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Here's the next instalment in the College Ben series. This was originally intended to be the finale, but unsurprisingly, I got carried away with Ben and this will now be a 2 part final. Part 5 will be released next week. Let me know what you think of Ben's latest adventure in the comments below :)

Grant text Ben back in a matter of seconds. He agreed to help him and asked where he was. Ben texted the address whilst he continued to hide in the walk-in closet, naked from the waist down except for his socks and sneakers.

Ben couldn’t understand how this crap kept happening to him. He knew there was a part of him that seemed to get off on this, but even when he was careful, he still seemed to end up exposed. Not to mention the fact that he seemed to cum every time these days.

Noah had left quite quickly, and Alex had ushered everyone else out to go for beers and to give Ben some space.


“Grant?” Ben called, praying that he hadn’t imagined him.

“Where are you?”

“Up here,” Ben said, pushing his head out of the closet door whilst trying to keep the rest of his body hidden.

Grant walked over wearing a tight pair of jeans and a navy shirt. Ben couldn’t be sure, but he wondered if Grant’s body had thickened up a little since the last time he’d seen him.

“Dare I ask why you need pants?” Granted asked with a knowing smile.

Ben held out his hand for the bag in Grant’s hand. “I’ll explain later. Please can I have the pants?”

Grant took a step back. “I will give you the pants if you accept my apology. I promise you that I had no intentions of exposing you at that party. I genuinely just wanted to make out.”

With a frown, Ben sighed. “Look, I’ll accept your apology, even if I don’t understand what game you’re planning or playing. Can I have the pants now?”

“I’m not playing any game,” Grant said, his voice slightly louder. “Why don’t you get this? I like you, okay?”

Ben couldn’t wrap his brain around that, and his face showed his confusion. “You like me?”

“Yes, I fucking like you. I think you’re sexy as hell and I can’t get enough of seeing that sexy butt on show. And don’t get me started on how incredible kissing you is.”

The conversation had taken such a confusing turn that Ben allowed the door to open a little.

“Woah, are you naked in there?” Grant exclaimed with a massive grin.

Ben quickly clamped his hands over his cock. “I don’t have any pants or any undies, okay? Please can I have the pants.”

With an unsurprised shake of his head, Grant handed Ben the bag. “I got these from one of the guys in my dorm. They should fit okay.”

Relieved to finally have something to cover up with, Ben pulled out a pair of jeans and prayed that they would fit. He kicked off his sneakers and stepped into the faded blue denim, tugging them up his furry, muscled legs. They were snug on his thighs, and it was a bit of a struggle to get them over his ample ass, but eventually Ben had the jeans buttoned and zipped. He pushed his feet into his sneakers and sighed with relief, before stepping out of the closet.

Grant had watched the entire show and could feel his cock throbbing in his briefs after seeing Ben struggle to get his thick ass inside the jeans.

“Thank you . . . for coming to help me,” Ben said as they walked down the stairs together.

“So, what happened?” Grant asked, a little too eagerly.

“Umm, I’ll tell you some other time,” Ben said with a blush.

“I know you don’t believe me, and you have no reason to, but I really do like you, Ben. Maybe as a thank you, you could do me a favour?”

Ben frowned. “What sort of favour?”

“There’s a gala event on Friday and I’m getting my scholarship award presented to me. I was going to go with Matt, but he’s met some girl and is going with her instead. Would you, maybe, like to come with me?”

Grant was blushing slightly after asking, and wouldn’t look Ben in the eye, too nervous that he’d say no.

“I’d be happy to, but a gala sounds kind of formal,” Ben said, concerned at his complete lack of clothes that fit him.

“Well, if you’re free tomorrow morning, I could pick you up and take you to the place where I’m getting my tux from. I’ve already been fitted for mine, but if we go in tomorrow, there should be enough time to find you something. And it would be my treat given that you’d be doing me a favour?”

Ben opened his mouth to say yes, but quickly closed it. What if this was just another one of Grant and Matt’s pranks? What if they just wanted to get him naked in a fitting room and leave him there with no clothes? Or what if they’d send him off to this gala in a suit that had Velcro seams or something? Yes, it seemed like Grant genuinely wanted to go with him, but how could he trust him after what they’d pulled before?

“I dunno,” Ben said at last as they got outside. “I’d like to, but I’m . . . I don’t think . . .”

Grant visibly deflated. “I know you don’t trust me, but please let this be my chance to prove to you that I’m serious.”

“I’m not sure,” Ben said quietly. “I . . .”

Before Ben could say anything else, Grant closed the distance between them and placed a hand on Ben’s butt. He gave his right cheek a squeeze.

“I can’t tell you how sexy this is, but I will do everything I can to prove it to you.”

Ben blushed, partly at Grant’s words, and partly at the way the touch made his cock throb.

“Okay, I’ll go to the gala thing with you,” Ben said, taking a step back. “Just let me know what time you want to meet in the morning.”

Grant’s face lit up with a massive smile. “I’ll pick you up at ten.”

After saying goodbye to Grant, Ben headed back to his dorm. His mind was a mess. He was horny after the seven minutes of heaven with Noah, and being exposed again, but he was also horny about Grant, not to mention confused about what Grant’s intentions really were.

Ultimately, there was just no way to really know what Grant wanted without going along with things and finding out. As much as Ben didn’t want to end up exposed and naked again, his cock throbbed at the prospect.

The following morning, Ben woke up to an empty dorm room. Noah had already disappeared for the day, which felt like a relief to Ben. After the incident in the walk-in closet, Ben felt a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable. Noah was a lovely guy, but he didn’t really know what to say to him.

Relieved that he didn’t have to tackle that problem, Ben climbed out of bed and hit the shower, before dressing in a black t-shirt and the same jeans that Grant had brought him the day before. As much as he knew he had to return them, he didn’t have a great deal to wear, and at least they fit him. Unlike the ridiculously tight black briefs that he was wearing underneath.

True to his word, Grant pulled up in his car outside Ben’s dorm at 10am. Ben opened the door and climbed in, conscious of the jeans sagging slightly and hoping that he wasn’t flashing his butt crack.

“Hey Ben, ready to get measured up?” Grant asked with a grin.

Ben nodded. “Yeah, I guess so. I haven’t been fitted for a tux before. I guess I’m a little nervous.”

“Don’t worry,” Grant said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “It’s quick and easy. We’ll be in and out in no time and then we can grab lunch before I drop you back.”

Feeling a little better, Ben smiled. “Cool, that sounds good.”

The tailors was a small family run place on one of the quieter downtown streets. Immaculate suits and dinner jackets dressed mannequins in the window, and Ben couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as he followed Grant inside.

“Back again so soon.”

Ben looked up to see an incredibly handsome guy in his early thirties. He was easily 6’3 and had a very thick, muscular build that was barely contained by a tight grey pinstripe suit. His blond hair was short but styled and his green eyes were beautiful.

“I brought my friend, Ben, to get measured for a tux. Is there enough time to get one for the gala?” Grant asked after shaking the guy’s hand.

“Absolutely. I’m Kyle,” he said, holding his hand out to Ben, who tentatively shook it.

Kyle seemed to look Ben up and down in a way that was ever so slightly dismissive, but Ben guessed he was busy and shook it off.

“Right, let’s get you into the fitting room and we’ll find something for you. It won’t take long.”

Ben followed Kyle and Grant into the fitting room, trying not to stare at Kyle’s ass in the tight suit pants.

The fitting room had an old-fashioned panelled room divider in one corner and a small area of floor length mirrors in a semi-circle. The rest of the room was an incredible number of clothes rails filled with suit jackets, waistcoats, suit pants and shirts.

“Okay, Ben, if you can take off your pants and your sneakers and I’ll get your measurements. Then I’ll see if I’ve got some items for you to try on. If not, I’ll order something in and have it for Friday.”

Ben hadn’t heard anything after “take off your pants”. “Umm . . . you want me to take off my pants here?”

Kyle smiled. “It’s just us guys here. You’ve got undies on, right?”

Ben blushed furiously remembering how tight his black briefs were. “I do, but they’re . . .”

“Perfect. Let’s get to it.”

Grant gave Ben a reassuring smile before taking a seat next to the mirrored area.

With a sigh, Ben toed off his sneakers and then undid the button and the fly on his jeans. He really hoped that his briefs weren’t as wedged in his crack as they felt.

With Kyle and Grant watching him expectantly, Ben pushed the jeans to his ankles and kicked them off. His hands quickly went to his butt, and he blushed again when he felt his bare cheeks. The briefs were well and truly wedged in his crack, and as he pulled them free, the front dipped precariously low giving both Kyle and Grant a peek at his trimmed pubes and the base of his cock.

Kyle bit his lip to stop himself laughing. “Those look a little snug on you, bud. You may want to get something a little looser for the gala. Briefs that tight will ruin the line of the pants.”

Blushing again, Ben just nodded, feeling slightly mortified that this incredibly hot guy was judging his snug undies.

“Let’s get to it,” Kyle said, walking over with a cloth tape measure. “Upper body first.”

Ben let Kyle take his measurements, moving his arms up and down when instructed. The heat in the fitting room was making him sweat and he could see that Kyle had noticed. Kyle also kept making little remarks as he noted Ben’s measurements.

“Hmmm that could be difficult to fit.”

“What will be?” Granted asked, his tone a little cold to Ben’s ear.

“The waist measurement. I’m sure I’ll find something.”

Grant opened his mouth but quickly closed it.

Ben frowned at him, confused by how annoyed Grant looked. Wondering what he’d done to piss Grant off, Ben barely noticed as Kyle squatted down and slapped Ben’s legs apart. He jumped and quickly spread them slightly so that Kyle could take his inner leg measurement.

“Those briefs look ready to give up,” Kyle muttered as he wrote down the measurement.

“I’m sorry,” Ben said quietly. “They’re an old pair and I . . .”

“I’m going to have to take a measurement across your butt. I’m concerned that it won’t be easy to fit, given it’s . . . size.”

Ben tried to turn and look at his own butt even though he knew it was juicier than most.

“Don’t worry,” Grant said quickly. “No need. It’s the briefs making it look that much bigger. Do you have anything in Ben’s size that he can try on.”

Convinced that Grant was genuinely angry at him, Ben could only assume that he was embarrassed at watching Ben get measured. Ben wasn’t exactly a small guy and Kyle had made it pretty obvious that he didn’t think much of Ben.

Kyle walked over to one of the rails and started pulling out different items, before walking over to Ben and pushing them into his arms.

“Try those on, they should fit. Have you got dress shoes?”

Ben shook his head. “I haven’t.”

“Of course, you don’t,” Kyle said with a chuckle. “What size feet are you?”

“I’m an 11,” Ben said with a shrug.

Kyle laughed. “Of course, they’re big too. Try those clothes on and I’ll make sure you have some dress shoes when you pick them up. I’ll also make sure you have some underwear that is a little more . . . suitable to your size.”

Feeling a little bit ashamed of himself, Ben carried the clothes behind the panelled screen, refusing to look at Grant, who was probably regretting inviting him to the gala in the first place.

As Ben pulled off his t-shirt and started pulling on a white shirt, he heard Grant follow Kyle out of the dressing room. The shirt was a little baggy once Ben had buttoned it, and it was the first time in a long time that that had happened with him and clothing.

Feeling slightly better, Ben grabbed the black tux pants with a satin stripe down the sides. Unlike the shirt, they weren’t baggy. He could hear the stitches straining as he got them over his thighs, but no matter how hard he tugged, he couldn’t get them over his ass, and with all the movement, he was sweating more, and his briefs had ridden back up.

“Come on, come on,” Ben hissed through his teeth.

How did they not fit him? They were in his size!

As Ben wrestled with the tux pants, his dick started to get hard from all the tugging.

“Oh no, not now,” Ben whispered.

Sweat dripped down his face as he continued to wrestle the tux pants. His cock was now straining against the pouch of his tight briefs, the waistband pulling away from his body as his cock tried to get free. Whilst at the rear, his briefs were swallowed between his cheeks and looked more like a thong.

“How are you getting on?” Grant asked, appearing around the side of the screen.

Ben froze, convinced that Grant would really lose his shit when he saw that Ben was unable to get into clothes that were actually supposed to fit him. Not to mention that he was boned up and starting to leak through his briefs.

“I’m . . . I’m sorry. The pants . . . they don’t . . .”

Grant shook his head. “Take it all off, Ben.”

With something of a struggle, Ben removed the tux pants and handed them to Grant. Ben couldn’t bring himself to look Grant in the eye as he unbuttoned the shirt and handed that over too.

“Stay right there,” Grant instructed before storming out of the dressing room.

Ben heard raised voices but couldn’t make out what either of them were saying. He just felt mortified that he hadn’t been able to get the pants on, not to mention that he was still boned up, and half tempted to jerk off.

After a couple of minutes, Grant returned and came behind the screen fully, standing just inches from Ben.

“I’m really sorry, Ben, but I have to do this.”

Ben looked up at Grant, half expecting him to walk out and never talk to him again.

However, instead, Grant pushed Ben back against the wall and kissed him, hard and fast. Ben could barely catch his breath as Grant pushed his tongue inside Ben’s mouth, his hands grabbing Ben’s exposed cheeks and squeezing them as they kissed.

“Fuck, you looked so sexy trying to get those pants on.”

Ben was too horny and too confused to even process Grant’s words, choosing to continue kissing him, whilst he kept his hands on Grant’s hips.

Grant moved one of his hands to the still throbbing hard on in Ben’s briefs. Growling, Grant yanked down the front of Ben’s briefs, freeing his cock. Grant wrapped his hand around it and started to stroke it.

Trying not to let his knees buckle, Ben moaned into Grant’s mouth. “What if Kyle comes in?”

Grudgingly, Grant pulled back. He had completely forgotten himself, unable to keep his hands or mouth off of Ben.

“You’re right, we should probably . . .”

“I do have another client arriving in a moment, so I’ll have to ask you guys to go.”

Ben yanked his briefs up at the sound of Kyle’s voice, though his dick still stuck over the waistband, leaking precum and begging for attention.

Grant tossed Ben his t-shirt and Ben dressed as quickly as he could, the jeans doing nothing to hide his throbbing bulge.

“I promise I’ll take care of this as soon as we get somewhere private," Grant said with a grin. 


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