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Choose Your Own Adventure - Part Two

  • Does he politely give Drake the brush off and make his own escape? 3
  • Does he accept Drake's help and get back to his office without incident? 0
  • Does he accept Drake's help but gets into an incident on the way to his office? 22
  • 2023-08-18
  • —2023-08-23
  • 25 votes
{'title': 'Choose Your Own Adventure - Part Two', 'choices': [{'text': 'Does he politely give Drake the brush off and make his own escape? ', 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Does he accept Drake's help and get back to his office without incident? ", 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Does he accept Drake's help but gets into an incident on the way to his office?", 'votes': 22}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 23, 22, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 18, 11, 40, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 25}


You guys decided that Oliver would stay in his seat and pray that Drake didn't usher him out. Read on to see what happens next and don't forget to vote for what you want Oliver to do now. 

Deciding that he can’t risk anyone seeing what will undoubtedly be an obvious bulge in his pants, Oliver stayed in his seat and started tapping away on his laptop as people around him left the room.

Oliver crossed his legs and then leaned forward before he glanced over at Drake as he downed the last of his coffee and picked up his iPad.

“Sorry Oliver, but there’s another meeting in here so you’ll have to head back to your desk.”

Oliver looked up at Drake towering over him, and despite the embarrassment potential of his situation, Oliver couldn’t stop the thought of looking up at Drake like this before he took his boss’ cock to the back of his throat.


Drake frowned and leaned forward to place a hand on Oliver’s shoulder.

“Sorry, I zoned out for a second there. Yes, I’ll just finish this email and head out.”

Drake continued to look at Oliver with concern. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look a little flushed.”

Oliver’s cock throbbed again, and he was suddenly conscious that his hard cock was resting against his light grey suit pants . . . his hard cock that leaked like a faucet when he was this horny.

Fuck, he cursed at his own body. He couldn’t risk having a wet patch of precum on his tight suit pants. With the material such a light colour, everyone would notice.

Without any response, Drake’s concern grew and he squatted down next to Oliver. “What’s going on?”

“I . . . I . . .”

With Drake squatting in front of him, Oliver had a view of Drake’s thick thighs encased in the navy-blue suit pants, which were so snug that they were creased along the seams. Not to mention Drake’s meaty bulge which was practically begging for Oliver’s tongue.

“Come on, Oliver. Talk to me. I hope you don’t think we can’t be friends because I’m your boss.”

Oliver slowly shook his head. “No, no, it’s just that I . . . I just need to finish this email and then . . .”

Drake raised his eyebrows in question, but before either of them spoke, Drake’s eyes flicked down to Oliver’s crotch and widened in surprise.

“Wow. Are you boned up right now?”

Oliver coughed. “What? No! What are you talking about?”

Drake laughed. “Oliver, I’m not blind and that would definitely explain why you’re blushing and so flustered. Perhaps I should give you a minute alone to calm yourself down. You have three minutes until the next meeting starts.”

“Only three minutes?”

Drake put his hand on Oliver’s knee as he stood up. “Three minutes. If that isn’t long enough, then I could possibly help you cover up and get you back to your office. I certainly wouldn’t want anyone else to see you boned up like some horny teenager.”

The way Drake talked down to Oliver just made Oliver’s cock throb even more. He was certain that if he looked down, he’d have a wet patch on his suit pants. There was no way he’d be able to walk out of the meeting room in just a few minutes, even with his laptop bag covering him. With his cock free inside his suit pants, his thick cock would be incredibly obvious.

Unfortunately, if he allowed Drake to help him then Drake would see his predicament!

So, what does Oliver do next? Choose below and part 3 will be out next week. 


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