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As part of sharing everything from my archives, I wanted to finally share a selection of stories called the Suit-ably Series. These were the first stories I ever wrote and posted online, long before Tumblr. Some of you may have seen these on an old spanking site, which although not something I love writing, it was a great starter for getting me into what I love writing, which is the stuff you guys see every week. 

As an extra share - the ending of this story is one of my faves! I'll say no more to avoid spoilers, but shout if you love this and want more. 

Anyway, enough of my rambling, here's the first story in the series. Let me know what you think in the comments/messages and I'll share one a week until I run out (and for those who want to check, these stories are archive so are in addition to the 2/3 stories a month you get as part of your benefits)!

Since his first day, nearly 3 years ago, I had always had the biggest crush on Matt. He was 6 foot tall, broad shouldered, dark hair, blue eyes, muscular and he had the most phenomenal bubble butt. He always wore perfectly tailored suits that hugged it to perfection and I could never stop myself from drooling when he walked past.

The only downside was that Matt was straight, but hey - I could still look.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and over the last few weeks, Matt had started working late on a Tuesday so that he could go for a run after work before coming back, showering and subsequently heading home.

It had become such a routine that I’d started staying late so that I could leave just as he was returning from his run. Seeing his dark hair wet with sweat, his white t-shirt practically see through as it stuck to his sweaty muscled torso and his tanned, muscular thighs in his low cut running shorts was more than worth the extra couple of hours in the office.

But on that Tuesday afternoon, I had a plan.

When Matt went for his run, he left his clothes in the downstairs shower room – unlocked!! I’d developed an almost desperate obsession with needing to touch his clothes. I wanted to feel the soft fabric of his suit trousers, touch the glossy black leather of his lace up dress shoes and I’d have given anything to see what sort of underwear he kept secreted under those tight trousers.

At 7pm, Matt and I were the only two left on our floor of the office. The other floors usually cleared out by 6, so as soon as Matt said goodbye and headed for the stairs, I bolted over to the window. Within 5 minutes, I saw him exit the building, perform a few drool worthy stretches and then start jogging away.

I ran down the four flights of the stairs to the ground floor and walked as quickly as I could across the foyer to the corridor where the shower room and toilets were.

Confident that there was no one around, I pushed open the shower room door and immediately, I felt my cock start to harden when I spotted his suit jacket hung on a peg and a bag on the small bench that sat on one side of the room.

Wasting no time, I unzipped the bag and pulled out the pale blue shirt he’d been wearing all day. As I pushed it against my face, the smell of his aftershave combined with the heady, masculine aroma of a day’s wear was almost too much. I placed it back down on the bench and pulled out his suit trousers. The silver buckle swung against the wall as I touched the soft grey material. The thought that his sexy, round arse had been straining the seams of those trousers just minutes before had me dampening my boxers with pre-cum.

Just then, as I dropped his trousers and moved one of his dress shoes aside in the bag, I found them. My hand closed around a pair of black silk boxer shorts with red hearts on them. They were still slightly damp around the crotch after a day’s wear and I greedily inhaled the scent. The combination of the soft silk and the smell of Matt’s crotch was too much and I quickly unzipped my black suit trousers and released my throbbing erection from the confines of my own boxers.

My hand gripped my cock and started sliding backwards and forwards as I continued to breathe into Matt’s boxers like a gas mask.

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’

The boxers fell from my hand as I turned around and came face to face with Matt, my throbbing cock hanging out of my fly.

‘I can explain,’ I said with a stutter as I pushed my still damp cock back into my boxers and zipped my trousers up. ‘This really isn’t what it looks like.’

‘Get the hell out of here, you sick freak,’ he practically screamed at me.

I threw his boxers on to the bench and practically fell over my own feet as I scrambled out of the shower room. After grabbing my stuff from my desk, I ran out of the office to the train station and headed home, cursing myself for my own stupidity.

The following morning when I arrived at the office, I had barely slept and I was dreading seeing Matt. I prayed that he had kept my little show to himself, but I had no idea how angry he was and what he might do to me.

Matt came into the office after me as normal and aside from saying “Good Morning” like he always did, he didn’t say a word and no one in the office seemed to know any different either.

At 3pm, I received a meeting invite via email . . . from Matt.

From: Matt

To: Pete

Subject: Meeting Request

Dear Pete,

I think we need a meeting to discuss a few things. I’m aware you usually leave at 5, but I’d be grateful if you could attend at 6pm in Meeting Room 8.



My heart pounded in my chest as I hit the “accept” button on my email program. It was obvious that he wanted to discuss last night, but I couldn’t imagine why.

Meeting room 8 was on the top floor and I half wondered if he was inviting me up there to kick my head in.

The afternoon passed at a snail’s pace and after seeing Matt leave his desk at 5:55, I reluctantly packed up my desk and headed up the stairs to Meeting room 8.

‘Shut the door,’ Matt said as soon as I entered the room.

It was a small room with just a table and two chairs. It was also one of the only meeting rooms that was completely private – no windows and an opaque door.

‘Listen, Matt, I’m really . . .’

‘Stop talking. I’m not interested. What you did was an invasion of privacy and an act of sexual indecency in the workplace. What’s to stop me going to HR or your manager?’

‘Please,’ I begged. ‘I was way out of line and I’m sorry. But please don’t tell anyone about this.’

‘Why shouldn’t I?’ he practically yelled. ‘You swan around the office in your fancy suits, looking down your nose at everyone. Why shouldn’t you be exposed for the filthy pervert you are?’

‘Matt, I will do anything you want, but please don’t tell anyone.’

Matt nodded and stood up. He moved his armless chair to the side of the room and sat down on it again.

‘Take your jacket off and come over here.’

‘Excuse me,’ I said with a look of disbelief.

‘I’ll deal with you my way. You acted like some sexually frustrated teenager, so I’ll treat you like one. You can go over my knee so that I can spank the filth out of you.’

‘I’m twenty-seven years old,’ I protested. ‘You can’t spank me.’

‘In which case, I’ll visit HR first thing in the morning.’

I jumped up from my seat and started removing my jacket. ‘No, no, fine, I’ll do it.’

Part of me was aroused at the thought of being over Matt’s knee and it wouldn’t be the first time I’d been spanked. However, the previous occasions had been sensual and erotic, not punishment.

I loosened my tie slightly as I crossed the small space to Matt. He spread his thighs slightly and I practically shot my load seeing his tight tailored suit trousers digging into his muscled legs.

I rested my hands on the floor and used them to steady myself as Matt moved me into the right position. I felt a small draft across my lower back as Matt gripped my waistband and my shirt tail lifted out of my trousers.

Matt placed his right hand on my right arse cheek and gently patted it. My cock immediately started to harden as he moved his hand to my left.

But before I got too relaxed, he raised his hand and then brought it down hard, the slap echoing around the small room.

I winced slightly, but it wasn’t the worst pain I’d ever felt.

Matt’s strong hand was relentless as it came down hard on every square inch of my arse. Both of my cheeks throbbed and burned inside my suit trousers and the longer he hit me, the more I squirmed against his crotch as I tried to escape.

‘Please, Matt,’ I begged. ‘I’ve had enough.’

Matt withdrew his hand and told me to stand up.

I gratefully got up from his lap and turned away from him so that he wouldn’t see the unfortunate tent in the front of my black suit trousers. As much as the punishment hurt, I couldn’t deny that it was very much on the pain/pleasure threshold.

My hands flew to my rump as I kneaded my throbbing cheeks with my hands, desperately trying to take the burn away.

‘Looks like you’ve been enjoying this.’

I looked down and Matt was leaning forward, his eyes fixed on my tented crotch.

‘I think we need to get those trousers down so I can make you really feel how disgusted I am.’

I opened my mouth to protest, but Matt’s hands went straight to my belt. He undid the buckle, popped the button on my suit trousers and tore down the zipper on my fly. With nothing to hold them up, my trousers slid gracefully to my ankles and I immediately gulped when I remembered what underwear I had on.

‘If I hadn’t put them in the wash last night, I’d say they were mine,’ Matt said with a shake of his head.

I was wearing a pair of baggy black silk boxers that were patterned with little red hearts – an exact replica of the pair that Matt had been wearing the day before. They were a relatively snug fit on my rugby player build, hugging my thick thighs and my big bubble butt.

‘I guess we have the same taste,’ I said with a shrug, praying that he wouldn’t notice the slightly damp patch on the front of my boxer shorts where my body was enjoying the attention of Matt’s strong hands.

‘Shut up and bend over the desk.’

Not wanting to anger him anymore than I already had done, I shuffled over to the desk with my trousers around my ankles. I leaned forward, sticking my round buttocks into the air. Even the soft silk of my boxer shorts was irritating my reddened burning backside and I couldn’t help but wince slightly.

Matt ran his hand up the inside of my left thigh until it rested on the bottom of my boxer shorts.

‘Spread your legs,’ he instructed and I did – as much as my trousered-ankles would allow.

Without a word, Matt suddenly grabbed the waistband of my boxers and yanked them to my knees, my cock slapping on the desk top as it was released.

‘Much better,’ he said as he patted my sore cheeks.

With no warning, he raised his hand and continued to spank my bare arse. Without any protection from his hand, my arse was on fire as he relentlessly spanked me. His hand was everywhere, from the top of my cheeks to the crease where arse met thigh.

‘Matt, please,’ I begged, desperate for him to stop.

I refused to let the tears in my eyes fall as I ground my teeth and clung on to the desk for dear life.

After what seemed like a lifetime, Matt finally relented and I could hear his deep breathing.

‘Looks like I’ve made your arse nice and raw,’ he said with a satisfied chuckle.

I moved to stand up, but one of his hands pushed down on my lower back to hold me in place. His other hand slowly caressed my burning arse, moving gently from cheek to cheek before running his finger gently down the crease.

I could feel the pre-cum against my stomach as I rested on my still erect cock. If he didn’t move away from me soon, I would blow my load all over my self.

‘You can stand up now,’ he said as he stepped away from me.

I stood up and immediately bent down to retrieve my boxers so I could hide my erection, but Matt spun me around.

‘Well, well, well,’ he said with a grin. ‘Looks like you still enjoyed it, even with a bare arse spanking.’

‘Matt, I . . .’

I wanted to explain, but Matt silenced me by grabbing my cock in his hand.

‘You clearly didn’t suffer enough,’ Matt said with a slow shake of his head. ‘Maybe humiliation will do the trick.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘You get the train home right?’

I nodded. ‘I do, why?’

‘Pull your trousers and boxers up,’ he instructed.

With a sigh of relief I bent over and pulled my boxers and trousers up. I still had a tent in my trousers and the combined material made my arse feel even sorer, but I felt much more comfortable being covered up.

‘Now, stand still,’ he whispered in my ear as he leaned towards me.

Before I could say a word, Matt’s hand grabbed my still throbbing cock through my suit trousers. It throbbed in his hand as he gently started to jack me off and I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out in ecstasy.

‘I want you to cum,’ he whispered in my ear. ‘I want you to cum a lot.’

As Matt’s hand worked back and forth on my cock, I could feel all the sexual tension rising in my balls as an orgasm rushed to the surface, ready to explode.

‘Ah, unzip me, Matt. Please.’

Matt’s grip tightened and he started to speed up.

‘Oh, Matt – please take my trousers down. They’ll be covered.’

‘That’s the idea,’ he whispered in my ear.

I knew what he was planning and I didn’t want to suffer that humiliation, but my body didn’t resist as he continued to jack me off.

‘Please don’t do this, Matt. I’m close. Unzip me, please.’

‘Fine, I’ll unzip you,’ he said.

I was on the brink of orgasm and Matt undid my flies and with quick movements, he released my cock.

He gripped it harder than before and started to jack me off again.

My screams of ecstasy echoed around the small room as I shot my load, Matt’s hold on my dick never loosening for a second.

‘Wow,’ I gasped as I opened my eyes.

‘Have a fun trip home,’ Matt said with a twisted grin. ‘And I’ll take your wallet too – can’t have you sneaking off to buy something new to wear.’

‘What?’ I asked with a confused expression.

Matt pointed at my crotch and I looked down – my face dropping in shock and horror.

There was cum over my shirt, down either thigh of my trousers and all over my belt. There were also drops of cum on my shoes and I could feel the wet patch on my silk boxers as it stuck to my skin.

‘You can’t seriously expect me to get on a train like this,’ I said with horror.

Matt smiled at me. ‘You jacked off whilst sniffing my underwear. Be grateful this is all you have to do.’

After taking my wallet and leaving me with only my train card, my phone and keys, Matt left with my suit jacket over his shoulder. I tried my best to clear up the cum, but I only made it worse and with a sick feeling in my stomach, I headed home.

It was only when I got off of the train amongst more laughs and foul comments that I got a text on my phone.

“I enjoyed this afternoon. Maybe your punishment isn’t over just yet.”

I knew it was Matt and I had no idea how he’d gotten my number, but I was starting to dread what might happen next!


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