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Here's the next instalment in the Suit-ably series - thanks to those who shared some amazing feedback on the first one. I hope you all enjoy the second part. 

I will be posting the next instalment of College Ben and Choose Your Own Adventure in the next week, along with some exciting results from the Character/Series votes. 

After receiving the text from Matt when I’d gotten off the train, I’d assumed he’d be spanking me the following day. Yes, part of me prayed for it, but the other part didn’t want to endure the pain again.

However, over two weeks passed before Matt even spoke to me again.

It was a Wednesday evening and I was staying late to finish some reports for another department. I’d spent nearly the whole day in meetings and had had barely anytime to actually do any work. Matt was the only one still on our side of the office and just after 7pm, he got up and walked over to my desk.

Matt was dressed in a beautifully tailored light grey suit with a white shirt, open at the collar showing a deliciously smooth expanse of tanned skin, and a pair of polished black leather lace up dress shoes.

As he arrived at my desk, I practically drooled over my keyboard.

‘What can I do for you, Matt?’ I asked as casually as I could manage.

‘I wondered if you could help me with something,’ he said with a calculated look as he pulled up a chair and sat down next to me.

Deciding that continuing to work would be the best plan, I kept my eyes on my monitor – as much as I could at least.

‘What’s the problem?’

Matt sighed. ‘Well, I went to go for my run after work yesterday and it was quite curious. I went to get changed but when I was going through my bag, I couldn’t find my jockstrap. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?’

‘No, I wouldn’t. If you think I’d be stupid enough to try anything after last time, I . . .’

‘I thought you enjoyed it,’ he said, cutting me off.

‘What makes you think that?’ I said, finally relenting and turning to face him.

Matt leaned forward in his seat and his white shirt tightened up over his pecs, making the material strain against the muscle.

‘You certainly came a lot,’ he said with a grin.

‘Yeah, all over my suit, which I had to wear for a thirty minute train ride home. Do you have any idea how humiliating that was?’

Matt laughed. ‘You deserved it. You went through my personal belongings and I’m fairly certain you were the one that stole my jockstrap.’

I threw my hands in the air in complete frustration as I stood up. ‘I didn’t touch your damn jockstrap!’

‘You won’t mind me checking your drawers then,’ he said with a raised brow.

I shrugged and sat back down. ‘Be my guest.’

I unlocked the three drawer unit that sat under my desk and Matt pulled open the top drawer. With nothing there, he opened the second, before quickly closing it and pulling open the bottom one.

‘I knew it,’ he practically yelled and held up a black Andrew Christian jockstrap. ‘You filthy pervert. I knew you stole my jock.’

‘That’s impossible. I don’t even know how that got there.’

The disbelief must have shown on my face, but Matt paid no attention as he threw the jock on my desk and stood up.

‘After everything we talked about after your last act, I thought you’d have learned.’

‘Matt, I honestly didn’t . . .’

‘Yes, you did. How do you explain it going from my bag to your drawers?’

‘I don’t know. My drawers are always locked. I don’t know how it got there.’

Matt laughed. ‘Clearly, you put it there.’

‘No, I didn’t,’ I yelled. ‘Someone else must have done it. Everyone knows I leave my key under my mouse mat.’

‘You mean keyboard?’ Matt corrected me.

‘Yeah, I mean my . . . wait.’

I stood up and looked Matt square in the eye and at that moment, I knew exactly how his jock had gotten in to my desk.

‘It was you,’ I said in a low voice. ‘You put your own jock in my drawers.’

Matt backed away from me a couple of steps. ‘No, I didn’t. Why would I do that?’

‘I’m taking an estimated guess, but I’d say so that you could spank me again.’

Matt scoffed. ‘I wouldn’t want to do that again. Once was more than enough.’

‘Well, breaking into another employee’s property and trying to frame me for theft is a rather serious problem. Unless you want me report everything to HR and your manager, I would suggest that you agree to my terms.’

Matt turned pale and slowly nodded. ‘What terms?’

‘You spanked me. I’ll spank you. I wouldn’t want to ruin your imminent promotion with this sort of scandal.’

‘You can’t spank me,’ he said, his hands instantly flying to his delicious backside.

‘Yes, I can.’

I felt myself starting to harden in the confines of my boxer shorts at the thought of getting Matt’s trousers down and being able to touch his round bubble butt.

‘Take off your jacket and bend over that desk.’

‘Do it here,’ he gasped.

I double checked the time before nodding. ‘The cleaners don’t come until nine. We have plenty of time. Get it off.’

Matt was starting to sweat as he removed his grey suit jacket and as he turned around and I got my first glimpse of his tightly fitting suit trousers snuggly hugging his beautiful arse, my cock practically ripped out of my boxers.

‘Bend over then,’ I said as Matt stood there sheepishly.

Matt leaned over the desk and the material of his trousers tightened even more, neatly highlighting the line between his firm cheeks.

‘Spread your legs a little more,’ I said as I stepped closer to him.

Matt did so and I clenched my fist to stop myself from running my fingers up the inside of his muscular thigh.

I gingerly reached out my hand and settled it on one of his cheeks. I slowly rubbed my hand up and down, gently squeezing the firm, but soft mound. His arse was exquisite. The perfect combination of firm yet squidgy. It took all my self-control not to rip his clothes off and fuck him there and then.

‘Can we get this over with?’ he said with a growl.

Without hesitating, I raised my hand and slammed it down against his arse. The loud slap echoed around the office and the thrill from spanking him made my cock throb. I raised my hand and spanked him again and before I knew it, I was on a roll. Slap after slap echoed around the room as I spanked every inch of his beautiful suited arse. He winced and cried out for me to stop, but I couldn’t. It was such a rush.

After nearly ten minutes, my cock was throbbing mercilessly against my tented trousers and I stilled my hand before I shot my load. I could feel how damp my boxers were with pre-cum and I didn’t want to re-enact my last train ride after a session with Matt.

‘Are you finished now?’ he said, his voice breathless from the punishment.

‘Not just yet. Time for you to lose those trousers.’

‘What? You can’t do that.’

Ignoring his protests, I slid my hands around his waist and unbuckled his belt. My fingers moved quickly as I undid the button and pulled his zipper down. As I did so, I felt a small movement and began to wonder if Matt was maybe enjoying this?

I grabbed his trousers by the sides and slid them to his ankles.

As I looked up his tanned, muscular, slightly hairy legs, I felt my mouth fall open in stunned disbelief. Matt was wearing a pair of figure hugging grey snakeskin print, silk boxer shorts. His arse was outlined perfectly in the silky second skin. I’d never seen a pair of silk boxers so tight on anyone in my life.

‘Well, you clearly prefer your underwear snug,’ I said.

‘Shut up,’ he said.

My hand flew through the air and struck his arse right between his checks. Matt bucked off of the desk and practically howled.

‘Back in position,’ I said and he slowly obeyed.

Remembering what Matt had done to me, I gripped his tight silk boxers by the waistband and started to pull them down, but after only getting them half way over his smooth buttocks, I came against some resistance.

‘Oh no,’ Matt whimpered. ‘This can’t be happening.’

I turned Matt around and nearly passed out with arousal.

Matt’s cock was about 8 inches in length and was rock hard and straining against the silk material. A wet shiny patch of cum covered the front of the silk and I had to force myself not to drop to my knees and take his delicious length of meat to the back of my throat.

‘Clearly I’m not the only one who enjoys this,’ I said with a wink.

‘I’m not enjoying it.’

I gripped his cock in my hand and it pulsed at my fingertips.

‘I beg to differ.’

I gripped Matt’s boxers and yanked them down to his knees, his beautiful circumcised penis springing free, the head shiny with pre-cum.

‘Turn around, I’m not done,’ I said.

Matt bent back over the desk and I resumed the spanking, turning his beautiful arse a deep colour of crimson.

Suddenly, my eyes caught Matt’s trousers that were bunched up around his ankles. I bent down and yanked his leather belt free from them and slapped the end of it in my hands.

‘What are you doing?’ Matt said, a note of panic obvious in his voice.

I placed one hand on his back before cracking the belt down on to his right cheek.

‘Fuck!’ Matt screamed, his hand rubbing his arse in agony.

‘Stay still or you’ll get more.’

I slammed the belt down again and again, the crack of leather loud in the empty office. Matt was jerking away from the desk with every stroke and once his muscular arse was covered in purple belt marks, I threw it on the floor and stopped.

‘Stand up,’ I instructed and Matt did so, his eyes glassy with unshed tears.

‘That fucking hurt,’ he said, turning around to face me.

I looked down at his rock hard erection and smiled. ‘It can’t have been that bad.’

Matt flushed red with embarrassment and quickly bent down to retrieve his boxers.

‘Not so fast,’ I said, grabbing his arm. ‘My punishment was more than just a spanking.’

‘No,’ he said, shaking his head.

I nodded with a smug grin. ‘Take your boxers off completely.’

Matt sighed and kicked off his dress shoes and trousers, before pulling his boxers off and passing them to me.

‘Now, put your trousers and shoes back on.’

Matt frowned and did as he was asked, his face wrinkled with discomfort as he fastened his trousers over his abused backside and struggled to zip the fly over his erection.

‘Now what?’ he asked with a defeated sigh.

I stepped forward, appearing far braver than I felt as I grabbed his cock through his trousers. Matt’s eyes closed and he bit his lip as I started to slowly jack him off through the tight material.

‘I’m straight,’ he said, almost as if he was trying to convince himself. ‘Please don’t do this.’

I stepped even closer to him and slid my free hand over his hip and on to one of his firm butt cheeks. I gently rubbed his sore arse whilst I continued to jack him off.

Matt started groaning and bucking his hips and I unzipped him so that I had better access. With somewhat of a struggle, I freed his cock and gripped it tightly.

There was a shiny stain on the front of the light grey material of his trousers and I immediately increased the speed as Matt’s groans got louder.

‘Please stop,’ he gasped. ‘I’m going to cum. Please don’t do this to me. Please.’

I went even faster, despite my concern that I’d cum with him if I wasn’t careful.

‘Pete, please, I don’t want to cum. Please.’

Matt’s voice was strained as he begged, but that only spurred me on and his groans got even louder. He suddenly tensed up and shot jets of hot cum all down the front of his suit trousers, on to his polished dress shoes and all over my hand.

I immediately wiped my wet hand over the back of his suit trousers and slapped his arse one last time for good measure.

Matt panted for breath as he reeled from the orgasm.

‘Now, we’re even,’ I said, my own voice a bit breathless. ‘And I’m keeping your boxers.’

Matt shook his head and zipped himself up, the look on his face showing the dread of having to commute in a pair of cum covered trousers.

Just as I picked up his boxers and tossed them in my bag, I felt Matt’s hand on my arse.

‘What are you doing?’ I said, jumping back a step.

Matt’s hand gripped my cock through my trousers. I had a slight damp patch and my cock was still rock solid after my punishment session.

‘Don’t you want to sort that out before you leave?’ he asked.

Then before I even thought about what I was doing, I leaned forward, grabbed the open collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss.

Our lips met in a blaze of passion, his tongue exploring mine as my hands ran down his muscular back to his arse.

But before I could get any further, Matt suddenly jumped away from me.

‘What the fuck are you doing?’ he yelled. ‘I’m straight! That’s sexual harassment. Get the fuck away from me.’

Before I could say a word, Matt ran to his desk, grabbed his things and left the office.

I stood there in disbelief as the door closed behind him. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d kissed me back. It wasn’t sexual harassment!

And then later that evening, I got a text:

This isn’t over. What you did to me was unforgivable. You’re going to wish you’d never come near me. A belt will be the least of your problems.

And then I received a picture message and it was a picture of a cane! Whatever had happened between us had freaked him out and now my arse was going to take the punishment for it.


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