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Eddie wasn't having the best day! It was supposed to be his day off from his job as a maintenance manager at an industrial complex downtown. 

Unsurprisingly, half of the team had called in sick so he'd had no choice but to go into work. There was some big tour going on for some potential investors and the place needed to be working perfectly. 

As it was his day off, Eddie had thrown all of his work gear in the wash, so he just pulled on some shorts over his too tight tighty whities, along with a navy tee and some sneakers. 

By the time he got to work, he'd had another two staff leave because they were sick, so he found himself grabbing a ladder and heading over to one of the maintenance hatches to attempt to sort some of the lighting in that corridor. 

Eddie was used to wearing his work pants with their multiple pockets and sturdy belt. His shorts definitely weren't up to carrying equipment and despite only having a couple of tools in the pockets, he could feel them slipping down a little. 

"Fuck," he grunted as he started to climb the ladder and felt his shorts slip a little further. He pulled a screwdriver out of one of the pockets to try and ease the weight inside them. 

As he reached the maintenance hatch and slid it out of the way, his shorts faded from his mind as he went about rewiring one of the lighting fixtures. 

The top half of his body was inside the hatch whilst his lower half stayed on the ladder. 

It was after coming halfway down the ladder to see if the light was working that Eddie heard voices elsewhere in his part of the building. 

"Must be the tour," he muttered as he climbed back up the ladder to tighten the screws now the fixture was working. 

As he ascended the ladder, his shorts, which had been sitting low on his hips, dropped to mid-thigh, exposing his white briefs. But before he could pull them up, Eddie nearly lost his footing and grabbed a hold of the ladder. 

Little did he realise that as he did so, his t-shirt became caught in-between a couple of the rungs. 

"What the fuck?" he gasped, as he tried to bend down and pull up his shorts, but couldn't move. 

Eddie tugged at his caught tee but the more he pulled, the more it seemed to pull the material into the gap between the rungs. And with all the movement, his shorts dropped to his ankles exposing his muscular thighs! 

"No, no, no!" 

As Eddie desperately tried to tug at his shirt, he heard the voices getting louder. His shorts were around his ankles, his tee was hitched up to his stomach and his bulge was continually grinding against the ladder, which had his cock slowly hardening inside the small briefs. 

"And further down here, you'll find . . . oh my!" 

"I'm stuck, can someone help me?" Eddie called out. 

There was a roar of laughter below him, along with a number of comments about his skimpy white briefs and his impressive ass and legs. 

"Please, I can't move!" 

Eddie would be calling for help for a long time before his audience had gotten bored of laughing and taking photos and videos! 



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