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I wrote this Ben story a few years ago for a friend and never published it, but now felt like a good time. 

If you want to see what happens when Ben gets home from camp and heads to the gym for the first time, this is the story for you.

Give the post a like if you read it and let me know what you think! What would you like to see happen to Ben in the future?

When Ben arrived at the gym, he headed straight for one of the private cubicles so that he could get changed without anyone seeing him.

After recent embarrassing events, Ben was adamant about two things:

1 – He didn’t want to expose himself ever again and...

2 – He had to lose some weight.

The memory of the final day at camp still got him hard as a rock and on the edge of cumming in seconds, but it had made him face the hard truth that he needed to make some changes. His gut was out of control and most of his clothes didn’t fit anymore.

Ben had made the decision the first morning back home that he would grab his gym kit, head to the gym and do the first of what would need to be many, many workouts.

As he assessed himself in the full-length mirror, Ben really hoped that one morning of not stuffing his face would have made a difference, but he was still met with the same stocky build, the broad shoulders, the paunchy stomach, the thick thighs, and the huge bubble butt.

Ben peeled off his sweatshirt revealing his furry chest and stomach, the hair getting thicker as it disappeared into the waistband of his jeans. He sucked his stomach in so that he could unbutton the jeans, and the zipper quickly undid itself when he breathed out.

After a few seconds, Ben managed to get the jeans to his ankles and his boxer briefs quickly followed suit, revealing his cock that was already starting to chub up.

Ben yanked open his rucksack and pulled out a white jockstrap, his navy shorts, and a white sleeveless tank top.

With a grim determination, Ben stepped into the jock and started pulling it up his thick, hairy thighs; the tight elastic digging into his legs as he pulled it up. When he had it around his waist, the elastic was stretched to the limit and the straps underneath his furry cheeks dug in so much that it made his ample ass look even bigger than it was.

‘I can do this,’ Ben said quietly to himself as he wrestled himself into the white tank top.

It was a lot snugger than when he used to work out regularly, barely covering his furry gut. The hair from his pits showed under the arms of the top and his gut could just be seen. Refusing to let the sight in the mirror put him off, Ben yanked on the shorts, which had once been loose basketball shorts, but were now almost skin-tight; the shiny material digging into his thighs and the waistband barely covering his huge butt.

Ben pushed his feet back into his trainers and without a second thought, he headed into the main locker room, tossed his stuff in a locker, and headed to the gym, grateful that he’d come mid-afternoon when the gym was at it’s most quiet.

When Ben pushed the doors to the gym open, he was relieved to see that there were only a couple of good-looking guys in their 30’s in there. Both of them were on treadmills side by side, so Ben decided to do some weights before he hit cardio.

After using some dumbbells to do some bicep curls, Ben was already starting to sweat, and he could feel the moisture in his furry pits. He moved over to the Lat Pull Down machine and adjusted the weight before sitting down facing the bar.

As he lifted his left leg to straddle the small bench, he heard a distinct popping sound and immediately panicked that he’d ripped his shorts. However, after a quick feel of the silky material, his shorts were still intact.

Thank God for that, he thought, as he reached up to grab the bar.

With his arms over his head, he couldn’t ignore the musky smell that was already coming from his hairy pits.

Good job this place is so empty, he thought.

Ben did a few sets on the Lat bar before he accidentally lost his grip and the bar shot back up, causing the weights on the other side to slam down with a big bang.

The two other guys stopped talking and turned to face Ben who turned a little red and stood up from the machine.

It was as he bent over to wipe down the bench where his sweaty ass had been that he heard the guys laughing. He spun around to face them, and they quickly turned away trying to stifle their hysterics.

What’s their problem? Ben thought and he discreetly moved his hand over the back of his shorts to find that they had sagged down and his furry cheeks were on show below the waistband of his jock that was digging into his sweaty skin.

Feeling embarrassed, Ben grabbed the waistband of his shorts and tugged them up, before forcing his fingers under the waistband of his jock to reposition that too, but this time the ripping sound was unmistakable, and he felt his jock give a little.

The waistband was still holding together, but it was definitely ripped.

As Ben decided which weight machine to use next, the two guys walked over towards the free weights next to where Ben was stood, and he immediately noticed them glancing at his stomach before punching each other.

Ben looked down and was mortified. Where he’d been using the Lat bar, his tight t-shirt had ridden up and half of his furry gut was on show. Not to mention that his heavy sweating had turned the tank top see through across his chest and his hair could be seen through the material.

Deciding to get away from the guys and their laughter, Ben headed over to one of the bikes. A cycle would be good cardio and he’d have his back to the wall so that no one could laugh at him.

The saddle looked a little higher than Ben was used to, but he was a tall guy so didn’t think it would be a problem. He put one foot on one of the pedals and swung his other leg over the saddle, the material of his basketball shorts stretching to the point where he knew he must have popped a couple of stitches.

Ben tried to get his foot on the other pedal, but he missed it and it slipped to the floor forcing him to slide off of the saddle, so that he was stood with the bike machine between his legs and the saddle behind him.

After choosing his setting, he rather ungracefully tried to jump up on to the saddle backwards, but a loud ripping noise met his ears, and he felt an immediate loosening under his shorts.

After checking that the two guys hadn’t noticed, Ben put his hand under his shorts to find that the waistband of the jock had completely ripped in two and the pouch was holding against his cock and balls from sweat alone.

Forcing himself to ignore the potential embarrassment and the tingling feeling from touching the pouch, he jumped back on to the saddle, ignoring the fact that his shorts had tugged down at the back and his hairy crack was on show.

I have to finish this damn workout, he said to himself and started pedalling.

Ben’s determination to lose weight and not be humiliated again made him do a solid 25 minutes of hard cycling and by the time he stopped, he was dripping with sweat, his shirt was stuck to his hairy chest that was showing through the material, his pits stunk, and he felt exhausted, but great.

Ben glanced around the gym and noticed that another 3 guys had joined the other two at the free weights and they were all talking and laughing whilst they lifted.

I reckon I’ve done enough for today, Ben thought to himself, unsure of how to escape without his ripped jock falling down his shorts.

Ben leaned forward on the saddle and lifted his right leg to dismount the bike, but as he did so, two things happened in quick session. Ben lost his balance and his left foot banged down on the floor. He fell sideways and as he fell his shorts tore open with an almighty RRRRIIIIPPPPPPPPPP. The five guys in the corner heard the commotion and turned to find Ben in a heap on the floor, his shirt ridden up to his chest, his shorts attached to the saddle and the remains of his jock barely covering his now semi-hard cock.

The 5 guys were laughing hysterically and came over to get a better look.

Ben’s cock was getting harder by the second and he jumped to his feet, clutching the jock pouch over himself whilst the waistband and straps hung down.

As the 5 guys approached, Ben grabbed his shorts from the saddle, but they were stuck tight.

‘Looks like you’re having one hell of a workout, lard ass,’ one of the guys yelled.

Ben was blushing furiously and, in his effort, to hide what was now his fully erect throbbing cock, he gripped the bottom of his tank top and yanked it down, but unsurprisingly, the strain on the stretched seams meant that he tore it right off of his body.

Ben was holding the ripped tank top in his hands, his leaking cock throbbing in front of the 5 muscled guys who were now laughing hysterically and pointing.

I have to get out of here, Ben thought as he held the tank top over his cock.

The only problem with that was that the 5 guys were blocking his exit from the bike area. Ben tried to move past them, but none of them shifted.

‘Excuse me,’ Ben said, aware of how much he stunk and how much sweat was currently matting his chest and armpit hair.

‘Ever heard of a razor, dude?’ one of the guys said, as he slapped Ben’s furry butt.

The shockwave from the slap made his cheeks ripple and he thrust his cock into the tank top in his hands making himself moan.

‘Guys, I really need to go,’ Ben said, trying to push past them.

2 of the guys grabbed Ben by the arms and one of them yanked the tank top from his grip. ‘Worried you’re gonna cum, tubby?’

Ben blushed even more and felt the sweat trickling down his back and into his butt crack.

Just hearing the word cum made his dick pulse and a dribble of precum leaked on to the floor.

‘Oh my god, he really is gonna cum,’ one of the other guys said.

‘Stroke your dick for 1 minute and we’ll let you go,’ one of them said.

Ben knew he’d never last a minute, but he needed to get away from them so as one of the guys released his right arm, he grabbed his wet cock in his fist and slowly started pumping it.

It had only been 12 seconds when one of the guys slapped his butt again and Ben moaned out loud as he shot jets of sticky white cum all down himself and on to the floor.

The guys were laughing even more loudly, but true to their word, they stepped aside as Ben ran to the changing rooms utterly mortified.

The only problem was that when he got there, he realised that his shorts, along with his locker key were still in the gym.

This cannot be happening to me, Ben thought, and his dick twitched.