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For a very special photo story this week, we have a submission from the very sexy @Monkeyinahat1 on Twitter! He loves to get exposed so what better way to share his wardrobe malfunction than for me to tell his story.

Give the post a heart if you enjoy it and give him a follow on Twitter!

When Alvin got dressed that morning, he barely paid attention to what clothes he was throwing on. He was so hungover that he wasn't even sure what day it was. All he knew was that he had class and he couldn't be late again. 

His psych professor had threatened to fail him if he was late again, and even though he hadn't showered, and he probably stunk of beer, he was adamant that he wouldn't be late. 

By the time Alvin got across campus to the lecture hall, he was sweating out the alcohol and he was fairly certain that he was in fact dead. 

"Dude, what the fuck are you wearing?" 

Alvin turned around to find his buddy, Yan, staring at him with a very confused expression. Looking down, Alvin could understand the confusion. He'd thrown on a green hoodie, his old blue shorts that barely contained his epic butt and a pair of novelty socks with his sneaks. 

"I guess I got dressed in a hurry," Alvin admitted with a shrug. 

Yan laughed. "No kidding! At least you're here on time this week." 

Alvin breathed a sigh of relief at that knowledge, and followed Yan into the lecture hall where they took seats at the very back. Yes, Alvin was there, but that didn't mean he had to be awake. 

Professor Garrett kicked off the lecture in his usual monotone. For a guy that was so damn handsome in his mid-forties, Alvin couldn't understand how he managed to make everything sound so dull! 

So dull in fact that after the first five minutes, Alvin was dozing in his seat. A doze that turned into all out snoring in his hungover state. 

"Alvin Hampton!" 

Alvin suddenly sat bolt upright at someone shouting his name, but his shock was intensified by the sight of Professor Garrett standing in front of him. 

"Thank you so much for volunteering, Alvin." 

Alvin looked on with confusion as Professor Garrett descended the stairs to the front of the lecture hall. 

"Come along, Alvin. You were clearly so engrossed in my lecture that you volunteered to handout the new text books." 

Alvin looked at Yan, who intentionally avoided his stare, before standing up and slowly stumbling down the stairs. 

It was as Alvin reached the bottom of the stairs that he stepped forward on to a loose shoelace, and toppled over, slamming on to the floor on his hands and knees. The discomfort from the fall, however, was nothing compared to the gut wrenching sound that came from his shorts! 


The entire lecture hall erupted into laughter as Alvin's bright red briefs came into view through the massive ripped rear seam of his bright blue shorts. 

"Oh no!" Alvin gasped as his hands flew to his bubble butt! 

"Dude! Red undies! What the fuck?" 

"Nice briefs!" 

"That fat ass can't be contained!" 

Alvin blushed furiously as he scrambled to his feet and ran from the classroom. His face was beet red as the laughter followed him down the hallway, his shorts sagging open at the back as they continued to rip with each step. 

"Now what do I do?" 



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