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I'm very excited to share part one of a new Clay and Karl story. I had a lot of requests for more focus on Karl, so part 1 is really all about Karl. But don't worry - Clay's humiliation is incoming! 

Part 2 will be posted in November! I'd love to hear what you guys think in the comments or via message, and if there's something you'd like to see happen to Clay or Karl, let me know! 

Also, if you enjoy the story, please click on the heart and give it some love :)


It had been a couple of days since the Halloween party, and I still couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened. I wasn’t sure if I was more stunned by Lewis’ completely out of character behaviour or the ridiculously intense orgasm that I couldn’t stop trying to recreate.

In the last two days, I’d put the leather pants on multiple times and jerked off inside them. They were painted with my cum. But it didn’t matter how many times I jerked off; I couldn’t get close to the intensity of that orgasm in front of everyone.

The feeling of the leather ripping, the sweltering heat and sweat, the laughter, and my throbbing cock exploding handsfree inside my skin-tight pants.

I wanted that high again more than most crack addicts!

I’d been stunned to see the text from Lewis when I’d gotten home.

I’m sure you have questions after tonight. I do too. We should probably grab a drink. I hope you make it home without putting another load in those leathers. See you soon. L

Sure, Lewis had never been massively into girls, but he’d never shown any interest in guys either. I knew Karl was bi and we’d always been really accepting about whoever he wanted to date or fool around with, so I couldn’t believe that Lewis wouldn’t have felt comfortable enough to tell us if he was gay.

But sexuality aside, it was the way he’d touched me that confused me most of all. It had been dominant, and controlling, and as much as I hated to admit it, it had contributed to that orgasm.

I had no idea how I even started to understand that sort of mind fuck!

I’d responded to Lewis the following morning and said that we needed to have that drink as soon as possible, but so far, he’d ignored me.


Something weird was going on, and I couldn’t understand it in the slightest.

The Halloween party had been wild!

Clay pulling the prank on me had been humiliating, but it had worked out well for me in the end, and I had a date scheduled that Friday to prove it.

But Clay’s humiliation was something else entirely.

Sure, I’d loved getting my own back on Clay at the golf course, and at the beach, but this felt different. It hadn’t been my plan, or even a joint plan with Lewis and Jared.

This was all Lewis, right down to the smallest calculated detail, and boy was there a lot of detail.

The day after the Halloween party, Lewis had been nowhere to be seen, which gave me the chance to have a chat with Jared. He didn’t seem anywhere near as surprised by the whole thing as I was, but he agreed that Lewis was acting weird, and that we should probably have a chat with him.

On Monday evening, we’d ordered pizzas and got some beers, and the three of us were sat around chatting perfectly normally. Part of me wanted to forget the Halloween party, and pretend everything was cool, but I needed to understand what the hell was going on with Lewis.

Thankfully, it wasn’t me that brought it up.

“So, what happened with you on Halloween?” Jared asked as he grabbed another slice of pizza.

I looked expectantly at Lewis, who just shrugged. “I guess I got a bit carried away. I really wanted us to prank Clay again, and I took it too far.”

I laughed. “Yeah, just a bit! Are you gonna apologise to him?”

Lewis had a momentary look of smug satisfaction, but it was quickly replaced by a sad look. “Yeah, of course. I’ll pop round and see him tomorrow. Maybe I can see if he’s free for lunch.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks Lewis. I’d appreciate that.”

“No worries, and I’m sorry I took things too far. I guess I got too caught up in the whole prank war.”

Jared nodded. “Well, it’s done now. But maybe we should agree to let it go with Clay now?”

“I agree,” I said after a swig of beer. “Clay seems to react badly to this prank stuff, and I really don’t wanna ruin my relationship with him.”

Lewis was quiet, but slowly nodded. “Yeah, okay. I’ll visit him tomorrow and we can leave it alone. We don’t want to go too far like he did with you at college.”

Lewis turned to look at me and I frowned.

‘Don’t you remember?” he asked. “In our senior year when we were home from spring break.”

Jared punched Lewis in the arm. “Shut up, dude!”

I knew exactly what prank Lewis was referring to, and he knew full well that we’d agreed never to discuss it again . . .

Rather than going to Daytona or some wild party event for Spring Break, Jared, Lewis, and I had decided to do a week of family trips before all getting together with our dads. Or in my case, stepdad!

My family trip had been a little frustrating to say the least. I’d gone away with my mom and my aunt, and thanks to a hotel screwup, the three of us had had to share a room.

I was twenty years old and always horny, and I’d had an entire week of not being able to jerk off. To make matters worse, my girlfriend at the time had gone out of her way to send me the horniest messages and photos on a daily basis.

By the time I got back from the trip, I was desperate to jerk off, but Lewis, Jared and their dads, and a few of Clay’s buddies, were already at my house with Clay. My mom and aunt had dropped me off before heading off to visit my grandparents.

As great as it was to see Clay and the guys, I was so desperate for some alone time that I contemplated faking being sick.

“You okay, kiddo?” Clay said after giving me a massive bear hug.

“Just tired after the trip. I think I’m gonna go change.”

“Excellent idea,” Clay said with a smile. “You go change and get your game face on, and I’ll sort this lot out.”

With a sigh of relief, I waved at Jared and Lewis before bounding up the stairs and racing to my bedroom, locking the door behind me.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Clay had quickly gathered Lewis, Jared, their dads, and his buddies in the den, in front of his fancy new 70-inch TV. From what I’d been told afterwards by Jared and Lewis, he’d been practically giddy as he’d turned on the TV and held up his phone.

“Okay, so it wouldn’t be a proper welcome home for Karl without a little prank, and you guys are gonna love this. He’s gone up to change, and he’s going to open his closet and find that all of his clothes have been replaced with princess dresses. This is going to be hysterical.”

“How is that funny? We won’t even see his reaction,’ Lewis said with a frown.

Clay tapped away at his phone and then the TV screen lit up with the webcam feed from the computer in my room. “I rigged Karl’s webcam so we can see his reaction live. You guys are in for the best laugh. He will be so pissed.”

Clay had been chuckling as he shared his silly prank, but he had no idea how much it would backfire.

As they all watched me lock my bedroom door behind me, I pulled off my shirt and tossed it on the floor.

There was only one thing on my mind and that was jerking off. Just removing my shirt and feeling it brush over my nipples had my cock at half mast, and I planned on wasting no time in getting myself off.

Without a second thought, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and flicked through to the various photos and videos that my girlfriend had sent me over the last week. My cock throbbed to a full erection inside my bikini briefs, and not wanting to wait any longer, I unbuttoned my jeans and let them drop to my ankles.

Downstairs, Clay, and the guys all gasped at the sight of my throbbing cock tenting my skimpy bikini brief. Apparently, Clay had immediately tried to disconnect his phone from the TV, but the connection was stuck, and he couldn’t do anything on his phone at all.

Blissfully unaware of the show I was about to give, I yanked my briefs down, my cock coming free and slapping against my stomach with a meaty thwack.

“Ah fuck,” I moaned as I wrapped my hand around my dick and started to pump it as fast as I could.

I didn’t care about taking my time or enjoying a good wank, I just wanted to cum. My balls felt huge and almost sore from a whole week of abstinence, and I needed release.

Clay tried to reset his phone as the rest of the guys cheered and laughed at me on the big screen as I stroked my big dick at sonic speed.

As I flipped through the photos and videos from my girlfriend, I could feel my balls starting to tighten. I tossed my phone on to the bed and tugged on my balls with one hand, whilst I stroked my cock with the other.

“Fuck yeah, I’m so close, come on,” I hissed through clench teeth.

My hand was a blur on my cock as I got closer and closer to orgasm. It felt so fucking amazing that I didn’t want it to end, but I was so desperate for release.

Clay had switched to trying to turn off the TV, but he couldn’t find the remote. I wasn’t sure I believed that, but when he realised how close I was, he ran for the stairs to stop me.

I heard him yell my name, but I was too far gone, and I cried out as the first rope of cum flew out of my cock and splattered on the carpet.

I heard cheering downstairs as I shot my load all over my stomach and the floor. My breath was ragged as I milked out every last drop, my knees shaking and a sheen of sweat on my forehead.

Clay banged on my door and told me to get dressed and come out, but I was in the best post orgasm haze of my life, so I took my time using my t-shirt and jeans to wipe the cum off of my body.

By the time I went to put clean clothes on and discovered the princess dresses, I felt a sudden knot in my stomach.

I knew Clay. There was no way he’d plan a prank like that without being able to see my reaction. I pulled on my bikini briefs and threw open my bedroom door.

Clay was stood there looking utterly mortified. “Karl, I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d . . .”

“Didn’t think I’d what?”

The guys downstairs were still laughing and cheering, and I pushed past Clay, grabbed my robe from the bathroom and tugged it on as I headed downstairs.

As I walked into the den, all of the guys raised their beer cans and cheered, but all I could see was the screen, and the view of my bedroom, Clay standing in the door looking dejected.

My cheeks heated as I realised that they’d all just watched me jerk off in my bedroom. My stepdad, my best mates, their dads, and a group of my stepdad’s buddies had all just watched me shoot my load.


I’d refused to come out of my room for the rest of the night, and it had been days before I’d forgiven Clay enough to even speak to him.

We all agreed that we’d never discuss the incident again, and Clay had been banned from ever trying to prank me with a webcam.

My cheeks heated as I remembered the incident that no one had spoken about since. That was until Lewis had brought it up now. What was with him?


As I was getting ready for work on Tuesday morning, I finally got a response from Lewis:

I’ll come and meet you for lunch today. You’re right, we probably need to talk, and I definitely need to apologise. Does 1pm work?