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This story will appeal to those who enjoy the classic wardrobe malfunction stories. This follows the tale of a very unlucky guy as he experiences a series of unfortunate events on one of the most important days of his career. I hope you guys enjoy this one :)

It was a Friday morning and I’d completely slept through my alarm. Why is it that the one day I needed to be awake, relaxed and on time, I overslept?

I dived out of bed and brushed my teeth with one hand whilst trying to sort my hair out with the other. If I didn’t go at the speed of light then I would be late for the most important business meeting of my life. I’d been given the opportunity to sit in on one of the board meetings to give my thoughts on one of their new initiatives. I had to be on time and on form.

Looking in the mirror, my dark hair was its usual, short style and my blue eyes – despite looking tired – were at least alert. I checked the time and realised that I had 26 minutes to get dressed and do a 20 minute drive and a 5 minute walk.

I ran into my bedroom, pulled down my boxers and threw open my underwear drawer.

It was empty!!!

I’d completely forgotten to pick up my laundry the night before. I wanted to slap myself. But then it dawned on me that I had a bigger problem than no clean underwear . . .

I opened my wardrobe and wanted to scream when I realised that without picking up my laundry, I only had my horrifically old dark grey suit. Granted, it was Armani, but it was also from the days before I started hitting the gym.

‘You’ve got no choice,’ I said to myself as I pulled the suit from the wardrobe and threw it down on the bed.

I also pulled out my only white shirt, which was a little worn and certainly a size smaller than I was used to wearing.

My biggest issue was underwear – wear my sweaty briefs that I’d worn to the gym and slept in or go commando??

With no time to panic, I pulled on some socks, pulled on the shirt and had to breathe in to button it. Next came the suit trousers which by the time I got them to mid-thigh were already way too tight on my muscled legs. With something of a struggle, I managed to pull them up over my toned bubble butt before wrestling to get my package inside the strained material.

All the jerking around with my cock so early in the morning started to give me a hard on, but I Just shoved it down my leg and sucked in my stomach as I pulled the trousers closed and fought to fasten the button.

After what seemed a life time, they fastened and I just managed to get the fly closed. Not wanting to risk bending down in my suit trousers that were now a second skin, I opted for my Hugo Boss lace up shoes that were a little on the big side so that I could simply slide my feet in.

I grabbed the jacket and ran down the stairs as fast as my restricted legs would allow. With my keys in my hand, I carefully climbed into the car and floored it to the office.

When I pulled up in the car park, I had 4 minutes to get into the office and get up to the 12th floor to be in time for my meeting. I grabbed my briefcase (which I’d mercifully left in the car) and dived out of the car.

As I ran up the stone steps to the glass doors, my right dress shoe clipped one of the steps and came off – that’ll teach me for wearing my loose shoes.

Forgetting about the insane tightness of my suit trousers, I bent over and grabbed it, not missing the slight popping noise that emitted from my crotch. I slid my foot into my shoe and bounded through the doors before slamming my hand on the button to call the lift.

With no one around, I allowed my fingers to wander to my crotch and was relieved to feel that there wasn’t a gaping hole. However, when I stepped into the lift and started struggling to pull on my jacket, I couldn’t help but stare at the ridiculously obvious bulge in my suit trousers.

I managed to get the jacket on just as the doors hissed open and using my briefcase to hide the X-rated bulge show, I jogged down the corridor and arrived at the meeting just as everyone was sitting down.

The meeting went much better than I would have imagined, given the circumstances. They listened to my points and even agreed with some of them. When the meeting finished, I shook hands with the CEO and was asked to come back and join them for lunch in an hour.

I happily agreed and decided that I’d go for a walk as there was no point in me driving back to my office on the other side of town.

It had turned into quite a hot day and after ditching my briefcase in the car, I decided to walk over to the nearby park and enjoy the sunshine for a little while before I had lunch with the directors.

As I made my way into the park, my shoes were starting to irritate me as they continually slipped off my heels. Spotting a bench, I decided to carefully sit down and lace them up properly.

The park was quiet and aside from a man walking his dog on the opposite side, there was no one around.

I carefully perched on the edge of the metal bench with my knees together, being careful to put as little strain on my already stretched suit trousers. If my drycleaners had been closer, I’d have nipped over there and changed suits.

I bent over and grabbed the laces of my right shoe but just as my fingers connected with them, one of the buttons on my white shirt popped off and bounced across the pavement. I looked down and cursed that it was one of the buttons in the middle, which had left a gaping hole that showed off my tanned skin.

Breathing in, I could just about hide the missing button if I sat up straight and not wanting to lose any more buttons, I decided to just put up with my shoes for fear of ruining my outfit further.

After soaking up the sunshine for a short while, I was starting to sweat from the heat and my already tight shirt was starting to cling even more tightly to my body.

After checking my phone, I decided to head back to the office so that I wasn’t running late.

The park was still empty as I started a slow walk back and I gently tried to ease my shirt away from my now sticky body. As I distracted myself with prising my shirt from my skin, I stopped paying attention to where I was going and walked into the side of a metal fence.

My leg connected with the metal and I let out as a yelp. However, as my leg hit the fence, my right foot spontaneously flicked and my dress shoe went sliding under the railing before coming to a stop some 8 feet away.

Cursing and rechecking the time, I walked along the side of the fence as quickly as I could, trying to keep myself from letting my socked foot hit the ground for too long.

When I got to the gate, I dropped my jacket on to the bench next to it to free up my hands before pushing through the gate and practically hopping across the grass to my abandoned shoe.

Despite the warmth of the day, it was the first in a few weeks of non-stop rain and my sock was soaking wet by the time I reached my shoe. Feeling even more hot and sweaty than before, I pushed my wet socked foot into the shoe and headed back towards the gate, my sock squelching inside my shoe.

I went through the gate and turned to the bench to retrieve my jacket and felt momentarily stunned.

They’d gone!

How had someone stolen them in the last minute? Surely I would have heard them!

Cursing at my stupidity for leaving them there, I was relieved that my phone and my car key were in my trouser pockets. I checked the time and started to run back to the office as I only had a few minutes before lunch.

As I ran through the park and over the road, I was relieved to reach the office, but I was now sweating so much that I could feel it running down my back.

Trying to ignore it, I took to the steps and dived into reception just in time to see a lift’s doors closing. I skidded to a stop at the lift and dived into it, just before the doors slammed shut. However, as I skidded into the lift, my left dress shoe slid off and I stepped into the lift, just in time to see the doors closing on the sight of my shoe in the hallway.

Furious at myself for not just tying my laces, I pressed the button for the ground floor. Whilst I waited for the lift to find the right floor, I felt my jaw drop open as I caught my reflection in the mirror.

My once white shirt was now practically see through from the sweat, my hair was a mess and the missing button was incredibly obvious as the buttons gaped and my bulge looked even more prominent in my skin tight suit trousers.

The doors opened on the 3rd floor, but there was no one else there and the lift quickly descended to the ground floor. However when the doors opened, my shoe had clearly been kicked by someone walking past and it was on the other side of the hallway.

I stepped into the hallway but as I did so, I heard the voices of the directors as they came down the stairs above me. Not wanting to be seen in my sweaty, dishevelled state, I decided to grab my shoe and then jump back in the lift before they spotted me – yes, I’d miss lunch, but hopefully they’d forgive me that.

I pressed the hold doors button on the lift before dashing across the hallway and bending down to grab my shoe. As my fingers brushed the black leather, a loud RRRRIIIIIIPPPPPPPPP echoed around me and felt the cool breeze across my backside.

I stood bolt upright and with my free hand, I assessed the damage, blushing furiously when I realised that my entire butt was hanging out. Not wanting to be seen by the directors, I dived through the stairwell door that led to the basement.

As I stood with my back to the wall, listening to the voices of the directors getting louder, I ran my fingers over the huge split in my trousers that ran from the waistband to the crotch seam.

Before I could formulate a suitable escape plan, the stairwell door was pushed open slightly and one of the directors turned to someone behind him to offer a lift.

In a blind panic, I ran down the stairs, planning to hide somewhere in the basement before I was seen. But when I reached the door, my heart dropped into my stomach at the sight of the security block. Only those with an access key could get into the basement and I wasn’t one of those people.

With the voices of a few directors rising as they walked slowly down the stairs, I searched around for somewhere to hide, with my shoe still in my hand and my butt bare to the world.

The only option was a narrow closet that was unlocked but it was incredibly narrow. I threw my shoe inside and turning to the side, I forced myself into the small space. I hunched down slightly but as I did so, there was another loud rip as my trousers burst down the inner thigh seams, my cock and balls flopping into the open.

Ignoring the damage, I reached out and grabbed for the door, but the stretch was too much for my see through shirt and the remaining buttons burst open.

With the door slightly ajar, I pushed myself back into the small space, falling backwards against the sloping wall. As I did so, my remaining dress shoe slipped off of my foot and fell through the gap onto the floor outside, just as the directors arrived at the bottom of the stairwell.

Their voices quietened immediately and my cheeks heated as the Financial Director pulled open the closet door to reveal me with my shirt open, my legs wide open and my package on full display.

I was so humiliated, I don’t even know what he said as I scrambled out of the closet. Leaving my shoes behind, I pushed through them and ran up the stairs, my hands covering myself at the front.

It took me less than a minute to get back to my car, by which point the humiliating situation had started an adverse effect and I was sporting a throbbing erection by the time I unlocked the car. As I wrestled to get the key into the lock, my cock continually bumped against the metal of the car door and as the lock clicked, one of the junior directors called my name and just as I turned around, my cock began to erupt a flood of hot cum down the remnants of my trousers.

Unable to do anything more than mouth wordlessly at him, I jumped into the car and hurtled out of the car park, wearing a torn shirt, socks and the tattered remains of my trousers that were coated in a thick layer of warm cum.

I’d never had such rotten luck!


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