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I'm very excited to say that Duncan and Matt are back! 

Two weeks have passed since Duncan's immature itching powder prank and the war appears to have reached a temporary stalemate . . . or has it? 

Let me know what you think in the comments or via message and if you enjoy this chapter, hit the heart button and give the post some love! 


It had been nearly two weeks since the rugby match and Duncan was going insane. He was plagued by the memory of the kiss with Matt in the corridor, not to mention the never-ending mental images of Matt stripping down in front of him, and his furry bubble butt bouncing down the hall.

Granted, Duncan was also on high alert, a constant state of hyper awareness, as he waited for Matt to get the revenge he’d promised. Every morning Duncan thoroughly checked every inch of his outfit for the day in case it had been tampered with, he inspected every chair he sat on, and he tensed every time he saw Matt.

But so far, nothing had happened.

Duncan had tried to talk to Matt on multiple occasions in the staff room, but Matt had found excuse after excuse to escape him.

Yes, Duncan still felt some animosity towards Matt for humiliating him at the end of last term, but he couldn’t deny that he was incredibly attracted to Matt.

As for the kiss? Well, that had been something else and Duncan was eager to have a replay.

It was Friday afternoon and Duncan had a very welcome class free afternoon to get some planning done for the following week. He was so engrossed in his Great Expectations character analysis that he didn’t hear the knock on his door.

“Sorry to disturb you Mr Klein but the headmaster wants to see you.”

Duncan looked up to see one of the seniors smiling sheepishly at him.

“Oh right, I’ll head over there in a moment. Thanks for the message.”

“You’re welcome, sir.”

The student blushed before closing the door off and disappearing down the corridor.

Despite being a month into the autumn term, Duncan still had students and staff acting oddly around him. He knew it was because of the show he’d inadvertently put on at the end of last term, but he still found the whole thing unsettling.

“I wonder what the Head wants,” Duncan said aloud as he saved the file he was working on and grabbed his jacket.


As Matt sat at his desk with his head in his hands, he felt his cock start to harden within the tight confines of his briefs.

“Fuck, not again,” he muttered.

He’d been in a constant state of arousal for the last two weeks and he was losing his mind.

Fucking Saint Duncan!

Matt still couldn’t believe that Saint Duncan had kissed him. It was bad enough that he’d put itching powder on his clothes – how fucking mature – but he’d kissed him.

Matt didn’t want to kiss him. Yes, he’d kissed him back when he’d been caught by surprise, but he hated Saint Duncan. There was no way he wanted to kiss him . . . right?

Matt ran a hand over his face feeling exhausted and frustrated. He had every intention of getting his own back on Duncan, but he’d been so overwhelmed by his conflicting feelings the last two weeks that he hadn’t even considered what he’d do, or if he’d even bother at all.

But if you prank him again, you could see him naked!

That was the voice in Matt’s head that he desperately wanted to silence. Why was he suddenly so desperate to see Saint Duncan naked? Yes, the guy had a great body, but he was a dick and Matt hated him!

He was just about to adjust his bulge when one of the seniors appeared at his door and knocked.

“What’s up?” Matt growled, a little more aggressively than he intended.

“Sorry, Mr Owen. The headmaster would like to see you.”

Matt forced himself not to roll his eyes or bark at the student again. “Thanks.”

The student nodded and made a hasty retreat.

Pulling himself to his feet, Matt grabbed his keys and headed out into the corridor, locking his office door behind him. He typically never bothered locking his door, but after recent incidents with Saint Duncan, he was less confident in leaving it unlocked.

Andrew Derby, the Headmaster, had his office on the top floor of the main building and Matt made quick work of the journey there. He couldn’t for the life of him work out what Andrew would want on a Friday afternoon, but he couldn’t imagine it was anything that important.

As he rounded the corner of the stairwell, Matt couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Of course, it’s you,” Matt muttered under his breath as he saw Saint Duncan stood outside Andrew’s closed office door.


Hearing the sound of footsteps, Duncan turned around and immediately felt something clench in his stomach at the sight of Matt in a pair of tan chinos and a navy button down.

“What are you doing here?” Duncan asked, trying not to sound too eager.

“I got asked to come and see Andrew. Why are you here?”

Matt’s tone was filled with venom, and he refused to admit to himself how good Duncan looked, even if he was wearing a loose-fitting pair of grey suit trousers and a black shirt that was at least a size too large.

“Ah, you’re both here,” the Head said as he opened his office door. “Do come in.”

“Both of us?” Matt asked in disgust.

“Of course, of course.”

Andrew ushered them both into his office, which was all dark wood and green leather. He sat behind his desk and gestured for Duncan and Matt to take the free chairs on the other side.

“What’s this all about?” Duncan asked as he sat down.

Matt moved the other chair further away from Duncan before taking a seat.

Andrew frowned. “As you may recall, at the end of last term, I announced to the staff and students that the two of you were participating in our faculty production this October. As you may be aware, we are now in October and the faculty production is scheduled for the end of the month. I wanted to ensure that you were writing the play for us, Duncan, and that you were both onboard with starring in it.”

Duncan opened his mouth to argue, but Matt beat him to it.

“Absolutely not. That was a stupid prank. There’s no way I’m taking part in some stupid play, especially if he’s writing it.”

“I’m not writing anything,” Duncan said in a much quieter tone. “I really don’t think it would be appropriate to write a farce for the faculty production, and we have much more enthusiastic teachers that would want to be in it.”

Andrew held up a hand. “I don’t think I’m being clear. This isn’t a polite offer I’m making; this is an order. I don’t know what your issue is with one another, but you made fools of yourselves at the end of last term, and I will not have that sort of behaviour at my school. I gave you both a pass by disguising your immaturity with a preview of the faculty production, and now you are going to do as I have said. I don’t want to hear any further arguments. I expect a script by Monday, Duncan and I expect you to cast it by the end of next week. Do you both understand?”

Duncan sat with his mouth hanging open, unable to comprehend how this was actually happening. There was no way that he could participate in one of the faculty productions, let alone with Matt.

“What if we don’t do it?” Matt asked, breaking the silence as the Head appraised them both over his glasses.

“Very simple, Mr Owen. If you don’t do it, you will be seeking employment elsewhere. I will not be made a laughingstock of, nor will I be disobeyed.”

“But . . .”

“I suggest you both go and finish your work for the day, and I wish you a lovely weekend.”

Leaving them with no doubt that he meant business, Duncan got up from his seat, nodded and walked towards the door.

There was a scrape of a chair behind him before Matt barged past him at the door.

“Do you have to be such a child?” Duncan hissed as the door closed behind them. “Don’t just push me out of the way.”

Matt ignored Duncan and headed down the stairs, but Duncan was feeling overwhelmed and anxious, and the two weeks of frustration and confusion had reached their peak.

“I’m talking to you,” Duncan yelled before grabbing Matt’s arm and pulling him backwards.

“What are you doing?” Matt gasped as Duncan, completely out of character, pushed him against the wall of the stairwell.

“I’ve spent two weeks trying to apologise to you, and you’ve done nothing but ignore me. If we have to work together on this faculty production, then you can at least be civil.”

Matt gave a bark of laughter. “Civil? You poured itching powder over my clothes like some idiot teenager, and you gave me a heat rash, not to mention leaving me naked in front of the rugby team. You don’t deserve civility.”

“If you recall, I only did that because you ripped my trousers off in front of the whole school.”

Matt growled. “You fucking deserved it, Saint Duncan.”

Duncan rolled his eyes. “Yes, because poor Matt Owen didn’t get the award; a perfectly reasonable excuse for exposing a colleague in front of the whole school.”

“Oh, shut up! All that did is get you even more attention. Now the whole school knows how hot your body is, you’re more popular than ever.”

“The school knowing isn’t the problem though, is it Matt? It’s you knowing that’s the problem. You can’t handle knowing how I look under my clothes.”

Matt blushed furiously and gritted his teeth. “Shut the fuck up, Duncan. I really don’t want to punch another teacher, but . . .”

“But what? Will punching me make you feel better about how much you want me? About how much you want to kiss me again?”

Duncan knew he was pushing his luck, but the close proximity with Matt, the feel of his breath on his cheek, the feel of his muscular shoulders under his hands, it was too much.

“Get off of me . . . right . . . now.”

Matt’s eyes were wild as he grabbed Duncan’s biceps and tried pushing him away, but Duncan had his grip locked on Matt’s shoulders and wouldn’t budge.

“Come on, Matt, just admit it,” Duncan said, his voice low.

Matt breathed out deeply through his nose before his eyes locked with Duncan’s. Something passed between them and before Duncan could work out what it was, Matt’s lips were on his.

Duncan moaned into Matt’s mouth as their tongues collided. The kiss was hard and fast and desperate, hands roaming over arms, shoulders, backs, and asses.

“Oh Matt,” Duncan whispered as Matt moved his lips to his neck.

Duncan’s cock was hard as a rock and begging for attention and he’d lost all sense of time and space. He’d forgotten that they were in the stairwell near the Head’s office, or that they were in the school during a Friday afternoon when students were still around.

Matt’s hands flew to Duncan’s shirt and with a hard yank, he tore open the front sending buttons scattering down the stairwell.

“Fuck,” Matt said in a voice that was almost reverent as he saw Duncan’s bare chest. His pecs were firm and covered in a dusting of hair, his nipples begging for his tongue.

Despite his usual hang-ups with his body, Duncan didn’t care that Matt had ripped his shirt open. He wanted Matt to touch every inch of him. In fact, he was so intoxicated by Matt’s aftershave and his lips that he couldn’t focus on anything else.


When Matt had first kissed Duncan, he’d had a plan in mind, but now his cock was throbbing inside his boxers and Duncan’s lips were quite possibly the best lips he’d ever kissed.

He’d intended to distract Duncan with kisses whilst he stripped him down and left him naked in the stairwell. That had been his sudden plan when Duncan had pinned him to the wall, but now? Now he was distracted by Duncan’s incredible pecs as he brushed his fingers over Duncan’s nipples and felt his body tense. It was mind-blowing.

Hearing Saint Duncan moan his name was making Matt’s cock leak precum inside his boxers. He was certain that if they kept up their current intensity then Matt could probably cum handsfree. Matt had never experienced anything like it.

But he couldn’t do this. He couldn’t be kissing Saint Duncan. Duncan had humiliated him in front of the rugby team. He’d always bested Matt and he deserved to be ruined.

With all the self-control Matt could muster, he grabbed the waistband of Duncan’s suit trousers and was surprised that Duncan wasn’t wearing a belt. That would make life easier.

As Matt teased Duncan’s mouth with his tongue, he yanked Duncan’s trousers open, the button clinking to the ground as the zipper ripped apart.

Matt glanced down to see that Saint Duncan was wearing another pair of silky boxer shorts, and Matt couldn’t resist sliding his hand over them, feeling the thick warm cock that throbbed beneath the surface.

“Ah, Matt,” Duncan moaned into his mouth.

Matt pulled away when he felt his own balls start to tighten. He couldn’t do this. He wouldn’t. He grabbed Duncan’s shirt and yanked it from his shoulders leaving Duncan naked from the waist up with his pants open, his silk boxer shorts on show.

“Enjoy the walk back to your office, Saint Duncan,” Matt said breathlessly.


Duncan’s pupils were blown, but they quickly refocused as he registered Matt’s words.

“You’re . . . kidding.”

Matt shook his head. “I told you that you fucked with the wrong guy. Let’s see how modest Saint Duncan enjoys a walk through the school with his body on show.”

Duncan blushed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You can’t do this.”

The bell rang at the foot of the stairwell.

Matt laughed. “And just in time for the end of school. Better get moving!”

Duncan used one hand to hold up his trousers whilst the other covered his chest, and he ran down the stairs, praying that he’d make it to his office without being seen.

Unfortunately for Duncan, students were already pouring into the hallways, as were the rest of the teachers. Wolf whistles and laughter followed Duncan as his feet pounded the hard wood floors.

“Check out Mr Klein,” one of the seniors yelled as Duncan raced past.

By the time Duncan slammed his office door, he was red in the face and panting for breath. He grabbed a jumper from the back of his door and pulled it on, relieved to be covered up.

How could Matt have done that to him? How could he make out with him as a cover to expose him? It was cruel and manipulative.

Duncan pulled his phone out of his desk drawer and opened a new message, his hands shaking with rage.

I see how it is! I hope you’re looking forward to the faculty production, Matt. The pen is mightier than the sword. Game on!