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Here's Ben's Christmas story - it takes place during his first year at college when he has first ever wardrobe malfunction. Give it some love if you enjoy! Merry Christmas!

Before Ben became a Camp Leader, he’d had an amazing first year at college. He’d loved the freedom and the independence from the second he’d arrived, not to mention the incredible buffets at this dorm. He was definitely enjoying life.

The first semester past in a blur and before he knew it, December had arrived.

“Ben, are you coming to my drinks party?”

Ben spun around to find his English literature professor, Michael Lane. Michael was in his early forties and was an amazing teacher that Ben had warmed to instantly.

“Drinks party, sir?”

“Yes, I’ve invited all of my students to a little festive drink’s celebration. The invite went via email so should be in your inbox. It’s tomorrow night and would be great to see you there.”

Ben smiled. “Thanks, sir. I’ll definitely come along.”

“Excellent. Just be sure to dress smart.”

Ben looked down at his current outfit of faded jeans and a hooded sweater that had a mayo stain on it from lunch. “Uh . . . absolutely.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow night then.”

Michael nodded in Ben’s direction before heading off down the corridor, leaving Ben to head to his next class.

The following day, Ben had slept in and then really hit the buffet at lunchtime. He was so full that he could barely walk as he made his way to his afternoon classes, but the thought of that evening’s drinks party kept him going.

When classes had finally ended, Ben raced back to his dorm to change for the party. He showered and realised that the freshman fifteen had definitely gotten him. Laying off the buffet would probably help, but he loved the food so much, and he wasn’t the only one overindulging. Granted, he hadn’t hit the gym since he’d started college and his stomach was definitely softer, but he was happy, so what did it matter.

When he returned to his room with a white towel wrapped around his waist, Ben threw open his closet to decide what to wear. He didn’t have a great deal of smart stuff to wear. He’d practically lived in jeans and sweats since he’d first arrived.

“Hmm maybe this shirt,” Ben said to himself as he pulled out a navy shirt that he’d worn a lot during his senior year of high school.

Ben grabbed a pair of tan slacks and his brown leather brogues that he’d brought along just in case he needed something smart and grabbed a pair of white briefs from the drawer.

The briefs were brand new and seemed to hug Ben’s bubble butt a lot more than his other undies did; not to mention that they dipped at the front and showed off his trimmed pubes.

Ben pulled on some socks and then the navy shirt, which he could button, but it was a little on the snug side.

“I guess I have gained a little weight,” he said as he turned left and right in front of the mirror.

Ben grabbed the slacks and pulled those on next, unsurprised that they were tighter on his thighs and ass than they had been last year. He wouldn’t need a belt to hold them up anymore, that was for sure.

Ben put on his brogues and laced them up before grabbing a Santa hat from a previous party and putting that on too.

“Nice and smart and festive,” he said to his reflection, despite eyes fixating on the slacks digging into his thighs.

The drinks party was being held at one of the lounges on campus and Ben was surprised to see so many people there when he opened the double doors and stepped inside.

People were stood chatting and drinking glasses of wine as Ben meandered through the crowd to find himself a drink.

“Ah, Ben, so glad you could make it,” Professor Michael Lane said as he clapped a hand on Ben’s shoulder.

“Thank you for the invite, sir. What a great turnout.”

Michael smiled. “Yes, my parties are usually well attended. Let’s get you a drink, Ben.”

Michael steered Ben through the crowd to a long bar where he was handed a glass of sparkling wine.

“Just the one given you’re a first year,” Michael said with a grin.

Ben toasted his glass with Michael’s and took a sip. He didn’t particularly like wine, but he felt rude turning it down.

“Now, you mingle and enjoy yourself.”

Ben watched his professor wander off into the crowd as he necked the rest of his wine and looked for something a little nicer to drink. He managed to find a beer, which he knew he wasn’t meant to have, before he caught up with some friends from his lit class.

After a couple of hours, Ben had had several beers and another few glasses of wine. He was well and truly drunk, as were most of his classmates.

“Are you having a fun evening?”

Ben spun around and came face to face with his professor. Despite usually being friendly, Michael looked less than impressed.

“Uh, yes . . . yes, sir!”

“How much have you had to drink, Ben? You do realise you’re underage.”

Ben blushed, suddenly feeling bad for taking advantage of his professor’s free booze. “I’m so . . . so sorry . . . Michael . . . Mr Professor Sir. I was just having such a . . . a good time.”

Michael was even less than amused at this. “I think you should head home, Ben.”

Before Ben could respond, Michael placed his hands on Ben’s shoulders and steered him towards the double doors.

As soon as the cold air hit him, Ben felt even more drunk.

“I suggest in future that you learn to control yourself at my events.”

Ben nodded profusely. “Yes Sir. Of course.”

As Ben nodded, his Santa hat came off and dropped onto the concrete. Not wanting to annoy his professor further, Ben turned around and bent down to retrieve it, but as his fingers touched the red velvet, there was a loud RRRRIIIPPPPPPP!

Confused, Ben stood up and looked behind him, wondering whether Michael had done something to him. But instead, Michael burst out laughing.

“Tightie whities are so typical for a first year.”

Ben cocked his head to the side, feeling even more confused. “How do you know what undies I’m wearing?”

Michael spun Ben around and suddenly Ben’s briefs were being wedged up between his cheeks making him howl. Michael then slapped Ben’s now bare cheeks through the rip in his pants and turned him back around.

“You’ve split your pants. I’d suggest laying off the buffet.”

“I split my . . . pants?”

“You certainly have.”

Ben felt the rip and his bare cheeks before trying to pull his undies free from his crack. “Please sir, have you got something for me to cover up with?”

Michael laughed. “Absolutely not. This can be your penance for your poor behaviour. In fact, . . .”

Michael walked behind Ben and there was another loud rip as Michael ripped Ben’s slacks even wider open.

“What the hell?”

“Enjoy your walk back to your dorm, Ben. Until Monday!”

Ben watched in shock as Michael walked back inside and it was only someone wolf-whistling behind him that forced Ben into action. He clasped his hands over his meaty butt and ran towards his dorm, vowing that he’d start dieting as soon as Christmas was over. He never wanted to be exposed like that again.

Little did he know . . .


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