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You guys voted for the Vice Principal stripping in the teacher's lounge with an audience. This story involves a Vice Principal, a teacher's lounge and an audience, but as I started writing this, it somewhat evolved. I'd love to hear what you guys think!

Jason, Jackson, and Caleb were in their senior year of high school, and they were all screwed! Finals were fast approaching and all three of them were very aware that they were likely to fail. The three best friends had spent most of high school goofing around and doing their utmost not to actually study anything.

And now they were faced with the very real possibility that they wouldn’t be able to graduate.

However, Jackson had a plan!

The teachers were always bitching about the students and how useless most of the seniors were. If they could record them doing it, they could use the footage to bribe the teachers to increase some of their grades.

It was genius and fool proof!

All they had to do was sneak into the teacher’s lounge during class and hide out in the closet until school finished. Then the teachers would rock up and they’d get all the footage they needed.

It was a miserable, rainy Wednesday when the three seniors decided to put their plan into action. It was a week until finals started, and they were quickly running out of time.

“So, we skip class after lunch and hideout in the teacher’s lounge until classes finish. Once they come back, we record what we need, wait for them to leave, and then bribe them tomorrow.”

Jason and Jackson nodded.

“How do we get in though? It’ll be locked,” Jackson said with a frown.

Jason shrugged. “I can pick locks remember. At least, I hope I can.”

With their plan ready to go, the three of them headed off to their morning classes, agreeing to meet up in the cafeteria at lunchtime.

Vice Principal Tate Richards inspected himself in the bathroom mirror. At 38, he was nearly six feet tall with a strong frame. Nights at the gym and weekends cycling meant that he had muscular arms and legs, and he still had the same bubble butt he’d had since college. His dark hair was greying prematurely at the temples, but facially he could still pass for his early thirties.

“I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this,” he muttered to himself.

It was just after lunchtime and Tate had asked one of the teachers to cover his afternoon classes.

With a deep breath, Tate opened the door and headed out into the quiet hallway, the sounds of student chatter dulled by the classroom doors. His black leather oxford shoes clicked loudly on the floor as he walked with purpose towards the other end of the building.

“Calm down,” he whispered under his breath, his heart racing in his chest.

Tate had never imagined that he’d get such an opportunity, and there was no way that he was going to waste it.

Since he’d joined the school three years before, he had had the biggest crush on the Sports Coach, Hayden Cash.

Hayden was tall, broad, blond, and godly! He was like a real-life Thor!

Ever since the first day he’d met him, Tate had been barely able to form sentences around Hayden, let alone stop himself from perving at his muscled chest, or his thick thighs, or his incredibly sexy ass in his tight little shorts.

It was like a daily torment for him, particularly as Hayden was straight and married, which made him even hotter to Tate as he was so unobtainable.

During the three years since Tate had been at the school, he’d done everything humanly possible to see Hayden getting changed, or in the shower, but most of all, he was desperate to get his hands on Hayden’s clothes, particularly his undies.

Unfortunately, Hayden always kept his office locked, so Tate had never had a way to gain access.

But today was different!

Hayden’s office was being redecorated after a flood from the showers, so he was having to store his clothes in the teacher’s lounge . . . in one of the lockers . . . that Tate had keys to!

Tate knew that Hayden would be occupied for the afternoon with classes, and he’d have the teacher’s lounge to himself for at least an hour. He knew that Hayden came to school from the gym so his gym gear would be in his duffel. After three years, he’d finally be able to get his hands, and more importantly his face, on Hayden’s undies.

As soon he’d unlocked the door and stepped into to the teacher’s lounge, Tate locked the door behind him and pushed one of the chairs up against it just in case someone happened to try and gain access.

Tate headed straight to the corner of the room where the staff lockers stood. As he fumbled with the keys, he glanced around the room at the many mismatched chairs, the kitchenette and the closet that held years of junk. The closet door was directly opposite the lockers, but Tate was in too much of a hurry to even notice that the door was ajar.

Meanwhile, Jason, Jackson, and Caleb were all holding their breath inside the closet. When they’d heard the door start to unlock, they’d bolted into the closet and were practically on top of one another.

“What’s he doing here?” Jackson said in the quietest whisper.

Jason, who was closest to the door, shrugged and pulled out his phone. He didn’t know why the Vice Principal was in the teacher’s lounge when he was usually teaching, but he was intrigued to find out. Maybe he’d steal something, or smash something, so that they could bribe him to pass their finals.

Despite his sweaty palms, Tate found the master key for the lockers and unlocked the one that he’d seen Hayden stash his bag in that morning.

“Finally,” he said under his breath as he pulled Hayden’s duffel from the locker.

Tate placed the bag on the floor and unzipped it, his cock hardening inside his briefs as the musky smell of stale sweat hit him. He pulled out Hayden’s t-shirt and a pair of silky soccer shorts. Unable to stop himself, Tate brought the shorts to his face and inhaled deeply.

“Oh fuck,” he moaned at the masculine scent of sweat and the woody scent of some sort of shower gel or cologne.

Not wanting to waste any time, Tate tossed the clothes on the floor and rifled through the bag until he found what he’d been praying for; a grey and white jockstrap that looked more fashionable than functional. It had a black waistband with white straps.

“I can’t believe it,” Tate said, half moan, half whisper.

After taking a deep breath, Tate brought the pouch of the jock to his face and took in the scent of Hayden’s crotch. It was only as he breathed in that Tate realised that he was smelling more than just sweaty balls.

Pulling the jock back from his face, Tate’s cock throbbed at the sight before him. Hayden’s jock was heavily stained with cum. It was clear that he’d blown his load inside his jock after his workout.

“Oh my god,” Tate said, almost reverently.

Unable to control himself any longer, Tate unzipped his suit pants and wrestled his cock free from his briefs.

“Dude, Mr Richards has got his dick out!” Caleb hissed.

Jackson put a finger to his lips, his eyes wide in shock.

Jason continued to film as their Vice Principal brought the jock back to his face and started to jerk off in front of them. This was so much more than they’d expected to get, and he planned on recording every second.

The scent of Hayden’s dried cum and his musky balls was intoxicating. Tate’s heart was pounding in his chest as he inhaled the scent with the jock in one hand, and his cock in the other.

Frustrated at feeling restricted, Tate dropped the jock on top of the bag and unbuttoned his suit pants, before pushing them to his ankles, along with his white briefs. His muscular legs and ass were now on show in the middle of the teacher’s lounge, which was something Tate would never have dreamed of in his life, but he was past caring.

Tate’s cock was slick with precum as he returned the jock to his face and resumed jerking off. He knew he was close, but he didn’t want it to end. The scent of Hayden’s jock, the idea of Hayden stroking his cock at the gym and busting his nut inside his jockstrap, it was too much stimulation for Tate.

With his ass clenching as he thrust his thick cock into his palm, Tate couldn’t stop himself from moaning.

“Oh fuck, Hayden.”

Tate’s mind was filled with images of him on his knees in front of Hayden, worshipping Hayden’s cock and sucking him through his sweaty jock. The scenario was too much, too intense, too perfect!

“Hayden, fuck me!” he cried out as his balls contracted and he started to cum.

Ropes of thick cum shot from his cock, and in his state of intoxication, he was completely unaware of his load going all over Hayden’s t-shirt and shorts, not to mention his own suit pants and briefs that were still around his ankles.

When he’d finally milked his cock dry, Tate removed the jock from his face and looked down. His mouth fell open in shock at the sight of the cum streaked over Hayden’s clothes.

“Oh shit,” he hissed as he bent down to try and wipe them clean, but all he did was spread the stains and make them look more obvious on the dark material.

It was at that moment that Tate heard the unmistakeable sound of muffled laughter, and with a feeling of dread pooling in his stomach, he turned towards the closet door as it opened fully.

Three of the seniors stepped out with huge grins on their faces and Tate quickly clamped his hands over his softening cock, the jock still in his hand.

“We just recorded what you did, sir! We think you might wanna help us out with finals next week so that we don’t show everyone.”

“Yeah, what Jacob said.”

“Or maybe we should tell Coach? He might be interested to know what you’re doing with his stuff.”

Tate groaned; his cheeks flushed. What the hell was he going to do?



Apologies guys - I stupidly scheduled this to post for next Wednesday by mistake! Thanks to those who messaged last night to let me know :)