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Here's the second instalment of Camp Leader Ben's story! This chapter was based on an experience I had in High School where one of the guys in the locker room couldn't get his undies on under his towel and ended up dropping his towel and ripping his undies - a memory I will keep forever! 

Ben’s hopes that the other camp leaders wouldn’t find out about his mortifying experience were very quickly dashed. Within an hour of Ben and his group being at camp, Jason was in their cabin and asking what had happened.

‘It wasn’t my fault, man. My board shorts ripped and then kinda tore off and then they stole my towel. Can we just not talk about this?’

Jason’s laughter seemed to Ben to last for hours and Ben skipped dinner as he was too ashamed to face everyone.

But, the following morning, Ben woke up feeling much more positive. Yes, it had been humiliating and he was nervous about having to face everyone in his tight uniform. However, he couldn’t deny that the incident could be seen as funny. If it had happened to someone else, he would definitely have laughed. He just had to suck it up, laugh it off and get on with things. He was a camp leader and he couldn’t just hide in his cabin for the summer.

Ben’s positivity was somewhat diminished during breakfast when Jason’s dad called him to his office in front of everyone in the dining hall.

‘What’s up Mr Lyle?’ Ben asked as he shut the door to the office.

‘Take a seat, son.’

Mr Lyle was in his early fifties, but didn’t look a day over forty. He kept himself incredibly fit and Ben had harboured a crush for him since he’d been fourteen.

‘I’ve had a very concerned parent contact me this morning regarding an incident that happened at the lake yesterday.’

Ben felt his cheeks heat and his heart seemed to thump harder in his chest. ‘It was a complete accident, Mr Lyle. I didn’t . . . ‘

Mr Lyle held up his hand for silence. ‘You’ve been accused of intentionally showing your junk to your group. Did you really rip off your board shorts in front of them?’

‘That’s rubbish,’ Ben spluttered. ‘I’d never do . . . ‘

‘Ben, I have to ask what happened and I need the truth. This is a very serious allegation and I can’t have the reputation of my camp ruined by some pervert.’

Ben felt sick to his stomach at the hard glare from Jason’s dad. ‘It wasn’t like that at all, Mr Lyle.’

With a quiver in his voice, Ben recounted the humiliating events of the lake trip and by the time he finished, he was convinced that Mr Lyle was biting his lip to stop himself from laughing.

Mr Lyle cleared his throat. ‘So, that’s what happened is it?’

Ben nodded and before he could say a word, Mr Lyle roared with laughter. Confusion flooded Ben’s face as he tried to decide whether he was in trouble or not.

‘Jason told me the story last night, but I just couldn’t believe it was true. I can’t believe someone could have such shitty luck.’

‘So, I’m not fired?’ Ben asked as Mr Lyle had another chuckle at his expense.

Mr Lyle stood up and led Ben to the door. ‘Not at all. I just wanted to hear the story from you. Now keep that big butt covered and out of trouble.’

As Ben walked out of the door, Mr Lyle gave him a sharp whack on his butt cheek and he couldn’t deny the slight arousal at having Jason’s dad touch his ass.

The next couple of days were fairly uneventful at the Lyle Summer Camp. Ben was teased constantly for the lake incident, but he was relieved that that seemed to have stopped people poking fun at his tight uniform.

On the Friday morning, the mail arrived and some of the senior boys were given the task of sorting it. Come lunchtime, they went around and dispatched it to the campers and the leaders.

‘Here you go, Camp Leader Ben,’ one of the boys said as he dropped a jiffy bag in Ben’s lap.

Ben ripped the cello tape off of the jiffy bag and breathed a sigh of relief.

Benny, here’s the new underwear you wanted. We miss you, love Mom x

Ben was relieved to see a couple of pairs of new briefs and he took them straight back to his room. His briefs were constantly riding down and he felt that bigger undies would at least cover his butt so that his crack wasn’t on show so much.

Ben grabbed one of the pairs from the jiffy bag and noticed that they looked slightly faded for new undies, but not having time to spare, he threw them in his kit bag and headed to the communal changing rooms.

That afternoon, Ben’s group and Jason’s group were having a basketball tournament. They’d have two courts going with 5 on 5.

Halfway through the afternoon, Ben and Jason called the boys to a halt and called them over for refreshments. Once everyone had downed some lemonade and cooled off in the shade, they were back on the courts.

‘You ready to call time, Ben?’ Jason yelled across the courts.

Ben nodded and Jason called an end to the tournament.

‘Okay, guys, let’s go grab some more lemonade and then you can shower and head over for dinner.’

As the winning teams congratulated each other, the group gathered around and loaded up their glasses with fresh lemonade. Whilst Ben chatted to Jason, his hair was suddenly soaking wet.

‘I’m so sorry, Camp Leader Ben,’ one of the older guys said. ‘I tripped.’

Ben wiped the sticky lemonade out of his face. ‘Don’t worry, bud. It’s the end of the day.’

‘You better get showered off quick or you’ll have wasps all over you,’ Jason said. ‘Take a shower with the guys and I’ll clear all the equipment up.’

Ben was torn. He didn’t want to look like a prude in front of the guys, but he also didn’t want to have to get naked in front of them. They’d seen enough of him already.

‘Cheers man,’ Ben said and followed the rest of the guys into the communal changing rooms, feeling more than a little apprehensive.

When he walked through the door, most of the guys were already in the communal showers, so Ben managed to strip off his uniform and wrap a towel around his waist without incident.

Mercifully, one of the two private shower cubicles wasn’t in use, so Ben threw his stuff in a locker and locked himself inside the cubicle. Despite showering alone, he decided to keep his briefs on, just in case the door didn’t lock or his towel dropped or something.

Once he’d rinsed the lemonade from his hair and had washed himself down, Ben removed his briefs, dried off and wrapped the towel back around his waist.

When he stepped back into the changing rooms, all of the boys were getting changed. Ben held his head up and walked to his locker without paying anyone any attention. He decided that if he acted normal and chilled then no one would even look at him. Yes, he was only wearing a towel, but he was holding it tightly and he’d not embarrass himself again.

Ben pulled his kit bag out of his locker and pulled out the new briefs, his uniform shorts and the spare uniform t-shirt that wasn’t covered in lemonade.

‘Sorry again for the lemonade, Camp Leader Ben.’

Ben turned around to see the clumsy guy on the bench opposite. ‘No worries, we all have accidents. It’s all good.’

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Ben let go of the death grip on his towel and yanked on his polo shirt, making sure to tug it as far down as it would go.

Okay, how do I get my briefs on? Ben thought to himself. He didn’t want to drop his towel and bare all, but equally he didn’t want to struggle to get his briefs on under his towel when none of the other guys seemed remotely phased about being naked.

With a deep breath, Ben grabbed his black briefs, faced the bench and let the towel drop. He quickly stepped into his briefs and got them as far as his knees before he realised that they were not a bigger size at all. If anything, they were smaller than his usual briefs.

What the hell, Ben cursed in his head as he wrestled the faded black briefs over his muscled thighs. As he pulled on the waistband, he could hear the laughter behind him, but couldn’t bring himself to turn around.

Come on, come on, come on, Ben thought with a panic. The briefs were around the tops of his thighs, but the material was stretched to the limit and the laughter and cat calls were so loud that he couldn’t ignore them.

‘Looks like I need some new undies,’ he half-heartedly joked over his shoulder.

‘No kidding, Camp Leader Ben. You’ll never get those up.’

Ben managed to tuck his cock and balls into the pouch and with a lot of struggling, he managed to get the briefs most of the way over his bubble butt. The waistband dug into his ass so much that he was convinced they’d leave an indent. His package bulged obscenely at the front and he quickly grabbed his shorts, wanting to cover himself up as quickly as possible.

‘Is it even worth wearing those, Camp Leader Ben?’

Ben ignored the comment and the continued laughter as he grabbed his shorts, his face beet red once again.

‘Yeah, your crack is on show,’ another of the guys yelled.

Ben stupidly tried to yank the briefs up higher, which just wedgied the material between his meaty cheeks. The laughter became somewhat hysterical and Ben tugged the wedgie out, exposing the top of his slightly fuzzy crack once more.

Wanting nothing more than to escape another embarrassing situation, Ben bent over to put his shorts on, but no sooner had he bent forward, the waistband of the briefs ripped with a loud SNAP on both hips and the tortured black material just hung down at the back and the front, exposing his massive bubble butt. The briefs were being held up by the leg bands alone and no matter how much Ben tried to pull the sides back together, there just wasn’t enough material to tie them together.

The laughter was deafening and not wanting to look bothered by his situation, Ben grabbed the briefs and with a sharp tug, he ripped them away from his body and tossed them in his bag, before struggling to get his shorts up. It seemed to take forever for him to get his shorts over his huge ass and by the time he was trying to button them, his cock was semi-erect and he was desperate to escape.

‘You were right guys, I shouldn’t have bothered with those briefs. Let’s grab dinner.’

His face bright red, Ben grabbed his bag and quickly headed for the door, praying that this story wouldn’t spread around the camp so quickly.

Ben’s briefs incident in the changing rooms eclipsed the lake story and guys were constantly asking him if he had any undies left or if he’d torn them all.

By the time Monday morning rolled around, the comments had started to subside and Ben was almost used to the jokes and was starting to enjoy his time as a camp leader.

Monday was going to be a great day as Ben was leading his group on a bike ride through the forest. He’d always enjoyed riding and was particularly excited at the prospect of a day of riding.

Despite the exercise in the last week, Ben had been repeatedly attacking the buffet at every meal and if anything, his shorts felt tighter than they had been the week before.

As he dressed that morning, he couldn’t help but notice that the waistband of his uniform shorts barely covered his crack and the material was stretched obscenely over his huge bubble butt.

Maybe I should ask Jace’s dad for some new clothes? He thought as he assessed himself.

With a shrug, he grabbed his bag and headed to meet his group.

Everyone was in high spirits when they met at the bike shed.

‘Okay, guys, we’ve got a fun day ahead. We’ll be riding for a couple of hours this morning, we’ll stop for lunch, which you should all have with you, and then a couple of hours ride back. So, helmets on and grab a bike. We’ll be riding in single file so everyone get on and form a line behind me.’

The guys all grabbed a mountain bike, strapped on their helmets and formed a line behind Ben. Ben climbed on to the saddle of his bike, being as careful as possible not to over stretch his shorts. He settled on his saddle and turned to the guys behind him.

‘Everyone ready?’

They all shouted “yes” and Ben set off with a huge grin on his face.

But unbeknownst to Ben, the guy riding behind him was stifling a laugh at the sight in front of him. On the saddle of his bike, Ben’s ample ass was half exposed, his shorts riding down about half way with his cheeks on show. Whilst he cycled with a smile, Ben was completely unaware of the scheming group of teens behind him and he would be in for a day that was certainly not the one he’d imagined that morning.


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