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As a special treat this week, I am sharing a Patreon only exclusive. 

Earlier this year when I published The Trials of Jack Matthews, I wrote a brand new chapter, which has only been available in the Kindle edition . . . until now. 

As many of you have asked for hot tub scenarios, I thought I would share this exclusive chapter to hopefully give some of you what you're after. Let me know what you think in the comments!

Carlos paced back and forth in the small office behind the reception desk.

He knew he was driving himself slowly insane. Not to mention that, in the space of four days, he’d gone from a reasonable man to an obsessed stalker.

When Jack Matthews had checked-in to the complex, Carlos had been immediately stunned by how handsome he was, not to mention his incredible dad bod. But Carlos was convinced that he’d heard the guy’s jeans rip when he’d bent down and grabbed his passport. His behaviour after confirmed it, but despite Carlos’ best efforts, he hadn’t been able to catch a glimpse of what was on show.

Carlos couldn’t shake the image of this incredibly handsome guy blushing as he handed over his passport, one hand clapped to his butt. Just the memory made his dick twitch. He wanted to make him blush like that, preferably before putting his cock in the guy’s throat.

He was frustrated beyond belief, and what made matters worse was that Jack Matthews hadn’t left his villa once since he’d arrived.

‘I need to get a grip,’ he hissed under his breath.

Carlos headed into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face. His brown eyes looked back at him in the mirror as he dabbed his stubbled face with a towel.

As he contemplated his own reflection, Carlos knew he had a decision to make. He either had to let go of his obsession with Jack Matthews or he had to act on it and let go of his morals and the potential wrath of his father if he got caught.

Carlos straightened his white polo and adjusted the belt on his tan slacks.

‘Fuck it!’

It was late afternoon when Carlos left reception and headed down to Jack’s villa. He had a plan, and although it was highly unethical, he knew he couldn’t stop himself.

Carlos wanted to see what Jack was up to on the deck out the back of his villa. Was he in the hot tub in some tight shorts? Was he lounging on the deck in a speedo? Or nothing? His mind raced as he walked past Jack’s villa and used the service path to go down the side of the building to the deck area.

There was a narrow service path alongside each villa that allowed the staff to get to the rear of the property to service the hot tubs and gardens without disturbing the guests. The fences on either side were around eight feet high, so there was no way that Jack would be able to see him peering through the small gap between the slats . . . that he may or may not have put there late last night.

He promised himself he’d just have a quick peek so he could scratch the itch that wouldn’t leave him alone, but when Jack emerged from the sliding doors on to the deck, Carlos knew he wouldn’t be going anywhere.

Jack Matthews was stood in a pair of baggy shorts that hung loose on his hips. He was obviously commando underneath as Carlos could clearly make out the head of his dick and he wasn’t wearing anything else.

Jack had a drink in one hand and a book in the other and he threw himself down on a sun lounger with a contented sigh.

Carlos was hypnotised by the sight of the sexy guy as he read his book and occasionally took a sip from his glass. His mind was chaotic as it played images of all the things he wanted to do to this guy; fucking his brains out in the hot tub, forcing him to his knees on the deck, pinning him to the wall and making out like horny teenagers.

Everything about him drove Carlos wild. From his blue eyes and messy dark hair to his broad shoulders, the trail of hair that disappeared into his shorts and his thick, muscled legs. He was perfection in Carlos’ eyes.

Carlos had promised himself a quick peek, but he couldn’t seem to drag himself away from the fence.

Jack put down his book and pulled himself to his feet, before walking closer to the edge of the deck where Carlos was peering through the fence.

Carlos held his breath and ducked down, terrified that he’d been discovered, but was instantly relieved when Jack merely switched on the hot tub and the jets roared to life.

With the hot tub bubbling away loudly, Carlos breathed a sigh of a relief. He didn’t need to be as worried about being heard now there was some noise.

Jack looked from his shorts to the hot tub and placed his hands on the waistband. Carlos had his face pressed against the fence, desperate to see him drop his shorts and climb naked into the water. However, after several seconds, Jack released the waistband and headed back inside.

Disappointed was an understatement for Carlos, but before he could walk away, Jack re-emerged in a pair of fitted CK boxer briefs. They were stretched and clearly worn, but they hugged Jack’s arse and bulge to perfection.

Jack pushed his hand inside the boxer briefs to reposition himself, which made Carlos’ hard cock throb inside his tan slacks.

Surely, he isn’t going in the hot tub in those, Carlos thought to himself as he gave his dick a squeeze.

But sure enough, Jack climbed into the hot tub, turned his back to Carlos and sat down.

The hot tub was at the edge of the deck nearest Carlos and with Jack in his current position, Carlos could see down the line of his body. It was almost like Carlos was sat at the head of the bed and Jack was lying with his head in his lap. The view was perfect.

Carlos knew he should head back, but he just couldn’t pull himself away. He was glued to the sight of Jack lounging in the hot tub, his muscled arms spread across the top as he rested his head on his shoulder. The bubbles obscured the sight below the water but, knowing that Jack was wearing nothing but the worn CK boxer briefs, was more than enough for him.

After a passage of time that Carlos was oblivious to, Jack suddenly put his hands into the water and shifted in his seat.

Carlos pushed his face closer to the gap in the fence to desperately try and see under the water, but all he could see was Jack sinking down further into the tub as he moved around. But just a few seconds later, he sat up straight and Carlos nearly came in his pants right then and there.

Jack pulled his right hand free from the water, before launching a sodden white ball of material out of the hot tub. It hit the deck with a wet thud and Carlos could just make out the CK waistband.

Jack had removed his undies and was naked in the hot tub.

There was no towel or other clothing outside with him, which meant Jack would have to get out and head inside naked.

Carlos knew that he wasn’t moving anywhere. He would stand and wait so that he got to see the sexy Jack Matthews butt naked.

What Carlos didn’t expect was for Jack’s right hand to slide back under the water. Once there, his bicep muscles tensed and untensed in a regular, slow-paced rhythm.

Fuck, he’s jerking off!

Carlos couldn’t believe his luck and without even giving it a second’s thought, he unbuckled his belt, popped the button on his slacks and yanked down the zipper. His white briefs were stretched tight against his rock-hard dick, and he wasted no time in pulling them down to mid-thigh and freeing his cock.

As Jack threw his head back and moaned, Carlos took his own cock in his hand and started to jerk off, slow and firm with a twist as he reached the head.

Jack’s eyes were closed as he bit his bottom lip. He’d increased the pace on his cock under the water as his free hand played with his nipples.

Carlos copied Jack and slid a hand under his shirt to play with his own nipples as he continued to jerk off. His cock had never felt harder, and he couldn’t stop himself imagining Jack biting his lip like that as Carlos fucked his brains out. The idea of being buried in that tight sexy bubble butt was almost enough to tip Carlos over the edge, but he refused to finish so soon.

Jack started to shift around under the water, changing hands and going faster, but suddenly . . . he stopped and sat up.

Carlos stopped too, precum coating his fingers from where he was leaking so much.

What the fuck is he doing?

Jack looked around for a second, before slowly getting to his feet.

Carlos had to stifle a moan with his fist.

Jack Matthews had the most perfect butt he’d ever seen in his life; smooth, full cheeks with a tease of hair down the crack. It stuck out like a shelf and was begging for his tongue . . . and his cock.

Jack resumed jerking off, but all Carlos could see was his perfect cheeks squeezing and releasing. It was the most hypnotic, sexually arousing sight he had ever seen in his life.

Carlos started stroking his cock again, the precum acting as lube as his hand slid up and down his shaft.

The moaning coming from Jack was making Carlos’ knees weak as he thrust into his hand. He was desperate to be the one to make him make those sounds.

Oh fuck, I’m so close!

Jack’s entire body tightened, from the muscles in his back to the muscles in his ample butt.

“Ah fuck yeah,” Jack suddenly yelled.

That was all Carlos needed and with a quick succession of thrusts into his fist, his cock shot rope and rope of hot cum over the fence in front of him. He bit his lip to stop himself from making any noise, but it took every ounce of self-control to stay quiet.

Jack’s body relaxed as he panted for breath. Slowly, he turned around and Carlos was treated to the sight of Jack’s thick cock starting to soften, the head still shiny with cum that painted his pecs and his stomach.

Carlo wanted to lick him clean from head to toe.

Jack turned off the hot tub before stepping out of the tub and walking back inside.

Carlos put his dick away and zipped up, before dashing back towards the hotel.

One way or another, he would have Jack Matthews before he left. He would make sure of it. He’d have him blushing and begging for his dick.


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