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I’m excited to share the commission that I wrote for A G who won the Winter Giveaway competition!

I hope you all enjoy his brilliant request about a slim guy with a big bubble butt, and his first day working at a fancy boutique.

Seth Manson had been teased about his epic bubble butt since he was twelve years old. It was almost as if one day he’d woken up and his cheeks had ballooned in his sleep. From the front, he was a handsome twink with a swimmer’s body, but when he turned around? He had a juicy, meaty ass that stuck out like a shelf.

Whilst he’d been at high school, Seth had constantly been taunted for the size of his butt. He struggled to find pants that fit, often finding that those that fit his ass were too big in the waist, and those that fit his waist barely covered his ample cheeks. Seth was always getting his ass slapped, his underwear wedgied between his cheeks, and so many lude comments that they constantly echoed around his head.

When Seth had finished college, he had been unsure what to do career wise, so to tide him over until he decided, he applied for a job at a clothing boutique in the city. It was an incredibly upmarket place where all of the staff were slim and pristine and beautiful.

The manager had been impressed with Seth’s college success and the work he’d done during the summers, so instantly offered him the job, telling him to arrive promptly at 8am the following day to get started.

Seth couldn’t believe his luck and spent the evening celebrating with friends.

The following day, Seth arrived at the store just before eight, and the manager, Julian, gave him a big grin as he welcomed him inside.

“I think you’ll do well here, Seth. Our boutique sells some of the most sought-after fashions in the city. We are the face of the boutique, and we are here to demonstrate the level of class that our clothes display to the world.”

“Yes, Sir,” Seth said, as he followed Julian out the back of the store to a breakroom that had lockers along one wall.

“Here is your locker key. You’re number seventeen. We ask that all jewellery, cell phones and other personal effects are kept in your locker during the working day.”

Seth nodded as he removed his watch and placed it in the locker with his cell phone and keys.

“Now, as for uniform,” Julian said, looking Seth up and down. “Our staff wear clothing from the store. We are here to model the clothing so that our customers can see how fabulous they are when they’re worn.”

“Yes, Sir,” Seth said, nodding obediently as Julian led him back out to the store.

“Typically, male members of staff wear clothing from our smarter selections so that we maintain a professional air with our customers. Now, head over to the fitting room, and I’ll bring you an outfit.”

Seth smiled at Julian and headed over to the fitting room, feeling slightly self-conscious as he became surrounded by mirrors. His huge butt immediately drew his attention in the multiple reflected angles, and he suddenly felt nervous that Julian wouldn’t be able to find him anything that properly fit.

The boutique tended to stock only minimal sizes on the slimmer side, and Seth’s butt was anything but minimal.

“Here we are,” Julian said, handing Seth a white shirt, a pair of navy suit pants, some grey socks, and a pair of brown brogues. “Pop those on and I’ll show you what you’ll be doing this morning.”

Seth nodded and closed the curtain before immediately inspecting the pants. As he suspected, they would just fit him in the waist, which meant he was going to struggle to get them over his butt.

However, he didn’t want to complain, or kick up a fuss, on his first day, so he stripped down to his underwear as quickly as he could.

Probably not the best day to wear these, he thought to himself as he pushed down his pants.

Seth had gotten dressed in a hurry and he’d thrown on his favourite pair of skimpy leopard print bikini briefs that barely covered his cheeks. They’d ride up for the entire day, but on the upside, there’d be minimal material to make his pants bulge further.

Seth pulled on the socks and then the shirt before wrestling the pants on. As he expected, they barely moved once he got them to his butt and it took a lot of jumping around to get them to finally cover him up. He had to leave the shirt untucked so that his crack wasn’t on show.

Seth bent down to put on the brogues and immediately stood back up as the tight pants seams groaned with the movement.

I’ll have to be careful, Seth thought as he gently sat down on the small bench and put the brogues on.

“Ah, you look perfect,” Julian said as Seth emerged from the fitting room. “Although, those pants are a little snug on the rear. However, they are the largest we do, so you’ll have to manage.”

“I will, Sir,” Seth said with a slight blush.

“For this morning, I’d like you to work in the backroom with our supervisor, Bailey. He’s been here for a couple of years and will be a good teacher.”

Julian opened the door to the backroom and Seth gulped at the sight of Bailey, a guy in his late twenties with a flawless smile and an incredibly chiselled body, his abs showing through the white shirt he was wearing.

“Bailey, this is our new guy, Seth. Can you put him to work in here this morning and I’ll get him out front this afternoon?”

Bailey smiled and said hello to Seth before giving him a 360 appraisal. “Those pants are a bold move for someone with a butt so . . . voluptuous.”

Seth blushed and felt himself starting to sweat a little at the scrutiny from his hot colleague.

“We had a delivery last night that needs sorting, so you’ll be carrying boxes from over by the door and stacking them over there by the racks.”

Seth nodded, desperate to please. “Sure, I can do that.”

Bailey smiled. “Get to it then.”

Seth looked at the pile of boxes and realised there were about forty of them in total. They didn’t appear to be particularly big or heavy, but he was concerned about having to bend down so much. He was so nervous of ripping his pants that he bent down incredibly slowly each time, which made his core muscles ache.

After fifteen minutes, Seth had a sheen of sweat on his forehead and he could feel the pants sticking to his thighs, not to mention the fact that his briefs were well and truly wedged between his cheeks like a thong.

“Can you speed up a bit, Seth? We have a lot to get done this morning,” Bailey said in a firm tone as he watched Seth slowly bend over again.

“Uh . . . yes, sure.”

Seth was desperate not to embarrass himself, but equally, he didn’t want to get in trouble for appearing to slack off, so he sped up.

Unfortunately, after another four boxes, his pants couldn’t take the strain any longer. Seth carried a box across the room and bent down to place it on the floor, when there was an almighty ripping sound and he felt the pants significantly loosen at the rear.

“Oh no,” he whimpered as he stood bolt upright, his hands flying to his epic bubble butt.

The pants had ripped straight through the waistband and down the rear seam. Seth’s huge cheeks were fully on display beneath the white shirt and with his briefs wedged between them, he was completely on show.

“I wondered how long that would take,” Bailey said, roaring with laughter. “That ass is enormous. And what the hell are you wearing?”

Seth gasped as Bailey grabbed the waistband of his leopard print bikini briefs and tugged them even higher up his crack, giving him a splitting wedgie that made him whimper and blush even further.

“Please stop,” Seth moaned as he felt the briefs tugging at the front, which was causing his cock to stir.

Bailey released the wedgie before giving Seth’s right cheek a massive slap.

“Woah, look at those cheeks jiggle. I think you can spend the day in here with me. We’re gonna have some fun.”

Seth blushed even more as he felt Bailey’s hands back on his ass. He wasn’t sure how he’d ended up in this situation, but his cock was now hard as a rock, and he wondered what the rest of the day had in store.



Thank you!!!


This should be a new series I wanna read part 2 😂