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Create Your Own Adventure - Part 12

  • Oliver and Drake don't get spotted and make it to the car. 0
  • Oliver and Drake get caught by someone else from the office. 8
  • Oliver and Drake get caught by Miles and Alec 4
  • 2023-11-20
  • —2023-11-24
  • 12 votes
{'title': 'Create Your Own Adventure - Part 12', 'choices': [{'text': "Oliver and Drake don't get spotted and make it to the car. ", 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Oliver and Drake get caught by someone else from the office. ', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Oliver and Drake get caught by Miles and Alec', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 24, 23, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 20, 22, 18, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 12}


There was a very strong majority that wanted Drake and Oliver to sneak out using the service stairwell, and that's exactly what they do. 

Don't forget to vote below for what you'd like to see in Part 13, which will be the final instalment (for now) in Drake and Oliver's story! 

Drake let out a breath that he didn’t even realise he’d been holding.

When he’d come into the office that morning, he had not expected to end up butt naked in his office with a very naked Oliver Buckley. Nor had he expected to have given head to two guys from accounts.

Worst of all, he hadn’t expected to be stuck naked in his office with no clothes, and no easy way to escape from the office.

“I only have one idea, Oliver, and it’s going to be risky.”

Oliver frowned. “What have you got in mind?”

Drake checked the clock on the wall. “Most people will be back from lunch now. The service stairwell is just across the hall from my office. I say we make a run for it and take the service stairwell down to the parking lot. We can jump in my car and then pray that we can get to mine without being stopped or spotted.”

“That sounds like a lot of risk. Are you sure you haven’t got any other clothes here?”

Drake shook his head. “Bobby took the lot. We either stay here until everyone has left, which could be nine or ten tonight, or we risk it and make a run for it. It’s your choice.”

Oliver’s choice at that exact moment involved him on his back with his legs over Drake’s shoulders, but that could wait. They needed to get out of the office.

“I guess the service stairwell will work. I just hope we don’t get caught.”

Drake nodded. “You and me both. Right, let me check the coast is clear, and then we run.”

Oliver sighed as he grabbed his phone and keys from the tattered remnants of his pants. Drake did the same before heading over to the door.

As quietly as he could, Drake unlocked and opened his office door before sticking his head into the hallway.

Oliver was completely distracted by the sight of Drake’s meaty, slightly furry bubble butt.

“The coast is clear. Let’s go.”

Oliver followed Drake as he threw open the door and ran across the hall, throwing open the service stairwell door and diving inside.

Oliver slammed the door behind him and the two of them took a moment to collect themselves before they started down the many flights of stairs to get to the basement parking lot.

Drake led the way and Oliver couldn’t stop himself from perving on the muscles in Drake’s back, the cute dimples in Drake’s sexy ass or the way the muscles in Drake’s thigh thighs tensed as he moved.


“Umm . . . what?”

Drake stopped and turned around. “Are you okay?”

Oliver blushed. “Yeah, I was . . . distracted.”

Drake frowned and tilted his head slightly to the side. “Distracted by what?”

“Your . . . umm . . . I mean . . .”

Drake laughed. “Were you perving on my ass?”

Oliver blushed even more deeply. “It’s hard not to.”

Momentarily forgetting where they were, and why they were naked, Drake couldn’t resist stepping closer to Oliver and drawing their lips together. He ran his hands over Oliver’s shoulders and over his biceps as their tongues explored each other’s mouths.

By the time they pulled apart, both of them were hard again, and Drake was starting to question whether there was time for them to fuck in the stairwell before they got caught.

“I can’t wait to get you somewhere private,” Oliver murmured against Drake’s lips.

Drake growled in his throat. “Let’s rectify that now, shall we?”

Drake grabbed Oliver’s hand and led him down the last few flights to the basement.

Mercifully for the two naked guys, there was no one else in the stairwell and they made it to the basement without meeting a single person.

“Now we just have to get to the car,” Drake whispered. “Let me check to see if it’s clear.”

Drake pushed open the heavy-duty door that led to the parking lot and was relieved that his car was in sight, and there didn’t appear to be anyone around.

“I think we’re good,’ Drake said, his nerves somewhat frayed.

“Then let’s go,” Oliver whispered.

Drake pushed open the door and the two of them stepped into the parking lot, the door slamming shut behind them.

The car was so close, as was their imminent escape.

Drake grabbed Oliver’s hand once more and dragged him towards his Jaguar, but as they left the safety of the stairwell, a car engine revved to life.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Drake hissed as he and Oliver dropped to the ground, praying that they hadn’t been seen.

“We can’t catch a break,” Oliver sighed.



Another great chapter! I sure hope Oliver gets a little more exposed next ;)