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Whilst I'm catching up and finishing this week's posts, I wanted to share the first of the two rugby themed stories with you guys. These were originally written for the website I first posted on, hence the small spanking element, but . . . these were actually based on some true elements.

The changing rooms and rugby field are based on the ones at my home ground where I used to play rugby, and I used to play with two guys who were nicknamed Tank and Grab. I had a massive crush on Tank, which is why he features in this one. The main protagonist in our story, Chris, is based on a guy I used to work with, who I still lust over to this day, and he has had various iterations in some of my stories over the years.

I hope you guys enjoy this one - let me know what you think in the comments or via message, and as always, hit the heart button and give the post some love if you enjoy the story! 

It was the wettest winter that anyone could remember and the local rugby team was diminishing in numbers at a rapid rate. Despite the appearance that the burly, thick-thighed hunks were unfazed by adverse weather conditions, this had not been the case and the team had dropped to a pitiful number of eight; only four of whom turned up no matter what the conditions.

The four were all in their late twenties, all rugged, manly and built like tanks. The shortest one of the four was 5’11 and between them, they attracted quite a bit of attention. Their biggest fan was a guy who’d been at the same school as them and had been drooling over them ever since.

Chris Tyte had been the most popular guy at school – good at sports, drop dead gorgeous and the desire of every girl. The years of excessive attention had sent him from confident to arrogant and despite his brown hair, blue eyes, toned build and exceptional arse, he was better known for being the guy that everyone detested. Yes, he was nice to look at, but that was it. He looked down his nose at everyone in the town and acted morally superior to them all.

However, what would the small town think if they ever discovered that his womanising antics were fictitious? What would they think if they discovered that he had an obsessive, stalker quality, especially when it came to our four rugby playing gods?

Chris’ obsession had kicked in when he was just 14 when he and the four rugby lads had been in the same year at school. Chris had been sat in the changing room after a gym lesson when he’d seen the four guys strip down to their tight white briefs and towel whip each other. Even at 14, the four guys, affectionately nicknamed Tank, Bang, Grab and Dunk, had been fit and built. As they’d grown, they’d just gotten hotter and thus Chris’ lust for them had grown.

As adults, the four had remained the best of friends, but Chris had kept his distance, often snubbing and even publically insulting them. Although, he would often attend their rugby matches, just to see them in their small white shorts and their skin tight rugby tops. As the years had passed, Chris had made more than one trip to the rugby changing room to have a sniff of a shirt or to steal a pair of boxers, but on one fateful Wednesday, everything changed.

The wet weather had continued into the first week of February and on the Wednesday night, it was only Tank, Bang, Grab and Dunk that had turned up for rugby practice. The rugby field was practically a bog of muddy water and the rain continued to hammer down, but they were completely undeterred and were soon throwing a ball around and having a fun practice of 2 on 2.

After nearly 6 weeks without a visit to the changing rooms, Chris left his office wearing a dark grey suit, blue shirt and black patent leather lace ups. Despite the rain, he walked the mile from the town out to the rugby field and was pleased to the see the giant spot lights illuminating the sodden rugby field and the four guys tackling each other to the ground.

The changing rooms were two small brick buildings that were nestled against a hill, at the back of the car park, just a short walk from the field.

Chris was completely unimpressed by the wet, soggy ground, but he was desperate to get some new underwear for his collection, so he hopped from dry patch to dry patch as he headed to the changing room with the lights on.

Chris pushed the door open and stepped into the small room. A glass partition separated the changing area from the shower area and the only window was a small rectangle at the top of the low ceilinged room that looked out on the small slope that started at the bottom of the window and led up to the top of the hill.

As soon as Chris inhaled the musky scent of the changing room, he felt himself instantly harden in his suit trousers and the soft silky material of his tight briefs aroused him further.

After so many trips to the changing room, Chris headed straight for Dunk’s bag. Dunk was the tallest at 6’4 and usually wore the most interesting underwear. On more than one occasion, Chris had discovered a skimpy thong in his bag or a pair of slinky, near see through boxer briefs.

Chris greedily unzipped Dunk’s bag and felt his heart skip a beat as he pulled out a tiny leather thong. The pouch was a small piece of leather and Chris’ mind raced as he imagined Dunk trying to cover his magnificent package in such a tiny amount of material.

Chris put the leather to his face and inhaled deeply, his free hand flying to his throbbing cock. He was just about to unzip his tight suit trousers when he heard the deep growls of the four guys and their rumbling laughter.

Panicked, Chris threw the leather thong back in the bag and looked for an escape, but there was only one option and that was the tiny window. Heart racing, Chris had no other option and quickly climbed up on to the wooden bench and pushed the small window open, the bottom of it brushing against the wet grass just beneath it.

With the voices so audible, he could hear the conversation, Chris pulled himself up and tugged handfuls of grass and mud in a bid to try and pull himself out of the window. Twisting slightly he got his shoulders through, the wet mud quickly soaking his suit jacket and shirt as he pulled himself along. But when he tried to go further than his waist, he came to an abrupt halt. The window was wide enough for him to get his upper body through, but not wide enough for his ample bubble butt.

‘Oh fuck,’ he gasped as he desperately tried to pull himself through.

‘What the hell is that?’ Tank said as he pushed open the changing room door and caught sight of Chris’ lower body suspended from the small window.

‘Bit stuck are we mate?’ said the blond haired Bang as he wandered over to the flailing legs.

‘Makes you wonder what he was doing in here?’ Grab said as he grabbed his towel and dried his dark hair, his muscular forearms flexing.

‘Been going through my stuff from the looks of it,’ Dunk said as he held up his unzipped bag. ‘And my thong was at the bottom of the bag, not on top.’

‘Do you reckon he’s our little underwear thief?’ Bang said as he slapped Chris on the thigh.

‘I can explain everything,’ Chris yelled as he continued to try and free himself. ‘Please get me out of here.’

Grab peeled off his soaking wet t-shirt revealing his furry chest and muscled stomach. ‘He’s probably soaked out there. Let’s get him in.’

Dunk quickly grabbed Bang’s arm before he started to help Chris. ‘Before we help you, are you the one that keeps nicking our underwear? Answer truthfully and we’ll free you.’

‘Yeah, I did and I’ll give them back. I’m sorry, just please help me out.’

‘Dirty little perv,’ Tank, who was now stripped to a tight pair of nearly see through white briefs, said with a grin. ‘Who is he?’

‘It’s that arrogant twat, Chris,’ Bang said from his viewpoint at Chris’ crotch.

‘So, aside from nicking our undies, he slags us off as well?’ Grab said with a shake of his head.

‘I say, we teach the little twat a lesson,’ Tank said as he cracked his knuckles and eyed up Chris’ lower body.

‘I said I’m sorry,’ Chris yelled. ‘Please just let me back in.’

‘No chance,’ Bang said with a laugh.

‘I reckon we should steal his undies,’ Dunk said and immediately grabbed Chris’ ankles. ‘Go on Bang.’

Bang grinned and whilst Dunk held Chris’ flailing legs, he undid the buckle on Chris’ belt, popped the button and pulled down his fly. Within seconds, Chris’ trousers were around his ankles and the four guys whistled at the skin tight, hot pink silk briefs he was wearing.

‘I thought your undies were bad, Dunk,’ Tank said with a low, rumbling laugh.

Dunk laughed and rolled his eyes. ‘Get them off him.’

Bang happily complied and quickly slid the briefs over Chris’ smooth bubble butt, down his toned thighs and off of his ankles with his trousers, leaving his bottom half in just his socks and his muddy patent leather dress shoes.

Chris yelled and shouted the entire time, but the four lads paid him no attention.

‘Now, what do we do?’ Grab said as he tossed Chris’ briefs into his bag.

‘He’s been a bad boy,’ Dunk said with a grin. ‘So, let’s give him a good spanking.’

‘No,’ Chris yelled. ‘Please don’t. I said I’m sorry. Please.’

‘I’m first,’ Dunk said. ‘Grab his legs.’

Tank took over the ankle holding duty whilst Dunk eyed up his meaty target. It was slightly awkward with Chris' arse so high up, but he happily jumped up on to the wooden bench.

With a flex of his arms, Dunk slammed his hand down on to one of Chris’ butt cheeks.

Chris howled and wriggled around violently. ‘Please don’t do this. That hurts.’

‘Shut up and take it like a man,’ Dunk growled as the other three guys laughed.


Over and over, Dunk slammed his hand on to Chris’ soft but firm cheeks. He was unrelenting with his hard slaps as he covered every inch of cheek and tops of thigh.

Despite Chris’ whimpering, Bang swapped places with Dunk and started applying a series of quick fire smacks, alternating cheeks.


‘Please stop,’ Chris cried. ‘Please!’

Bang swapped with Grab and the spanking continued before Dunk took Chris’ ankles and Tank jumped up on to the bench.

‘Looks like he’s enjoying this,’ he said, grabbing a hold of Chris’ throbbing cock.

‘Let go of me now,’ Chris yelled, his wet face red with embarrassment.

‘You asked for it,’ Tank said with a chuckle and releasing Chris’ cock, he immediately started spanking his already crimson backside.


Tank was like a machine as he rained slap after slap all over Chris’ now bruised butt. Chris whimpered, but despite the agony in his rump, his cock continued to throb, the head shiny with pre-cum.

‘Okay, guys, that’s enough,’ Bang said with a laugh when Tank took a break.

‘Spoil sport,’ Dunk said with a sigh.

Bang shrugged. ‘We have to go, Dunk or we’ll be late.’

Dunk and Bang had a double date and with a last few smacks of Chris’ flaming cheeks, they got changed, said bye to the other two and left.

Tank and Grab however had no further plans.

‘Please pull me back in,’ Chris pleaded. ‘I’m soaked.’

Tank and Grab shrugged and grabbing a leg each, the pulled him through the window, however with the force of their pull, Chris’ suit jacket caught on the window and tore off of him as they pulled his muddy top half into the changing room.

Chris landed in an unceremonious heap on the floor, his upper body and face soaking wet and muddy. His cock slapped against his leg as he hit the floor and he howled as his tender buttocks met the concrete.

‘Oh no you don’t,’ Tank said with a grin as Chris tried to scramble up and leave. ‘We’re not finished with you yet.’

‘Please let me go,’ Chris said as she stood up and tenderly rubbed his backside.

‘First, we’re going for a little walk,’ Grab said with a wink at Tank. ‘You can stick your shoes on, but leave the laces and you can pull these on as well.’

Chris gratefully took his trousers and pulled them up. ‘Where’s my belt?’

‘You’ll get that back in a minute. We want to take you on a tour of the field.’

Chris looked terrified, but the large tent in his trousers said otherwise. ‘Why are we going for a walk around the rugby field?’

Grab and Tank laughed. ‘You’ll see soon enough.’

Both of them continued to laugh as they stepped outside in the rain and Chris shuffled in his loose dress shoes. Tank and Grab had both pulled on their muddy rugby kits and took a step back so that Chris could walk in front of them.

‘Where are we going?’ Chris asked.

‘Just walk clockwise around the rugby field,’ Tank said, knowing full well how sodden the ground was.

‘And pick up the pace a bit,’ Grab added.

Chris shuffled across the sodden pitch, his patent leather dress shoes squelching and sticking in the mud, his butt cheeks raw and chaffing against the harsh material of his suit trousers.

As they rounded a corner, Chris put his right foot down and his dress shoe became stuck in the mud. However, it was too late to notice, before he put his left foot forward and tumbled out of his dress shoes, falling flat in the mud. He scrambled about in his socks as he got to his feet.

Tank and Grab howled with laughter as Chris bent down to prise his shoes out of the mud, but Tank was behind him immediately and ripped down Chris’ suit trousers.

‘What are you doing?’ Chris gasped as his throbbing cock, huge balls and burning cheeks were exposed.

‘You want us, so you can have us,’ Grab said with a growl.

Tank held Chris bent over whilst Grab pulled down his shorts and freed his huge eight inch cock. Chris tried to wriggle free but with Tank’s strong hold, he couldn’t go anywhere. Grab moistened his cock with a little spit before slamming himself into Chris.

Chris cried out, but as he became accustomed to the large cock inside him, he was soon moaning with pleasure.

‘Think you can be trusted to suck me off without biting?’ Tank asked.

Chris nodded. ‘Yeah . . . give it to me.’

Tank pulled down his shorts and his tight white briefs and tossed them into the mud. He lowered Chris’ mouth to his cock and was soon growling deep in his throat at the amazing sensation of Chris’ warm mouth encased around his dick.

‘I’m going to cum,’ Grab gasped as he sped up.

‘Yeah, me too,’ Tank growled as he tangled his fingers in Chris’ hair and slammed his cock to the back of his throat.

Within mere seconds, Grab slammed into Chris one last time and exploded inside him, yelling with pleasure. The sensation of Chris’ shuddering body around his cock was too much and Tank shot his load straight down the back of Chris’ throat. Chris swallowed the load greedily and was soon cumming spontaneously all over his legs and the trousers around his ankles.

‘Now, that was just what I needed,’ Tank sighed as he pushed his wet hair off of his forehead.

Grab nodded his agreement as he withdrew from Chris. ‘Let’s hit the showers.’

‘What about me?’ Chris said, helplessly as he looked down at his torn muddy shirt, his ripped trousers, his ruined socks and his soggy patent leather dress shoes that were still sunk in the mud.

‘You’ve been nicking our undies and invading our privacy. If you want to hook up again, just ask. But this time, you can sort yourself out. Have a fun trip home.’

Tank and Grab jogged off to the changing rooms and locked the door behind them, leaving Chris to pull up his trousers, which now had a huge rip down the right hand thigh. He freed his dress shoes from the mud and with a lot of stumbling around, he eventually managed to pull them on. Relieved that his keys were still in his pocket, he tried to ignore the horrific state he was in and headed back to his car in the middle of the town.

When he was about half a mile along the country road, his butt burning in agony from the constant rubbing of his wet suit trousers, a car pulled up alongside him and the driver wound down the window.

‘Do you want a lift?’ Tank said from the driver’s seat, with a grinning Grab sat next to him.

‘A lift would be perfect,’ Chris said with a sigh of relief as he leaned down to the driver’s window.

Tank opened his door and quick as lightning, he grabbed the loose material on the ripped side of Chris’ trousers and slammed it shut in the door.

‘Maybe next time,’ he said with a mischievous smile, and slamming his foot on to the accelerator, he pulled away.

Chris’ trousers tore off with a loud RRRRIIIPPPPPPP leaving him naked from the waist down. He clasped his hands to his manhood and bit his lip to keep from screaming.

As he walked the rest of the way back to town, dodging cars by diving in bushes and having to endure the laughter of passers-by, he vowed to get his own back on Tank and Grab.

‘No one does this to me,’ he hissed when he arrived at his car. ‘They’re going to pay.’



This was so hot!!! 🥵🥵🥵 You got me as excited as Chris....I sure hope he's gets some payback, maybe turn them against each other? 👀

Cassan Copernicas

Love this one. Especially his lower half being exposed and vulnerable for them to do whatever they want with him.


Thanks man! Yes, there’s something especially hot about a guy being exposed and vulnerable and unable to escape!