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I'm really excited to share a new commission with you guys about a sexy Dad whose kids are at college, leaving him home alone when a new fraternity moves in next door. When hot dad, Milo, meets two of the frat boys, he's besotted and he's not the only one. 

This is the first part of a multi-part series and I'd love to hear what you guys think! Comment below! And a massive thank to my fave commissioner - the guy is a genius!

“Dad, please tell me you’re kidding! You can’t turn my room into a freaking home gym.”

Milo laughed as he closed the refrigerator door. “It’s my house, kiddo. Not to mention the fact that you and your sister have officially abandoned me.”

“Where am I supposed to sleep when I come back for the holidays?”

Milo laughed again. “Don’t worry. You’ll still have a room. I just need somewhere to workout. This gut is getting out of control.”

Catching his reflection in a nearby mirror, Milo patted said gut, conscious that his shirt was open, and his undershirt had ridden up.

Since his wife had abandoned him and the kids six years earlier, Milo hadn’t remotely focused on his fitness. His once flat stomach was now a much rounder gut, his pecs soft, his thighs (although still muscular) were much thicker, and his furry bubble butt stuck out like a shelf.

“No kidding, Dad. You really need to lay off the burgers.”

Milo rolled his eyes as he placed the bottle of water on the counter. “Hey, I eat more than burgers.”

“Sure, you do! So, have the new neighbours moved in yet?”

I walked to the other side of the kitchen and looked through the side window that looked on to the side of the neighbours’ house and gave a view of their driveway.

A Jeep Wrangler sat on the driveway and a pick-up sat behind that.

“I have a horrible feeling that it’s going to be a frat house,” Milo said with a sigh. “There were around eight guys I saw going in and out of there earlier. I just hope they keep the noise down.”

Jed laughed. “Dad, you’re forty-five, not eighty! So, what if they have a couple of parties? As long as they’re respectful, what’s the problem?”

Milo shrugged, even though his son couldn’t see. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll tell you what I think once I’ve met them.”

“Okay, Dad. I’ve got to go. Party time!” Jed said, the sound of the door closing in the background.

“Be safe, kiddo! And call your sister!”

“Yeah, yeah. Love you, Dad.”

Before Milo could respond, Jed hung up and Milo was left wandering over to the fridge to choose between eating the salad he had, or hitting up Uber Eats.

The following day, Milo was driving home from a rare day in the office. The traffic was mercifully light as he left downtown. Unaccustomed to wearing a suit, he shifted in his seat, the tight suit pants digging into his thick thighs. He was already imagining the immense relief he’d feel when he got home and could strip down to his undies.

When Milo pulled on to his street, he was surprised to see several cars parked on the road near his house.

“What the hell?” he said, as he only just managed to pull into his drive.

The new neighbours were definitely a frat house.

A number of cars were parked on their drive and on the street, and a group of around ten college guys stood on the front lawn and the drive, chatting, and holding beers.

Milo climbed out of his car, quickly remembering that he’d undone his suit pants when he’d climbed in an hour ago. His shirttail hid his undies from his sight, but he was conscious that they could drop to his ankles fairly easily.

“Hey,” someone yelled in his direction.

Before Milo could do up his suit pants, he looked up to see two of the guys hurrying over to him. Both were Asian American and incredibly attractive.

“We just wanted to come and say hi,” said the slimmer of the two. He was slightly shorter than the other guy with more of a muscular twunk build, despite his slightly chubby middle. “I’m Clover and this is my brother, Ace.”

Ace, the taller of the two, had broad shoulders, huge pecs and arms and a tight beer belly. His chest hair spilled out the top of his tight tank top and his thick thighs looked as though they’d make his basketball shorts explode with just a flex. He was a man mountain!

“Nice to meet you both,” Milo said with a smile, offering a hand for them to shake, whilst keeping a tight grip on his pants with the other. “How are you finding the place?”

“It works for us,’ Ace said with a grin, thumping his brother on the arm.

“It sure does,’ Clover said with a shyer smile. “I hope you’re not too annoyed that a frat house has moved in next door, but I promise you that we aren’t party boys.”

Ace laughed. “Nah, we’re mostly math and physics majors so it’s mainly a house of nerds, but we occasionally have some proper frat fun, like the party today.”

Milo felt a sense of relief that they weren’t going to be partying all the time. “We all need to let loose occasionally, right?”

Ace looked down at Milo’s crotch. “Looks like you’ve taken that approach quite literally.”

Clover burst out laughing and Milo blushed as he looked down to see that his pants had slipped down on the right-hand side. He was flashing the two guys the top of his thigh and the side of his tighty whities.

“I was . . . I just . . .” Milo felt flustered by the two guys as he yanked his pants back up.

“Don’t worry, man. I know all about needing to let the gut expand.”

Milo nodded at Ace’s comments, feeling suddenly desperate to get inside the house.

“Anyway, we just wanted to come and introduce ourselves,’ Clover said, tearing his eyes away from Milo’s crotch. “If you need anything or if we’re being too loud or anything, just give us a shout.”

Milo nodded. “I will do. Nice to meet you guys and enjoy your party.”

Milo turned around to close his car door, but immediately jumped when Ace slapped his ass. “Nice to meet you, Milo.”

Clover and Ace wandered back to their group chuckling and talking so low that Milo couldn’t hear them.

Milo let himself into the house and shut the door behind him. He put his hands against the door and took a deep breath. It had to be one of the weirdest greetings he’d ever experienced.

As he went to head further into the house, Milo’s pants dropped to his knees, and it was only when he looked down that he realised his dick was diamond hard and throbbing in his briefs.

He was utterly perplexed as to when he’d gotten so hard or what had caused it. Sure, Clover and Ace were attractive guys, but he hadn’t been into guys particularly since he was at college himself.

“I need a shower,” Milo said, shaking his head, but even after he’d stripped off and climbed under the soapy, hot cascade of water, his dick persisted and he found himself stroking his thick cock under the spray, not quite able to stop thinking about the two hot frat boys that had just moved in next door.

It had been a couple of weeks since the frat house had moved in next door and Milo was slowly losing control of himself.

After that first encounter, it felt like Ace and Clover were going out of their way to tease him to the point of insanity.

A few days after they’d moved in, Milo had come back from the grocery store to find Ace working out in the garage with the door wide open. He was shirtless, his furry muscular frame and tightly packed gut on full show, whilst wearing a pair of tight nylon shorts with slits up the sides to fit his thick, muscular thighs.

As Milo pulled into his drive, Ace had his wide, toned back to the door, barbells in hand as he started squatting. The sight of his huge bubble butt stretching the nylon material to its limit was enough to make Milo slam on his brakes.

The sound alerted Ace, who spun around and grinned at Milo before giving him a salute and then wiping some of the sweat from his hairy chest.

Milo knew he was staring, and it took all his self-control to park the car.

“How’s it going, Milo?” Ace yelled as Milo climbed out of the car, his face flushed.

“Good thanks, Ace,’ Milo stammered slightly. “You?”

Ace grinned. “I’m good. Pretty hot though.”

Milo’s eyes lingered on Ace’s pecs as he nodded. ‘Yeah, hot.”

Ace chuckled. “Are you alright, Milo?”

Milo shook his head. “Sorry, it’s been a busy day. I’ll leave you to your workout.”

“Unless you wanna spot for me?” Ace said with a smile that said he knew exactly what he was doing to Milo.

“I . . . I better . . . go.”

Ace’s laughter followed Milo inside the house and Milo only remembered the groceries an hour later after he’d ended up having to jerk off again.

On the second week, it was a Saturday afternoon, and the sun was blazing. Milo had thrown on some shorts and a tank top that had fitted him much better a few years before. He was weeding the small garden next to the drive when Clover came outside.

“Hey Milo,” Clover said with a wave as he wandered over.

Milo’s jaw hit the floor when he saw the muscular Clover wearing nothing but skimpy, little red shorts that fully showed off his incredible legs and the bulge he was hiding underneath.

“I thought I’d give the car a clean as the weather is so great,” Clover said indicating the sponge, bucket, and hosepipe behind him.

Milo nodded, conscious his mouth was still hanging open, his eyes flicking from Clover’s dirty blond hair and handsome face to his small tummy, his meaty bulge, and his shapely legs.

“What are you up to? Fancy giving me a hand?”

Milo shook his head. “I’ve got to get the garden sorted, but it sure is hot today, so I may need to throw that bucket over me when you’re done.”

Clover whistled. “Now wouldn’t that be a sight.”

The hungry look on Clover’s face made Milo blush even harder and he found himself having to rush indoors to grab something.

After some cold water and giving himself a damn good talking to, Milo headed back outside with a firm plan that he would keep his eyes down and would not look at Clover. He couldn’t perv on his hot neighbours. They were the same age as his kids and that was weird . . . right?

Milo kept his gaze down as he headed back to the weeding, but as he bent down to retrieve the pruning shears, he got a glimpse of red out of the corner of his eye and couldn’t stop himself from turning around to look at Clover.

He had the sponge in his hand and the car was wet and soapy. Clover was leaning over the hood of the car, his firm bubble butt pushed out as he gyrated against the vehicle, getting foamy soap all over himself, the car, and the ground.

“Are you sure you don’t want to give me a hand?” Clover yelled after spotting Milo staring at him.

Milo forced a smile to his face. “Nah, just remembering what it was like to be a college student.”

Clover looked down at Milo’s crotch and bit his bottom lip. “I bet you are.”

Milo glanced down and felt his cheeks heat when he saw the tent his dick was making in his loose shorts. He quickly turned around and squatted back down, praying that his hard on would go away. Why did he go commando and not wear some damn undies?

“Hey Ace, you wanna help me out?”

Milo couldn’t stop himself from looking over as Ace came out of the house in a pair of white shorts and a black tee.

“Sure, bro.”

His cock throbbed in his shorts as Milo watched Ace peel off his shirt and toss it behind him.

Clover whispered something to Ace before using the sponge to pour foamy soap all over Ace’s furry chest.

Milo couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched the two guys wet and covered in soap. Milo’s cock was so hard in his shorts that he was scared to move in case he came, but at the same time, he couldn’t take his eyes off of the two college boys.

Ace said something quietly to Clover, who glanced in Milo’s direction and then laughed.

“Hey Ace, your shorts are getting soaked. You don’t want them to get ruined.”

“Good thinking, Clover,’ Ace said with an exaggerated shrug.

Milo watched as Ace took a step towards him before he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and then slid him them down his thick thighs and down to his ankles. Ace kicked the shorts away and stood back up, revealing a pair of skimpy purple bikini briefs.

“Fuck,” Milo gasped at the sight of the Ace’s heavy bulge in the small pouch of the briefs.

“Oh, hey Milo, I didn’t see you there,” Ace said, walking over to where Milo was still crouched down. “Sorry about the view. I didn’t realise you were out here, but we’re all guys, right? You don’t mind me helping Clover out in my undies?”

By this point, Milo couldn’t even form words and just shook his head and muttered something unintelligible.

Ace laughed and turned around so that Milo got a good look at his meaty, furry bubble butt in the briefs that barely covered him.

As soon as the college boys started cleaning the car, Milo covered his tented crotch with his hands and raced inside the house.

The sound of Ace and Clover’s laughter echoed behind him as he slammed the door shut. There was a wet patch on the front of his shorts and Milo plunged his hand inside them, gripping the throbbing shaft of his dick.

“Oh fuck,’ he gasped as he started stroking himself.

Before thirty seconds had even passed, his muscles were tensing, and he was shooting his load all over the inside of his shorts. His breath was ragged as he felt cum drip down the insides of his thighs.

It was after the two-week mark that the dreams started.

Every night Milo would writhe around in his bedsheets, sweat glistening on his body, his cock solid as he ground it against his mattress. Various scenarios with Ace and Clover plagued his sleep; from Ace waiting naked on his front step to Clover joining him in the shower.

Despite years of having very little interest in men, Milo was obsessed. He had never wanted anyone so badly in his life. No matter how much he tried to reason with himself, Ace and Clover took him to levels of horny that he’d never experienced.

It was on week four that Clover and Ace made their first move. It was a Sunday morning, which was when Milo usually slept in until around ten.

The clock in the lounge had just chimed eight when there was suddenly a loud, incessant knocking at the door.

Milo was pulled from an incredibly hot dream were Ace was forcing Milo’s face into his thick bubble butt. Milo could practically smell the sweat and the musk as he was yanked from the dream.

The sound of the constant knocking dragged him out of bed, and he threw a robe on over his naked body as he staggered down the stairs half asleep.

“What’s going on?” Milo asked as he unlocked the door and threw it open.

Clover and Ace were on the front step; Ace in a pair of tight black boxer briefs and Clover in the sluttiest little jockstrap that Milo had ever seen.

“I must still be asleep,” he mumbled as he shook his head and tried to clear the fog from his brain.

Clover grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. “We were worried. We heard moaning coming from your open window and we thought you must be in trouble.”

“Yeah, you were calling our names,” Ace said as he patted Milo’s shoulder.

The pat tugged a little on Milo’s barely tied robe and a line of furry chest and stomach was quickly on show.

Milo shook his head confused. “I’m not in trouble. I was asleep.”

“Then why were you calling our names,’ Ace said with a grin.

Milo couldn’t focus. A couple of minutes ago he’d been about to bury his face in Ace’s sexy bubble butt and now he was outside with Clover and Ace, and he was wearing . . .

Milo looked down and realised that his cock was still rock hard, and it was very obvious in his thin robe.

“Hey guys,” Clover called as the frat house spilled out of their house and on to the lawn.

Milo stared in shock as the other 6 guys from the frat house came outside in various states of undress.

“What’s going on?” a Mexican guy who called himself Tails, asked as they wandered over.

“We’re getting a free show,” Clover said with a grin.

Before Milo could react, Ace grabbed the back of his robe and yanked it from his body. Milo was butt naked on his drive surrounded by 8 college guys.

“Holy fuck, he’s hard,” one of the guys yelled.

They all started laughing as Ace stepped in behind Milo and grabbed his ass. “You’re hard for me and Clover, aren’t you?”

Milo squeaked at the contact from Ace, who kept his hand groping Milo’s butt as he whispered in his ear.

“We know how much you want us. You want that dick in my massive butt, right?”

Milo couldn’t even move. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment as his balls drew in tightly to his body. He hadn’t even touched his dick and yet, here he was about to blow his load.

Ace moved his hand down to Milo’s taint. “Or maybe you want my dick.”

“Oh fuck, no,” Milo groaned as his cock shot its first rope of cum, which splattered across Clover’s thighs.

As the frat bros all started laughing and making lude comments, Milo’s cock spilled his load all over himself and the ground. He panted for breath as Ace continued to grope his ass and whisper in his ear.

“Fuck yeah, imagine how much better it could be with me.”

By the time Milo had finished, the guys started to disperse, praising Clover and Ace for the awesome show.

“What the hell just happened?” Milo gasped as he grabbed his robe and covered himself up.

“Just the beginning,” Clover said with a grin. “Just the beginning.”


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