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For our next October story, we have a variety of kinks to celebrate Kinktober - this story features costumes, an undies fetish, a big butts obsession, public exposure, spanking, food and more! 

Coming next week, our October story will be another Halloween theme where someone dons a scarecrow costume and the people he scares take revenge! 

Please give the story a "heart" if you enjoy it! 

It was a hot summer day in the middle of August. The sun was shining, the sky was clear and Tony was on his way to the event of the season.

Tony had been desperate to get an invite to the Wesley’s garden party for years. It was the height of society and an invite to that party meant you were finally one of the club. Tony had attended school and university with Mr and Mrs Wesley’s eldest and only son, Matthew.

Matthew had been the most popular in both academic institutions, whilst Tony had been humiliated time and time again by Matthew and his cronies, predominantly because of his slim build and his “massive arse”.

Tony had always wanted to be in the “in crowd” and when he received the invite, he couldn’t believe his luck. He’d made a special trip to the tailors and been fitted for a custom-made linen suit for the garden party. He’d been felt up to the extreme by the elderly tailor, but as he walked down the long drive of the Wesley estate, he couldn’t help but feel incredibly sexy in his white linen get up.

When Tony reached the impressive entrance, he walked up the steps and discreetly tried to unpick the wedgie that his white briefs had given him underneath his tight trousers. With that sorted, he stepped into the entrance hall and his jaw hit the floor.

Every single person he could see was wearing fancy dress!

‘Hey Tony, glad you could make it!’

Tony turned to see Matt walking towards him, and he immediately felt stupid for not reading the invitation properly.

‘I didn’t realise it was fancy dress,’ he said with a blush.

‘Why don’t I take your jacket? It’s hot out there. Grab a drink and I’ll see if I can find a spare costume.’

‘Umm thanks,’ Tony said, feeling a bit surprised by Matt’s kindness.

Tony removed his jacket, which Matt took before disappearing up the wide staircase. Tony retrieved a glass of champagne from a table and made his way through the house and out on to the terrace, which was swarming with people talking and drinking or making their way down to the lawn.

He recognised a few people from school, but aside from that, he didn’t really know anyone at all. On a couple of occasions, he thought he heard people giggling at him, but he supposed that would be expected as he was now just wearing a pale blue shirt and white linen trousers.

‘Tony, I found a spare costume,’ Matt called out to him.

Several people in ear shot laughed and Tony was sure he heard comments like: “I’m assuming the nickname is because of his butt” and “Have you seen the size of it!”

Ignoring this, Tony followed Matt inside and was led down a corridor to a small sitting room.

‘The costume is on the table. Get changed in here and I’ll see you out there.’

He was once again surprised by Matt’s kindness, but nonetheless, he put down his glass and inspected the costume.

It was a roman gladiator costume complete with tunic, breastplate, belt, and sandals. Tony was surprised that it wasn’t a more humiliating outfit and was quite happy as he removed his shirt and struggled to remove his linen trousers.

Standing in just his briefs, Tony got dressed into the costume, starting with sandals that laced up around his slim calves, before pulling on the tunic and then the breastplate and belt.

The breastplate was a little large on his slim upper body, but the sandals were a perfect fit. The issue was the length of the tunic. It covered him perfectly at the front, but the back barely covered his ample rump and as he checked himself in the mirror, he could see the bottom of his cheeks and his briefs. He tried pulling the tunic down, but the belt sat on top of his butt and there was no give in the material.

Tony was tempted to put his linen trousers back on, but he didn’t want to be the odd one out and he certainly didn’t want to offend Matt after he’d finally started being nice to him.

Deciding to try and keep his back away from people, Tony tightened the belt and headed back out to the party.

The food was exquisite, the drinks were flowing and after a few hours, Tony was having a wonderful time. He’d managed to keep his back to a wall or stay sat down for most of the party and he’d had several people compliment him on his costume.

Unfortunately, Matt kept asking him to come and join him, and Tony was forever having to slide along the outside ring of people to avoid flashing his huge posterior.

‘Tony, come and meet some people,’ Matt called from the centre of the terrace.

Tony had lost count of how much champagne he’d had, and he’d completely forgotten about his exceptionally short costume as he staggered through the crowd of people – to much amusement – to get to Matt.

‘Now for the entertainment,’ Matt said quietly to a friend.

Tony stood at Matt’s side and could hear several people laughing around him, but he just assumed they were having fun. That is, until the comments started . . .

‘That’s an utterly unspeakable size!’

‘That costume doesn’t cover it at all.’

‘His bottom is practically eating those poor briefs.’

Tony started to sober up quite quickly and realised how exposed his bottom would be stood in the middle of the terrace.

Just as Tony was about to make his excuses and slope off to a chair, Matt dropped his lighter and turned to Tony with a smile.

‘Can you pick that up for me?’ he asked sweetly.

Nodding, Tony turned around, so his back was to Matt, before bending over to retrieve the lighter. As he did so, Matt grabbed the waistband of his briefs and wedged the already stretched material up the crack of his ample arse.

Tony shot up and turned around, desperately trying to pull the material of his briefs out of his butt.

‘What the fuck!’ he yelled at Matt.

‘I think you need to lose the briefs,’ Matt whispered in Tony’s ear and before Tony could react, two of Matt’s friends held his arms and Matt squatted down and yanked Tony’s briefs to his ankles.

Tony’s cock was now semi-hard and slapped against his thigh as his briefs were pulled to his ankles. The short tunic barely covered his manhood and Tony blushed deeply at such humiliation.

‘Please Matt, I’ll just leave.’

‘No way,’ Matt said with a laugh as he slapped Tony on his huge rump.

The two guys relaxed their hold on Tony, which gave him the perfect opportunity. With a deep breath, he broke free and pushed his way through the people on the terrace, hands gripping his cock and bum as he went.

He managed to get down to the lawn before running full out for the driveway, the crowds laughing uproariously at the slim guy with the enormous arse that was bobbing into view beneath the skimpy tunic.

Matt and his two friends were close behind and caught Tony just as he reached the driveway.

‘Please, just let me go home,’ Tony pleaded as Matt’s two friends grabbed a hold of him.

‘I’ll let you go on one condition. You have to put this on and come back to the party for five minutes. Then you can leave.’

Matt held up a hot pink thong that looked far too small.

‘And then you’ll let me go?’

Matt nodded.

Blushing profusely, Tony grabbed the pink thong and pulled it on, the string at the rear digging deeply into his crack and his package feeling squashed inside the small pouch.

Matt gave him another slap on the rear as they headed back to the party. The other guests laughed and laughed when Matt announced that Tony was wearing a thong, which was made worse when he lifted the material of the tunic up so that everyone could see his ample arse.

‘Four minutes left,’ Tony said to Matt with a look of hatred.

‘Good point,’ Matt said, and his two friends took hold of Tony once more, whilst the crowd watched with bated breath.

Matt went over to the buffet table and returned with a tureen of custard. The two friends removed the breast plate and belt so that Tony was wearing nothing but the tunic and sandals, with a hint of hot pink flashing underneath.

With a smile, Matt tipped the tureen down the back of Tony’s tunic and thick, gloopy custard ran down his back and over his huge butt, some of it sliding into his crack and some of it sitting on the shelf that it created.

‘Three minutes,’ Tony thought to himself.

Matt then grabbed a bottle of champagne. ‘Better clean you up!’

Tony just closed his eyes as Matt poured the fizzy champagne down his back. He felt it mingle with the custard and felt the fizz between his cheeks. Then, before he could react, Matt tore the tunic from his body, causing the other guests to laugh even harder at the sight of the slim guy with his huge custard covered arse.

Matt walked around to the front of Tony and pulling open the pouch of the thong, he poured the champagne inside.

The combination of the fizzing bubbles and the utter embarrassment had an adverse effect and Tony felt himself blush even more deeply as his cock started to get erect.

‘No, no, no,’ he whispered to himself.

‘Looks like he’s enjoying it,’ Matt yelled to the crowd, who started to laugh all over again.

The small pouch of the thong wasn’t enough to contain Tony’s generous sized cock and within seconds, the head was poking above the waistband.

‘Tear it off,’ several of the women shouted.

‘Two minutes,’ Tony whispered to himself, his eyes shut tightly.

Matt grabbed the waistband of the thong and with several tugs that pulled the string even deeper between his cheeks, it snapped, and Tony’s cock flopped into view.

The crowd were in uproar as, despite his manhood now being revealed, the thong hung between his legs, held up only by the string being buried so deeply between his huge globes.

Standing with a hard on, wearing just his sandals with a thong dangling between his legs, Tony had never been so humiliated.

‘One minute,’ he said through gritted teeth.

‘Time for your grand finale,’ Matt whispered to him.

‘Who wants to see him shoot his load?’ Matt yelled and the crowd all roared in approval.

‘Jack off, Tony,’ Matt said to him and as if on autopilot, Tony started to slowly stroke the length of his thick cock.

As he did so, several of the crowd approached him to slap, spank, grab and pinch his huge arse. The combination of humiliation and the overwhelming remarks about his arse were making Tony hornier than he had ever been before and as his cock throbbed in his hand, he jerked faster and faster.

A sheen of sweat coated his upper body as more and more people slapped his arse. Without even realising it, Tony was yelling “harder” every time someone touched him, and the time had completely slipped his mind.

Finally, Matt moved behind him and started relentlessly spanking his arse to the cheers of the crowd who shouted comments like “look at those cheeks jiggle” and “god, that is a huge red arse”.

That was all it took and with a loud moan, Tony shot his load several feet in front of him; thick ribbons of cum splattered on to the paving and Tony nearly dropped to the floor from pleasure.

It was only then that he realised what he’d done and been put through and without another thought, he grabbed the remnants of the tunic and bolted through the gardens.

Matt apologised the following day and asked if Tony wanted his suit back, but he was so ashamed of how much he enjoyed it that he couldn’t face talking to Matt again. However, every night he was alone, he couldn’t help but masturbate to the memory of all of those people feeling up his massive arse as he came on the terrace.


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