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This story is about ex-jock Brandon and a school reunion pool party that results in him being naked and humiliated. It was a commission for one of my awesome followers who has the best brain when it comes to ENM.

Give it a like if you enjoy and let me know in the comments if you've ever had any pool wardrobe malfunctions! 

When he was in high school, Brandon had been a god! He was the star quarterback on the football team, the most popular guy in school and the nastiest bully. He had made it his mission to make the lives of the fat kids in his grade as miserable as possible. He had taken great pleasure in tormenting them as much as he could, and he’d loved it.

His days at high school were never more satisfying than when he was giving a fat kid a wedgie or shoving stuff down their exposed butt cracks.

The jocks thought he was hilarious, and the girls thought he was fearless.

Brandon had been just over 6 feet tall by sophomore year, which combined with his messy brown hair, handsome face, broad shoulders and incredibly muscled body made him drool worthy for anyone that saw him.

However, in the ten years since he’d graduated, things had definitely changed.

Brandon stood in front of the mirror after his shower as he prepared to get ready for his 10-year high school reunion. The reunion had come around quickly and to Brandon, it barely felt like a year since high school, let alone ten.

The reunion was being held at a fancy hotel, where the aim was a pool party and barbecue. The pool was huge and there were a couple of slides, along with a few diving boards.

Swimming hadn’t been Brandon’s sport at high school, but he always remembered how much the girls had loved seeing him in a skimpy speedo at pool parties; his beautifully toned body on show and the tiny swimwear barely covering his junk and his bubble butt.

It was only right that he dug out one of his old speedos for the reunion. After all these years, he couldn’t wait for the attention from everyone. Sure, his body had changed a little, but he was still sexy as hell and would look insanely hot in a speedo.

Unfortunately for Brandon, his high school created arrogance still hadn’t worn off ten years later and despite some significant changes to his body, he still saw the sexy muscle god he used to be when he looked in the mirror.

Brandon was still handsome, but his face was fuller than it had ever been at high school, his chubbier jaw somewhat disguised by the stubble he thought made him look sexier. He still had the broad shoulders, but his now hairy chest was a long way from the bouncy toned pecs he once had and his washboard abs were well and truly gone, hidden by a furry gut that frequently hung over the waistband of whatever he was wearing on his bottom half.

Then there was his ass! His once firm and irresistible bubble butt was still as perky but nearly double the size. His furry cheeks looked like they were smuggling a pair of watermelons and he was frequently hounded by people’s comments. Although he frequently interpreted them as compliments despite the laughter that accompanied them.

Brandon’s thighs had also followed the same route and were so thick that they frequently rubbed together and wore away the material on any pants he tried to wear more than a few times.

However, despite this, Brandon stood in front of his mirror and grinned at his reflection as he whipped off his towel and revealed himself in his full naked glory. He gave his meaty butt a slap as he checked himself out before giving his cock a tug.

At high school, Brandon had always been above average in the cock department, but gaining so much weight had given him a fat pad that had reduced his size by a couple of inches, and he was now only just average . . . at a push!

After admiring his reflection, Brandon grabbed the red speedo that he’d dug out of his closet and stepped into the small article of clothing. He got them to his knees without a problem, but by the time he’d stretched them enough to get them halfway over his tree trunk thighs, he was sweating and out of breath.

‘What the fuck is wrong with these?’ Brandon muttered to himself as he yanked on the material.

Despite the fact that the speedo was clearly far too small for his larger body, Brandon was oblivious that it might be him rather than the speedo that was the problem.

It took nearly ten minutes for Brandon to wrestle the speedo up to his waist. His huge butt was barely covered by the tiny speedo, the bottom of his cheeks hanging out and on full show. His bulge was crushed at the front, the top of which was hidden by his stomach hanging down, emphasised all the more by the speedo waistband digging in so much.

Noticing the time, Brandon realised that he was going to be seriously late, so he pulled on a pair of basketball shorts that were definitely not the usual baggy style, along with a t-shirt that hugged him like a skin.

When Brandon arrived at the hotel, the sun was beating down and he could feel himself starting to sweat already, but this was pushed out of his mind by the sight of his former classmates. He felt like a teenager again as he strutted through the hotel’s side gates into the pool area.

‘No way! Brandon?’

Brandon spun around to come face to face with one of the cheerleaders. ‘Hey Britney, how’s things?’

‘What happened to you?’ she said, barely able to hide the shock from her face.

Brandon frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

Britney shook her head and quickly disappeared into the crowd at the bar. She always was weird, Brandon thought as he checked in and headed to the poolside.

As soon as he found an empty sun lounger, Brandon tossed his towel on to it and was just about to pull off his shirt, which was now stuck to him with sweat, when he saw a sight that made his jaw drop.

‘Well, if it isn’t Brandon Thwaite!’

‘Is that you, Sonny? Wow!’

Sonny laughed and nodded. ‘Looks like we’ve had a bit of a role reversal!’

Brandon frowned at the comment as he took in the sight of Sonny, the former geeky fat kid that he’d bullied mercilessly for most of high school. Sonny was no longer the fat kid. He’d grown up into an absolute stud. His bare upper body was toned and muscular and his tight board shorts showed off an ample bulge and incredible legs.

‘Role reversal?’ Brandon asked, cocking his head to the side in confusion.

Sonny laughed. ‘Yeah bud. Looks like I’m not the fat kid anymore.’

To emphasise his point, Sonny patted Brandon’s stomach so it jiggled and then laughed.

For the first time, Brandon started to question how much weight he’d actually gained. He tried to laugh it off, desperate to convince himself that Sonny wasn’t right, but he couldn’t quite manage it.

‘You’re looking great though man,’ Brandon said, trying to take the focus away from himself.

‘I guess you wouldn’t be throwing pencils at my butt crack now, chubster?’

Brandon nearly choked at being called the name he’d used on Sonny for so many years.

‘Ummm, I guess I wouldn’t.’

Sonny laughed. ‘Sorry big guy, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Look, why don’t you get settled and I’ll grab us some drinks?’

Brandon nodded. ‘Thanks man.’

Sonny walked over to the bar leaving Brandon to remove his shirt, which was no easy feat given how much he’d been sweating in the hot sun. His chest hair was damp when he eventually managed to get the shirt off.

He was about to remove his shorts when Sonny reappeared with two cocktails.

‘Here you go, bud. It looks like most of your buddies from the football team haven’t turned up, so you may have to put up with hanging out with me.’

Brandon couldn’t hide his disappointment about this fact. Although he’d been insanely popular at high school, he’d only really hung out with the football team, and he’d just assumed that all of his boys would be in attendance. Maybe he should have messaged some of them to check, but he just guessed that they’d have been as desperate as him to get back to an environment where they were top dog. Maybe not?

Brandon took the blue cocktail from Sonny and set it down next to his sun lounger. He was about to remove his shorts when he realised that Sonny was still watching him and for the first time in his life, he suddenly felt self-conscious.

‘Don’t let me stop you, bud. You can’t wear those shorts in the pool.’

Feeling somewhat encouraged, Brandon pushed down his shorts, unaware that his tiny speedo had crept further up his crack and looked more like a thong from the back.

Sonny tried and failed to hide his laughter as Brandon tossed the shorts on his sun lounger.

‘Fuck, chubster! Is this the speedo you used to wear when we were at high school? You might want to consider going up a few sizes.’

Brandon actually blushed, which only got worse when Sonny slapped his butt and he felt his cheeks bounce behind him. Feeling on show in a way that didn’t boost his ego at all, Brandon tried to pull the speedo out from between his cheeks to try and cover them up, but it was a fruitless venture.

‘Don’t be shy, chubster,’ Sonny said with a grin. ‘It’s great that you’re so confident with your body. I’d have never had the nerve to wear something like that when I was fatty.’

Brandon gulped. ‘I’m not . . . I’m . . .’

‘Sorry, that was mean,’ Sonny said, putting a hand on Brandon’s shoulder as he passed him his drink. ‘Why don’t you drink this and then we’ll go for a swim?’

Brandon felt self-conscious and uncomfortable and was torn between going home or staying and not letting Sonny get to him. Maybe Sonny was just being a dick because Brandon had bullied him for so many years? He knew he was bigger than he used to be, but he wasn’t really fat. Right?

Brandon took the drink and downed it in a few gulps. ‘Let’s swim.’

Sonny couldn’t suppress the satisfied smirk he wore as he followed Brandon in his tiny speedo to the edge of the pool. Seeing the way his high school bully had developed into a total hot fat ass was nearly too much for him. He’d planned on getting revenge and embarrassing the sexy muscle stud that he’d been bullied by, but this would work even better.

‘After you,’ Sonny yelled, before pushing Brandon into the pool by his ample butt cheeks.

There was an almighty splash as Brandon hit the water, which caused laughter from all around them. People had been whispering like crazy about the former jock and couldn’t believe how much he’d changed, let alone how brazen and bold he was to be showing off his fat bod.

Sonny gracefully dived into the water and surfaced next to Brandon. ‘So, what have you been doing with yourself since high school?’

Brandon felt much more comfortable being in the water, covered up to the chest and he was soon quite happy chatting away to Sonny and sharing what they’d both been doing for the last ten years. He felt slightly ashamed of how little he’d done in comparison to Sonny, but he’d been a big football star so he tried not to dwell on that too much.

It was as Sonny was telling him about his new house that Brandon started to feel a bit flushed. He was only stood in the water, so it wasn’t because he was exerting himself in any way, but he was definitely feeling a bit hot in the face.

‘Are you alright?’ Sonny asked with a frown.

Brandon nodded. ‘Sorry. Just feeling a bit hot I guess.’

‘Let’s head towards the shade in the shallow end.’

Brandon wasn’t overly happy about having his upper body out of the water after Sonny’s comments, but he did want to cool down and the shade would help.

Brandon was oblivious to the laughter and the comments that those around him made as he reached the shallow end, the water only just covering the top of his speedo and his butt crack, which was fully exposed in the tiny swimsuit.

Sonny carried on talking about his various achievements and Brandon was nodding along until he felt something he didn’t remotely expect to feel when he was chatting to the guy he used to bully at school.

The front of Brandon’s speedo pulsed as his cock inexplicably started to harden, struggling to fully lengthen out in the tight confines of the restrictive material.

Brandon blushed furiously and shifted in the water, feeling his cock throb more against the tight lycra.

‘Is everything okay? You’ve gone really red,’ Sonny said as he stepped closer to Brandon.

Brandon nodded, the proximity of someone being so close to his hard dick not helping. When was the last time he’d had sex? Years? When was the last time someone had touched his dick other than him? Fuck!

‘I’m good . . . I just need to . . .’

‘What do you need?’ Sonny asked, closing the distance between them so that his hand was mere inches from Brandon’s throbbing bulge.

Brandon couldn’t get any words out as he continued to squirm. He tried to subtly adjust the speedo, hoping that giving his dick more room would allow it the chance to go down, but there wasn’t enough material to allow that and all he succeeded in doing was brushing his hand over his cock and make himself moan out loud.

Sonny knew the Viagra had fully kicked in and was starting to wonder what to do next. His original plan when he thought the muscle stud would be here was to rip his swimsuit off and have everyone see him hard as a rock and unable to control his dick in front of all their classmates. But seeing his former bully look shy and vulnerable in his tiny speedo was turning him on and he wondered how much he could take advantage before he humiliated him.

‘You look like you’re struggling with something?’

Brandon shook his head. ‘No, I’m all good. What were you saying about your job?’

Sonny grinned and reached his hand out under the water. ‘I was saying it was hard.’

He let his fingers brush along the pouch of Brandon’s speedo and was surprised to see Brandon close his eyes and moan.

‘What’re you doing?’ Brandon said, coming to his senses and taking a step back, which meant the water level dropped to his thighs and showed off the throbbing mound in his pouch.

Sonny merely looked down and Brandon followed his line of sight before stepping forward and blushing furiously.

Some of the people nearby had noticed that something was going on and people were soon whispering and laughing to one another, until everyone around the pool was watching Sonny and Brandon.

Sonny completely closed the distance between them and used one hand to grab a hold of Brandon’s throbbing bulge, whilst he moved the other to play with his speedos at the back.

‘Dude, I’m not gay,’ Brandon whispered as Sonny started to slowly rub the front of his speedo, his dick not caring whose hand it was.

‘If you’re not enjoying it, then get out of the pool.’

Brandon gulped and opened his eyes, suddenly realising how many people were watching them. ‘Cut it out, people are watching and . . .’

Brandon moaned as Sonny focused his thumb on the head of his dick.

‘Like I said. Get out of the pool if you feel uncomfortable.’

Brandon didn’t want everyone to see him hard in his speedo, but equally, he could feel how hard his dick was and he was getting precariously close to orgasm. There was no way he’d let Sonny make him cum. No chance!

‘Dude, please stop!’

Sonny just grinned as he increased the rhythm on the front of Brandon’s speedo. After double checking his work was done on the back of the speedo, he started to massage Brandon’s ample butt cheek.

Feeling Sonny’s hand on his ass was too close to the point of no return for Brandon and he stumbled back a little, his feet hitting the steps that led out of the pool. He could hear the laughter at the sight of him in his tiny speedo with a throbbing hard on, but he wouldn’t let himself cum.

‘Where are you going chubster?’ Sonny asked with a laugh.

Brandon turned away from Sonny and grabbed the rail and walked out of the pool. It was only as stepped out of the pool completely that he felt a tug on the back of his speedo. Brandon tried to turn and see what it was, but with his girth, that was nearly impossible.

Seeing all his former classmates laughing at him, he ignored the tug and made to run for his sun lounger and his clothes, but after only a few steps, there was an almost painful tension on his speedo, a loud RRRRRIIIIIIPPPPPPPP and then a release that felt so good, he couldn’t quite believe it.

Brandon looked down to see his hard dick fully exposed, the head glistening with precum. The laughter was deafening as he turned around to see Sonny holding the shredded remnants of his speedo attached to a piece of fishing line.

Sonny had totally set him up.

Brandon couldn’t believe it. He was hard as a rock and butt naked in front of everyone he used to go to school with. The shouted comments and the laughter had him frozen to the spot. He knew he needed to cover up and get out of there, but he just couldn’t.

‘What’s up chubster?’ Sonny said, walking over to him. ‘You always liked being the centre of attention.’

Sonny slapped Brandon’s bare butt and the combination of the sharp slap and the jiggle that followed was too much for him. Brandon moaned as he felt his dick give one last epic throb before he knew he was passed the point of no return and he started to cum.

Unable to stop himself, Brandon grabbed his dick and milked his cock as he moaned through the best orgasm of his life. Cum showered the ground and Brandon’s thighs as he panted for breath.

‘What the fuck dude? You just came in front of everyone at your high school reunion.’

The shame and embarrassment were overwhelming, but those words were enough to get Brandon moving and he grabbed his clothes from the sun lounger and ran to the car butt naked with his clothes in his hands.

It was after he’d gotten home and jerked off another 5 times that his phone vibrated with a text message.

I think someone enjoyed that. Sonny