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The first instalment in the College Ben series was a commission from one of my awesome followers and it sparked a brand new Ben series, which I was very happy to write. 

As part of sharing the College Ben stories, I have a brand new Ben story that was commissioned and never shared before, and I have an explosive finale to this College Ben story. 

When Ben finally returned to college, he was happy to be putting the summer behind him. After his humiliating weeks as a camp leader, he’d spent the rest of his summer hidden away at his parents gaming, pigging out and relaxing. He knew he should have been hitting the gym, but he decided that could wait for when he got back to college.

Ben was excited to see his friends as he unloaded his bags in his new room. His first year of college had been such a blast that he couldn’t wait to start his second. He was sharing a room with someone new this year, but the housing lady had said that he wasn’t arriving for another week so Ben had his pick of the beds.

After picking the bed by the window and putting his iPad on charge, Ben flopped down on the bed and was pleased to see a few messages from some of his buddies.

Hey bud, one of the frats is throwing a costume party tomorrow night. We have to go!

Alex was at the college on a football scholarship and he and Ben had kicked it off almost immediately on their first week.

Count me in, dude!

Ben sent off a quick reply and made a mental note to sort a costume later on. There was only one other message from an unknown number:

Come meet us for coffee, B! We’re at the Starbucks over the street from the Widener building. G

That was weird. The only G that Ben knew was Gavin. Maybe he’d bought a new phone?

Ben got up from the bed and caught his reflection in the mirror. He was wearing sweats and a t-shirt with a massive ketchup stain.

‘Crap,’ he said as he grabbed one of his suitcases and flung it open, pulling out a clean t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

Ben peeled off his stained top and tossed it on the floor, before pushing his sweats to his ankles and exposing his insanely tight white briefs. He couldn’t stop from looking in the mirror and examining himself. He still had the same untidy brown hair, piercing blue eyes and strong jaw, but his body had possibly chunked out a little more. His chest was still fairly toned underneath the brown hair that ran down to his stomach that was no longer just inflated with the freshman 15 . . . it was now more like the freshman 30. Ben’s bubble butt was still as chunky as ever and was covered in a dusting of soft brown hair and his thighs were still toned, but far thicker than they had been a year ago.

Ben shook his head and pulled on the navy t-shirt. Over the summer, he’d lived in sweats and tees and had purchased a load of new tees before returning to college. The t-shirt was a little snug, but nowhere near as tight as his hideous camp leader uniform.

With his gut covered, Ben pulled on his jeans, but no sooner had he got them to his thighs, he couldn’t get them any higher. Ben hadn’t bought any new jeans since before the summer and there was no way in hell that he could fit his ample bubble butt into this pair. He pulled and struggled, but only succeeded in giving himself a wedgie with his skimpy white briefs, totally exposing his furry bubble butt that stuck out like a shelf.

‘I guess I better stick to the sweats,’ he said, his cheeks slightly red from the exertion.

Ben grabbed the grey sweats from the floor and yanked them up, tucking the drawstring into the waistband without bothering to tying it. The sweats were a little on the snug side, showing off his butt and the bulge in his briefs, but they were much looser than his jeans would have been.

Ben grabbed his phone and key card and headed to the Starbucks.

It was only a short walk, but after a summer of sitting, Ben was sweating and a little short of breath as he pushed open the door. He glanced around the coffee shop, but couldn’t see Gavin anywhere, so he decided to grab an iced coffee and a muffin whilst he waited.

After making his order, Ben headed to the end of the bar to wait and messaged Gavin back to let him know he was there, before scrolling through Twitter.

It was just after he’d hit “like” on a video of a dog swimming in a pool that he felt his heart sink into the pits of his stomach. As he’d scrolled through his phone, someone had snuck up behind him, grabbed his sweats on either side of his waist and yanked them to his ankles.

Ben felt the cool air against his legs as his sweats hit his ankles, his skimpy white briefs on show. Before he could consider turning around to face the culprit, Ben bent down to yank up his sweats, but no sooner had his fingers brushed the grey cotton, someone behind him grabbed the waistband of his tight briefs and yanked them upwards. The briefs were wedgied high up his crack, pulling his cock and balls tightly against his body and to make matters worse, someone slapped one of his meaty cheeks making them jiggle slightly.

Ben squealed, but managed to cling on to his sweats and pull them to his waist before spinning around to face the culprit . . . or culprits.

‘Fuck,’ Ben said much more loudly than he intended.

‘Hey Camp Leader Ben,’ Matt and Grant said in unison.

Ben pushed his phone into his pocket before setting about yanking his briefs free from his crack, all the while trying to ignore the laughter from the other people in the coffee shop.

‘I guess you guys think that was funny,’ Ben said, trying to ignore the fact that his cock had started to chub up in his briefs.

‘Well we wanted you to remember us,’ Grant said with a grin.

Ben retrieved his order from the counter when his name was called and moved to a table in the corner, keeping a death grip on the waistband of his sweats to avoid them being yanked to the ground again.

Grant and Matt sat opposite him and just seeing their faces brought back all the humiliating memories from summer camp.

‘What do you want guys?’ Ben asked when they didn’t break the silence.  ‘And where’s Luke?’

‘Luke went to a different college,’ Matt said with a shrug. ‘His parents thought we were a bad influence.’

‘Can’t imagine why,’ Ben muttered as he took a sip of his latte.

‘As for what we want . . . ‘ Grant said with a surreptitious look around. ‘We want some more fun with our favourite camp leader.’

‘Look guys, I know you enjoyed your games at summer camp, but this is my college. You can’t ruin my reputation like you did there. Please.’

Matt and Grant exchanged a look with each other. ‘Oh we don’t wanna ruin your rep, Camp Leader Ben. We promise not to share any of the pics or vids from the summer and we promise not to force you into any humiliating situations that will ruin you with your college buddies.’

Ben was stunned by this news. As soon as he’d seen Grant and Matt, he’d assumed that they were here to do to him at college what they’d done at summer camp and as much as the memories made Ben’s cock throb, he didn’t want his fuzzy fat butt pasted all over campus.

‘So, what fun do you want from me?’ Ben asked nervously.

‘We’ll uphold our promise as long as you do a few things for us . . . wear certain outfits or certain undies. Let us meet up off campus with you sometimes so we can embarrass you away from college.’

‘Why the hell do you want to do that?’ Ben said, nearly choking on a sip of latte.

Matt laughed. ‘Let’s just say that our reasons are our own.’

‘Yeah,’ Granted agreed. ‘And it’s not like you have much choice. Unless you want videos of you jerking off naked posted all over the place.’

Ben couldn’t block the memory of being hot, sweaty and naked in front of the mirror in his cabin after the talent show, his hand jerking his cock at lightning speed as his free hand groped his fuzzy bubble butt before he shot cum all over the mirror and his hand. A show that had been filmed and aired live to all the dads, uncles and brothers of all the guys that had attended camp.

Ben shifted in his seat, his dick now hard as a rock and throbbing in the tight confines of his briefs.

‘I guess I don’t have any choice at all,’ Ben said. ‘Fine!’

Matt and Grant high-fived and grinned. ‘We’ll message you when we want you.’

Ben watched as the two freshmen left the coffee shop. He finished his iced latte and muffin and headed back to his room as quickly as he could. As soon as he closed the door behind him, he yanked his sweats down in front of the mirror and was unsurprised to see his dick throbbing in his briefs, the head pushing out the waistband where the leaking precum was making the briefs see through.

Ben pulled the briefs to his knees and wrapped his hand around his cock, jerking off as quickly as he could. He grunted and moaned as his free hand moved from teasing his nipples to squeezing his ample butt cheeks. Within less than a minute, Ben was practically fucking his hand as he growled loudly and came all over his hand and the carpet.

He couldn’t do anything other than collapse on his bed as he panted to try and catch his breath.

For the next 24 hours, Ben didn’t leave his room. After his meeting with Grant and Matt, all he did was eat and jerk off. It was only at 6pm the following day that his phone went off and he realised what a state he was in. The room stunk of sweat and cum and there were empty food containers littering the carpet.

I’m going as a gym coach tonight. Ran out of time to sort a decent costume. We’re meeting for drinks at 7. See you at Maxxie’s!

Fuck, Ben thought as he suddenly remembered the costume party that Alex had told him about.

After meeting Grant and Matt, Ben hadn’t even thought about sorting a costume and now he had less than an hour to clean himself up and find something to wear. If he didn’t wear a costume of any effort then he wouldn’t be allowed in.

Ben rifled through his suitcases, but there was definitely nothing he could use in there. Slumping down on the bed, Ben opened Google on his phone and typed in “easy college costume ideas”. Top of the list was a Greek toga with the tagline “just grab a sheet and a safety pin”.

‘Sweet,’ Ben said, knowing that he had a clean white sheet in the wardrobe and a safety pin on a pair of pants that he’d lost the button on.

Ben grabbed a towel and dived into the shower. Thankfully each room had an en-suite so he only had to share with whoever ended up being his roommate.

After a quick shower, Ben pulled on a pair of black boxer briefs that he only just got over his butt. He then grabbed the clean sheet and removed the safety pin from the pants in his case. The safety pin was a little bent, but it still worked.

Ben checked a couple of tutorial vids on YouTube to ensure he knew how to put on a toga securely. Once he was sure of the process, he grabbed the white sheet and folded it around himself. It took a couple of attempts to get the folds right and the sheet was a little small to work as effectively as he’d like, but when he looked in the mirror Ben was happy to see a fairly authentic looking toga.

There was just one problem . . . Ben’s black undies could be clearly seen through the thin white sheet.

The only white undies that Ben had were the skimpy briefs he’d been wearing the day before and they were stiff with cum.

Ben lifted the toga up to his waist and pulled down the black boxer briefs, his cock and balls swinging free as he kicked them off. Ben rifled through his suitcases, desperate to find something, anything that was white to wear underneath. There was no way he could go commando. The thought of being that close to exposure was making his dick harden again.

‘Oh thank fuck,’ Ben said with a sigh of relief as he pulled out a pair of white compression shorts. He hadn’t worn them since high school and they were pretty worn out, but they would keep him covered and hold him in a bit so they were ideal. The toga only showed off his toned shoulders, arms and a hint of his chest, along with his calves. Everything else was covered, but he was still self-conscious about his gut being too obvious, let alone his huge butt.

Ben stepped into the compression shorts and got them up to his knees before he yanked the toga up and held it under his chin as he wrestled with the shorts. They were more off-white than white, but they’d definitely work . . . if he could get them up.

Ben managed to get the compression shorts over his thighs, but there just wasn’t enough give in the material to get them over his ass.

‘Oh come on,’ Ben whimpered, sweat running down his face and chest as he pulled as hard as he could on the material. A slight ripping noise filled the room, but Ben ignored it at the relief of getting the compression shorts over his butt.

He dropped the toga back into place and readjusted it before throwing on some white socks and trainers.

It wasn’t the greatest costume in the world, but it would do. Ben grabbed his phone and key card before heading for the door and walking towards the elevator, totally unaware of the ripped stitches in the rear of the compression shorts that were slowly starting to unravel.


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