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Here's the second chapter of Wanna Bet, where Jackson gets to know the sexy guy he groped at the bar. He's hoping for a dream sexual encounter, but will the hunky Kane give him what he wants? Let me know in the comments what you wanna see happen next and please give this a like if you enjoyed it! 

My feet stumbled across the hardwood floor. I was in a daze as this incredibly sexy guy dragged me through the bar to a fire exit.

The cooler air hit me as I stumbled outside, and he released me.

I turned around to speak, but before I could say a word, he had me pinned against the brick wall, his fingers digging into my shoulders.

“You get one more chance. Who gave you permission to grab my ass?”

His voice made me shiver and the combination of that, his aftershave and his piercing blue eyes destroyed any hope I had of being articulate.

“I didn’t . . . I mean I wasn’t . . .”

He tightened his grip on my shoulders and that was all it took.

“I dared myself to do it! I had no choice.”

He stepped back and then burst out laughing, a deep rumble that seemed to send vibrations straight to my cock.

“You dared yourself?” he asked incredulously.

Before I could stop myself, I started telling him about my psychotic habit of betting myself to do things I knew I shouldn’t. His handsome face was impassive as I babbled about my years of betting myself to do everything and anything from wearing slutty underwear to groping random men or stripping in the woods.

“So, you’re telling me that you’re incapable of saying no to a self-imposed dare?” he asked with a frown. “Even when that means groping a stranger who may still kick your head in?”

I nodded, unable to face the thought of him being violent. Surely someone this hot wouldn’t choose to punch me. Right?

“Interesting,” he said before his face broke into a grin that I found equal parts unnerving and sexy as hell.

He stepped towards me and held his hand out. “Kane Houghton.”

The surprise was plain on my face as I shook his warm hand and felt the strength in his grip. “I’m Jackson. Jackson Hardy.”

‘Well, Jackson Hardy, based on what you’ve told me, I’m assuming you wouldn’t just drop your jeans right here and now in this alley?”

I gulped. I knew what he was doing, and I felt my cock throb inside the tight confines of my latex jock. “Wanna bet?”

I stepped back and he gestured for me to proceed.

Was I really doing this?

My hands moved to the waistband of my jeans, and I was conscious of Kane’s eyes on me. I felt like I was naked in that moment, completely exposed to a perfect stranger that seemed to be able to look right through me.

“Your hands are shaking,” he said with another smile.

My mouth was dry as I popped the button on my jeans. My eyes locked with Kane’s as I yanked down the zipper.

“Keep going,’ he growled.

I pushed my jeans to my ankles and stood back up, my tight liquid latex jock doing nothing to disguise the throbbing hard on I was sporting.

“It would appear someone is enjoying this,” Kane said, closing the distance between us.

He reached out and wrapped his hand around my cock forcing a moan from my lips.

“I’ve decided not to kick your head in for groping me. Instead, you’re my new bet monkey. I’m going to bet you to do stuff and you’re going to do it. Understand?”

My brain was being overridden by alcohol and the strong grip on my dick.

“Yes,” I whispered.

Kane grabbed my right hand and placed it on the bulge in his suit pants and I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was just as hard, his cock thick and meaty through the soft material.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t get on your knees and suck my dick right here.”

Without even saying a word, I dropped to my knees on the concrete, my hands going for the waistband of his suit pants. Even without a bet, I’d have gladly got on my knees for this Adonis. He was pure sex and I’d wanted him since the second I’d seen him at the bar.

My fingers were clumsy as I unbuckled his belt and undid the button and fly on his suit pants. His cock was straining against the fly of a pair of crisp, white branded briefs that looked more expensive than my entire outfit.

I put my lips to the bulbous head of his cock and licked it through the thin material. Kane immediately fisted my hair in his hands and growled under his breath.

“I said suck it, Jackson.”

I pulled down the waistband of his briefs, freeing his cock that bounced back with a meaty slap against his stomach.

His cock was beautiful – uncut, thick, and straight. I put my mouth around the head, coating it in saliva before relaxing my jaw so that I could get to work on his shaft.

Kane moaned as I took his cock to the back of my throat.

My hands moved to his firm ass, yanking his briefs and suit pants down so that I could grope his cheeks as I sucked his dick.

My own cock was throbbing in time with Kane’s as I moved my lips back and forth along his thick shaft.

Kane started to thrust his hips in time with my rhythm and my hands felt his perfect ass contract with each thrust. He slowly increased in speed as I added a swift lick to the underside of his head with each pass. My mouth was filled with saliva, and I kept my cheeks sucked in tight to ensure he was getting the best friction.

“Mmm fuck,” Kane grunted as he sped up even more.

I could feel the muscles in his firm ass tense with each thrust and my own dick was leaking precum like a faucet inside my jock.

Desperation was taking hold and I was eager to taste his load. I wanted this sexy guy to coat my mouth and throat.

I moved my hands from his ass and placed one on his furry, muscled thigh and the other I used to grip the base of his shaft as his thrusts sped up and he started to fuck my face.

Moans emanated from both of us – my lust over this god in front of me, and his dominance over the idiot that had groped him at the bar.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he said, his breathing ragged.

Before I could savour his full load, he suddenly pushed my head back, withdrawing his dick from my mouth.

I released my grip on him as he took a hold of his dick, first slapping my cheek with its meaty girth, before his hand flew up and down his shaft, his wrist twisting as he reached the head each time.

I watched as his powerful thighs tensed and then he grunted as he shot his load, cum painting my face and my shirt in lines.

Once he’d finished, he smiled, and it made my cock throb even harder. He wiped his dick on my cheek before yanking up his tiny briefs and then his suit pants.

Finally, I’d get some release. It was my turn.

Kane pulled me to my feet, my dick tenting my jock obscenely.

“I bet you’re desperate to get off now, aren’t you?’ Kane whispered in my ear as he pinned me back against the wall.

I nodded as I stared into those magnetic blue eyes.

Kane smiled as he leaned closer, his lips a mere inch from mine. I wanted to kiss him more than I’d wanted anything. I wanted to feel his tongue against mine. I closed my eyes and parted my lips, my tongue tracing my lower lip in anticipation, a drop of his salty cum making me even hungrier for him.

Kane yanked the front of my jock down, freeing my cock, before he gripped it tightly and started stroking me.

I leaned forward, desperate for his lips, but his forearm pinned my chest and held me against the wall.

My eyes opened, confused by the lack of kissing, but Kane was just stood there stroking my cock, a mischievous grin on his handsome face.

Feeling close to the edge of what I could only dream would be the best orgasm of my life, I tried to lean forward again, desperate for him to kiss me.

But just as the muscles in my body tensed and my balls tightened, Kane stepped away.

“I think that’s enough for one evening.”

“What? No! I’m so close!”

I moved to grab my dick and finish myself off, but Kane grabbed my wrist.

“You can cum when I say you can cum. I’m sure there’s no way you can hold off until you see me next.”

I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but the ridiculous daring part of my brain was too fast.

“Wanna bet?”

Kane laughed. “That’s what I thought. I also don’t think you’ll take that jock off right here and hand it to me.”

I kicked off my shoes and shucked my jeans. After pushing my jock to my ankles, I stepped out of it and handed it to him.

“Now what?”

Kane locked his eyes with mine as he held the pouch of my jock to his face and inhaled deeply.

“Fuck, you smell good,” he growled.

My dick continued to leak precum as it throbbed and begged for attention. Surely this incredibly guy wasn’t going to be this much of a tease and leave me with blue balls.

Kane pocketed my jock, before grabbing his phone and holding it out to me. “Type in your number.”

Feeling dumbstruck, I entered my number into his phone and handed it back to him. I watched as he pressed the call button and then heard the vibration in my jeans.

“Get dressed.”

With very little enthusiasm, I pulled on my jeans, wrestling my cock inside the tight denim, and struggling to button them.

After stepping into my shoes, I looked down at the ridiculous bulge in my pants and the cum all over my shirt.

“I guess I can head out this way,” I said indicating the alley.

Kane laughed before turning me around, so I was facing the wall. Stupidly, I had ideas of him yanking down my jeans and fucking my brains out, but I was way off.

I heard the metallic jingle of keys as he pulled something from his pocket and then a small amount of pressure on the butt of my jeans.

Kane chuckled, a deep rumble that made me shiver before I felt a finger slide into the rear seam of my jeans and touch my cheeks.

“I think you’ll have a much more enjoyable trip home like this,” he said, before removing his finger and ripping open the rear seam of my jeans.

He gave my ass a slap and I gasped as I realised that my naked ass was now on show.

“What the fuck?” I yelled as he released me and I used my hands to inspect the damage.

The rip ran from the waistband to the crotch, the material gaping open to reveal my meaty bubble butt.

“I’m fairly certain you haven’t got the nerve to walk back through the bar and head home like this,” he said with a raised eyebrow.


“Wanna bet?”



I was hoping Kane would dare him to throw his clothes out and take him into the party naked