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Cody had spent his entire life being insecure about his body. It had started in middle school when he'd been picked on for being so skinny. That had continued throughout high school, even during his senior year when he'd started hitting the gym. 

By the time Cody started college, he was far from the skinny high school nerd he'd been, but despite his muscular body, he was still incredibly insecure. 

During his first semester, Cody had signed up to join one of the frats that had a reputation for being accepting and treating everyone with respect. That was important to Cody. He wanted to feel accepted and he wanted to be able to make some friends and form a bond where there was no attempt to pick on his body. 

The frat had taken Cody in without hesitation; he was the perfect blend of smart and athletic, and he fit in straight away. 

Cody had moved into the frat house quite quickly thereafter and his first semester at college was the best time of his life. 

Granted, he didn't always feel entirely comfortable. A lot of the guys walked around in their underwear, whilst Cody was always fully dressed unless he was in the shower or getting changed. He hated anyone seeing him in any state of undress. Some of the guys commented on this, but he always laughed it off and said he was just shy. 

It was at the end of the first semester that Cody's ability to hide his body came to an end. 

The frat were hosting a huge party and a number of other fraternities and sororities attended. It was a super wild night, and completely out character, Cody allowed himself to knock back shots, join in beer pong, and get absolutely obliterated. 

The night was a complete blur when Cody woke up the following morning, and it took him a while to get his bearings. He looked around and realised he was in the middle of the kitchen . . . in the middle of the kitchen wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. And to make matters worse, he had a serious case of morning wood. His cock was pressed up against his button fly and he could see his meat through the small gaps in the material, desperately trying to get free. 

Terrified that someone might see him in his state of undress, Cody stumbled to his feet. He was shocked to see that he wasn't the only one passed out on the floor. There were several guys in the kitchen and many more in the adjoining lounge. 

Putting his hands over his throbbing cock, Cody suppressed a moan and turned to sneak back to his room and dress, but as he spun around, he knocked over a huge tub of sour cream that fell to the floor with a loud THUD!

A number of his frat brothers immediately jumped up from their sleeping spots and a murmur ran around the room as they realised that their shy frat brother was in just his boxer shorts. 

"Dude, pleased to see me much?" one of them chuckled, pointing at the obscene tent in Cody's boxers. 

Cody clapped his hands back over the front of his boxers. "Shit. I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go change and . . ." 

"Pick up the sour cream first. You don't want someone to trip on it." 

Cody nodded, his cheeks red from blushing, and turned around to pick up the tub, but as he quickly bent over at the waist, there was a loud rip as his snug boxer shorts gave up against the muscular mass of his meaty cheeks. 

Cody immediately jumped up and spun around, his hands flying to inspect the damage. When his fingers brushed against his pair ass cheeks, he blushed even more furiously. But his frat brothers who had now all wandered into the kitchen to watch the show laughed and pointed at his state of embarrassment.  

"Please, stop," Cody moaned as he tried desperately to pull the ripped material together. 

However, Cody wasn't aware of his own strength and as gave the ripped material a firm yank, the buttons on his fly popped off and his thick, girth cock burst free from his boxer shorts. 

His dick throbbed, the head glistening with pre-cum. 

Cody gasped at the sight of his exposed cock as his frat brothers howled with laughter. Cody knew what was going to happen as soon as the laughter started again. His balls retracted, and completely hands free, Cody began to shoot his load all over the kitchen floor. He panted and moaned through his orgasm as his frat brothers filmed and cheered. 

By the time Cody had finished, he was so mortified that he wanted to leave and never come back, but as he ran to escape the kitchen, one of his brothers grabbed the waistband of his torn boxers and ripped them completely off of his body. Cody yelped when another slapped his ass, and when he finally got to the safety of his room, he couldn't imagine ever being able to face them again!



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