jeans and pulled his cock free from his briefs as he perched on the arm of the sofa, keeping some distance from Ace.

“Oh fuck,” Milo moaned as he finally got to see both of them start to jerk off.

It was everything he imagined, and he barely noticed as he started to rub his own dick through his jeans.

“Maybe you should get a bit more comfortable?” Jack suggested, bringing Milo out of his trance.

Milo’s cheeks heated at how brazen he was being, but he couldn’t miss this opportunity and stood up to unbutton his jeans and push them to his knees. Jack eyed him hungrily as Milo’s cock flopped out of the fly of his boxer shorts and Milo took it in his hand.

Meanwhile, Ace and Clover were both jerking off. Clover’s eyes were fixed on the television, his hand sliding slowly up and down his shaft, whilst Ace had his head back and his eyes closed, one hand flying along his dick whilst the other played with his nipples.

“Which one are you enjoying watching the most?” Jack asked quietly, as Milo jerked his dick.

“They’re both so hot,” Milo moaned as he twisted his fist around the head of his dick.

Clover had started to speed up and Ace was practically panting as his hand flew up and down his shaft, his free hand tweaking his nipples so hard that Milo wondered how much it hurt.

“Looks like you’re getting close,” Jack said to Milo as he noticed the amount of precum leaking over Milo’s hand.

Milo just groaned as he watched Ace start to piston his hips, his dick sliding in and out of his fist.

Clover was breathing heavily, and his back muscles were tensed when suddenly he threw his head back and yelled “fuck” before shooting his load all over his t-shirt.

Hearing Clover cum seemed to spur Ace on who’s thighs tensed as he used both hands on his girthy cock. Milo practically drooled as Ace got faster and faster, his breathing erratic and little moans escaping him.

“Oh fuck, please cum, Ace,” Milo whispered as his own balls started to tighten.

“You wanna see Ace blow his load, don’t you?” Jack said with a grin. “Wanna see him covered in his cum?”

Milo knew he was on the edge and wanted to hold out for Ace, but before he could worry about whether he’d be able to hold off or not, Ace growled, and his entire body tensed up before his cock shot rope and rope of cum over his furry chest and stomach.

“Fuck yes,” Milo yelled, finally letting go as his body was rocked by one of the best orgasms he’d ever had. His thighs, balls, stomach, and chest were dripping in cum as he milked every last drop from his dick.

Unbeknown to Milo, Jack was taking full advantage of the view in front of him and was blowing his own load inside his shorts, moaning softly as he took in the sight of Milo drenched in his own cum.

Clover and Ace had left the room to clean up and Jack turned off the screen just as they returned, and Ace said something about “giving him what he wanted”.

As Milo came down from the best orgasmic high of his life, he realised what he’d done. He’d just jerked off watching a hidden camera of his two college age neighbours whilst their stepdad had watched him.

“Let me get us another beer,” Jack said, but as he stood up Milo noticed the wet sticky patch that had bloomed across one side of Jack’s shorts.

“Wait, did you?”

“Fuck yes I did,” Jack said with a grin. “Hopefully not the last time with you either.”

Milo gulped as he wondered what he’d got himself into.


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