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Merry Christmas my awesome Patrons! Here's the first of our two festive stories, and as voted for by you, this is the story about Ethan, our hunky Santa who gets stuck in a trapdoor! 

The festive Ben special will be posted tomorrow! 

Give the story some love if you enjoy it! 

Ever since he was a kid, Ethan had always loved Christmas. It was his favourite holiday and he got excited for it every year.

During his twenties and thirties, Ethan had dressed as Santa every year for his nieces and nephews, but on this particular year, just after his forty-first birthday, Ethan had a different audience in mind.

During Covid, Ethan had lost his job and had been struggling to make ends meet ever since. He’d managed to get a part-time job as a delivery driver, but he was making nowhere near as much money as he needed.

And now it was Christmas, his favourite time of year, and he desperately needed to make some extra cash so that he could spoil his family with presents.

So, he had decided to do something that he’d never imagined . . . he was going to steal!

Ethan had always been an honest guy, and in normal circumstances would never dream of stealing from anyone, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and he had a plan in mind.

When Ethan had been laid off during Covid, it had been entirely down to his money grabbing boss, a guy called Earl, who lived in a huge house in Ethan’s neighbourhood. Earl had often bragged about the amount of expensive furniture and valuables that he kept in his enormous property, not to mention the drunken night when he’d told Ethan about his stash of cash that he kept hidden in the roof space of his garage.

It was that stash of cash that Ethan was going to steal! His ex-boss owed him after all, and the miserable asshole never did anything for anyone, so what harm could it do?

Not wanting any of Earl’s neighbours to think he was up to anything suspicious on a cold December evening, Ethan decided to wear his faithful Santa costume. That way, if anyone saw him, they’d just think that Earl or someone he knew was entertaining or something . . . hopefully.

Ethan was nervous all day and by the time it got to 9pm, he was starting to wonder whether he should bail on his plan. But he needed that money! So, after a cold shower to snap himself out of his apathy, he grabbed his Santa suit.

Years of lifting at the gym meant that Ethan had a thick, toned, muscular body, so his Santa suit had a built-in beer belly to give him that special Santa jiggle. Although he wouldn’t need that for a Christmas heist, it was stitched in, so he had no choice.

Ethan pulled on socks and a skimpy red thong that he always wore under his Santa suit given that the pants were a little snug and he didn’t want bulky undies to show through. He then pulled on the pants which fit snuggly around his waist before he pulled on the stuffed Santa jacket and the signature hat. He finished the look with a pair of black loafers rather than the usual boots so that his footsteps would be quieter.

By the time Ethan arrived at Earl’s house, it was just after eleven. The street was quiet, and Earl’s house was in darkness. Ethan grabbed his sack and walked as quietly as he could over to the garage. There was a side door that Ethan quickly picked the lock on before he stepped inside and turned on his flashlight.

Ethan had assumed that there would be a ladder or something to get up to the roof space, but all he found was a small trapdoor that looked like a hatch in the roof. Moving as quietly as possible, Ethan found a short step ladder that he positioned underneath it, before tucking his sack into his pants pocket and climbing up.

The trapdoor opened easily, but there was no ladder or anything to get him up there. Thankfully, Ethan was more than capable of benching his own body weight so with a grunt he grabbed the edge of the small hatch and started to pull himself up.

Everything was going smoothly until Ethan tried to get his stuffed stomach through the space. It was just too big. Ethan pulled as hard as he could, but after a few minutes that left him panting and sweating, he was well and truly stuck.

“Fuck,” he whispered under his breath.

Ethan decided that if he let go, his body weight and gravity would make him fall back down, but despite the Santa jacket lifting up round his shoulders a little, and showing off his tanned flat stomach below, he was still completely trapped.

“What the hell do I do now?” Ethan wondered, suddenly panicked that he’d still be there the following day and would end up arrested and thrown in jail!

Before Ethan could contemplate what would happen to him, the entire garage was suddenly flooded with light.

“Well, well, well,” a voice said from below him. “It looks like Santa got wedged in my uncle’s hatch.”

Ethan wasn’t aware that Earl even had a nephew, but based on the voice, Ethan guessed he must be in his early twenties.

“Please can you help me,” Ethan said. “This was a prank gone wrong. Please help me out.”

“A prank gone wrong huh? Who are you pranking at this time of night? Maybe I should call the cops and they can sort this out?”

“No! Please! I’ll do anything! Just please get me down!”

“Anything? Now that could be dangerous.”

The guy chuckled as Ethan squirmed and kicked his legs.

“Okay, Santa, here’s the deal. I’m gonna have some fun down here and if you behave and don’t kick me, I’ll get you down and you can go on your way.”

“Uh, what kind of fun?”

“It’s either a yes or a no. Make it quick.”

Ethan took a deep breath. “Fine, do what you want, but please get me down.”

The guy agreed that he would as long as Ethan behaved, so Ethan clenched his fists and prayed that he’d be free soon and the guy wouldn’t do anything too bad to him.

“What the hell are you doing?” Ethan yelped as a phantom hand that he couldn’t see groped his ass.

“I said no kicking,” the guy yelled as he slapped Ethan’s legs.

Ethan hadn’t expected this guy to sexually harass him, but he could withstand some groping if it meant he escaped this stupid scenario.

As Ethan hung there, the guy below him traced warm fingertips over his exposed stomach, before groping his thighs and then his thick ass. Despite the situation, Ethan could feel his cock starting to thicken out, enjoying the attention his body was getting. It was so bizarre to be being felt up by someone he couldn’t see or escape from.

“Let’s make you a little more comfortable,” the guy said, sounding a little breathless.

Ethan figured out what was going to happen just as the guy removed his shoes and dropped them to the floor. Then there were hands on the waistband of his Santa pants, and he regretted that he’d worn the skimpy red thong.

“Who knew Santa was such a slut?” the guy laughed as he yanked off Ethan’s pants, exposing Ethan’s thick, muscular legs and his slightly furry bubble butt.

“It’s just part of the costume,” Ethan said, feeling embarrassed at being caught wearing a thong.

“Sure, it is,” the guy said as he ran his hands up the insides of Ethan’s legs.

Ethan couldn’t stop the moan that escaped his lips as the guy reached his inner thighs. Despite not wanting to encourage the guy, Ethan couldn’t stop himself from spreading his legs slightly as his cock reached its full seven inches and throbbed slightly in the tight confines of the thong.

“Santa seems to be enjoying the attention.”

Ethan couldn’t argue! He was suddenly desperate for this guy to play with his cock and to make him cum. He wanted to get off so badly. The entire scenario was crazy, but it was definitely doing it for Ethan.

It was at that moment that the guy ran his hand over the tented pouch of the thong and Ethan moaned loudly.

“Like that do you Santa?”

“Fuck,” Ethan moaned as the guy gripped his cock and started to slowly jerk him back and forth.

“I think Santa’s got a load in his sack for me,” the guy chuckled as he increased the strength of his grip.

“Fuck yeah I do,” Ethan said, his voice now breathless as he clenched his muscular butt with each stroke of his cock.

“Well, you’re not going to!”

The guy suddenly released his grip. “If you weren’t so high up, I’d fuck this ass raw. However, I’ll have to make do with what I’ve got.”

Ethan opened his mouth to protest, but he squealed as the waistband of his thong was suddenly yanked halfway up his back. He’d never been wedgied in life and suddenly, he was having his thong hoisted between his meaty cheeks.

“Looks like this flimsy thing might rip,” the guy said, completely uncaring about such a possibility.

“Please don’t,” Ethan begged, twisting wildly as the guy yanked harder on the waistband of his thong.

“Fuck,” Ethan whimpered as his cock sprung free from the pouch of the thong and slapped against his stomach. “Please stop.”

But the guy had no choice but to stop as there was a loud rip and the thong suddenly came free from his body.

The guy gave Ethan’s ass a hard slap before climbing halfway up the ladder. Ethan felt hands on his waist as the guy steadied himself, and then he heard the sound of a fly being undone.

“What are you doing?” Ethan asked as he clenched his butt cheeks.

“Leaving you a gift.”

The guy groped Ethan’s ass as the sound of a cock being jerked off filled the garage. In a matter of seconds, the guy moaned before Ethan felt something warm and wet splatter against his ass and thighs.

“Did you just cum over me?” Ethan yelled.

“Fuck yes I did,” the guy panted.

The guy descended the step ladder and zipped himself up, before giving Ethan’s ass a slap so hard that he yelped.

“I might want some more fun later, so I’m gonna leave you here and come back. Happy hanging Santa.”

Despite Ethan’s protests, the lights went out and the door closed, leaving Ethan hanging, naked from the waist down, his cock hard as a rock, not knowing if he’d escape from the hatch or be stuck there until morning. Would the guy come back? Would he get to cum?

And why had he ever thought this was a good idea?



Part II, now!