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Here's the finale to The Trials of Jack Matthews! This was one of my favourite chapters to write and suffice to say that it required quite a few breaks =P 

I hope you enjoyed this story and, as always, feedback is very much welcome! 

Jack woke up with a throbbing hard on; the memory of Carlos teasing him and touching him making him writhe against the sheets. He was so desperate to get his hands on Carlos that it was making him almost blind to the way Carlos was treating him.

‘Fuck, I need to get a grip,’ Jack said, ignoring his morning wood and getting out of bed.

He spent the day doing exercises in his villa and ate only salad and fruit. The desperation was overwhelming to make it through dinner without a mishap.

The only thing Jack had to wear was a white shirt, the navy suit pants he’d tried on and the brown brogues from his flight. He’d go commando as instructed and just pray that he got through the evening without either embarrassing himself or having Carlos out him to his boss.

Jack couldn’t believe that Carlos would be twisted enough to do anything to get him fired, but he wasn’t entirely confident in that belief.

After a day of exercising, for the first time in a while, Jack was exhausted and aching when he lowered himself into a warm bath at 6pm. The bubbles and the soothing water on his muscles felt phenomenal as he rested his head back against the side of the tub and closed his eyes.

Jack bolted up from the water with a start. Had he been asleep? No – surely not. He scooted down the bath a little to see the clock in the hallway and immediately jumped out of the water when he saw that he only had 5 minutes to get to the restaurant.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck,’ he cursed as he towelled himself off at the speed of light, threw on some deodorant and dived into his bedroom.

Thankfully, he’d already laid out the shirt, suit pants and brogues on the bed. He grabbed the white shirt and put his still damp arms into the sleeves and was disappointed, but not surprised, that he had to breathe in to get the buttons done up.

Jack pulled on some socks, put the pants on up to the knees and pushed his feet into his brogues, leaving the laces loose. Standing up, he wrestled the pants up his hairy muscled legs and was frustrated that they weren’t going on any easier than the last time he’d tried to put them on.

With a yank of desperation, Jack grabbed the waistband and pulled as hard as he could. With some wrestling, he managed to get them to his waist, but not without damage. The hard yank had resulted in him putting his finger through the pants material just underneath the waistband at the back. He did a quick check in the mirror and decided that if he left the shirt untucked then no one would notice it.

Lying on the bed, Jack pushed his cock and balls to one side and fought with the button and zipper to get them closed. It was only as he pushed his bulge to the side that he realised that his focus on exercise had meant that he hadn’t jerked off, which was worrying after a vacation where he’d done so at least 4-5 times a day.

Ignoring the slight thickening of his dick, Jack breathed a sigh of relief when the button and fly were closed and stood up. He attempted to tidy his hair in the mirror to little avail and dashed for the door.

When Jack arrived at the Nirvana Restaurant, he was out of breath and was slightly concerned that he was sweating so much that his white shirt would go see through.

As soon as he walked through the double doors, Carlos was waiting for him and steered him through the restaurant to a door that led into a hallway.

‘I was starting to think that you wouldn’t come. My father and Mr Jameson are already at the table.’

Jack hadn’t seen his boss anywhere as Carlos had led him through the restaurant. He was about to turn and ask Carlos where they were when Carlos’ lips were suddenly on his ear.

‘We’re on a private balcony with dim lighting so that no one will notice my hand in your lap or the fact that you’re wearing suit pants so tight that I can see the head of your dick.’

Jack immediately flushed and felt his cock throb in his suit pants. ‘Please can you remember that this guy is my boss, and I can’t lose my job.’

Carlos laughed and slapped Jack on his meaty bubble butt. ‘I have no intention of getting you fired. I just want to have some fun. Come on.’

Jack followed Carlos through the restaurant and was unable to keep his eyes off of Carlos’ muscled back in a tight navy shirt and his pert butt in a pair of tight tan slacks.

‘Ah there you are, Matthews,’ Mr Jameson said, glancing at his watch before standing to shake Jack’s hand.

‘Jack, this is my father, George Ravenshaw,’ Carlos said as he took a seat opposite Mr Jameson.

Jack said hello and shook his hand before sitting down next to Carlos. The table was indeed on a private balcony lit only by lanterns with several huge vases of brightly coloured flowers dotted around.

‘So, is there a reason you were late, Matthews?’ Mr Jameson asked with a scowl.

‘Give the boy a break, he’s on vacation,’ said George as he poured a glass of wine each for Jack and Carlos

Carlos gave Jack’s thigh a squeeze under the table and Jack immediately shifted in his seat as his cock sprung to attention.

The starters were brought out by a young waiter who was far too eager to please, but Jack was relieved to be somewhere private and as the mains were served and he finished another glass of wine, he was starting to enjoy the evening.

As Mr Jameson and George chatted away, Carlos and Jack were forced to talk to each other, and Jack was surprised that they actually had quite a bit in common. It was bad enough that he was desperately attracted to Carlos, but now it wasn’t just his body and his cheeky demeanour.

Mr Jameson and George Ravenshaw were in a deep discussion about the stock market by the time the eager young waiter brought out dessert and they were so engrossed that they didn’t even notice when Carlos whispered in Jack’s ear: ‘Undo your fly’.

Jack nearly spat out the mouthful of torte he was savouring and dropped his spoon.

Mr Jameson and George hadn’t even noticed, and Carlos gave his thigh another squeeze under the table.

Jack looked down and realised that one of the buttons on his shirt was undone. He swiftly did it up, keeping his eyes on the two older gentlemen, before moving his hands down to his crotch.

With the suit pants so tight on him, it was nearly impossible to reach the zipper, so he had to slowly slouch in his seat so that he could get better access. Trying his utmost to look as engrossed in the conversation as the others were, Jack finally managed to grip the zipper and started to yank it down.

With so much pressure on the fly, it was nearly impossible to get it undone, but with a hard tug on the zipper, the fly finally burst open. Jack quickly sat back in his seat, conscious that the fly was now gaping wide open, but worse . . . the zipper was still in his hand.

Fuck, the fly is busted!

‘Mmmm, I bet you’d like my lips on that, huh?’ Carlos whispered in Jack’s ear.

Jack tried his hardest not to moan with agreement but managed to settle for a stiff nod.

When the waiter came out to clear the dessert plates, Jack quickly repositioned his napkin so that his open fly was covered, but as soon as the plates were cleared, Carlos swiped his napkin away under the table.

‘How was your dinner?’ George said in a confident tone.

‘It was delicious,’ Jack said with a smile. ‘Thank you for a fantastic meal.’

‘Not at all, but we aren’t finished yet. Ah, here we are.’

The waiter returned with a silver tray bearing a bottle of clear liquid and 4 small glasses.

‘Oh, you scoundrel,’ boomed Mr Jameson, smacking his lips. ‘Grappa!’

‘Of course, my friend. I wouldn’t let you go without.’

‘Mr Jameson and my father can’t seem to ever get to the end of a meal without indulging in some grappa,’ Carlos said conspiratorially.

The two men laughed as the waiter placed the tray on the table and handed out glasses.

Jack was so absorbed in the thought of having to drink pure ethanol that he’d momentarily forgotten about his open fly.

Unfortunately, the same could not be said of the waiter. After he filled Mr Jameson and George’s glasses, he came around the side of the table to Jack and Carlos and even in the dim light, he could clearly see Jack’s semi-hard cock.

‘I think you’ll find your fly is undone,’ the waiter whispered to Jack, loudly enough for Carlos to hear.

Mortified, Jack suddenly sat forward in his seat to hide his crotch, but he knew what a mistake that was when he felt his suit pants suddenly loosen and heard the sound of something plastic hitting the floor.

Fuck, my button has gone, he thought in a panic. How the hell am I going to get out of here?

The waiter disguised his laugh with a cough and leaving the bottle on the table, he headed back inside.

‘I think someone might be getting themselves into trouble again,’ Carlos whispered with a throaty chuckle.

Jack ignored him as he desperately tried to think of how he could leave the restaurant without exposing his dick to everyone.

‘A toast to old friends and to new,’ George said raising his glass.

Jack picked up his glass with slightly shaky hands and toasted the other 3 guys at the table before following suit and necking his grappa.

The alcohol burned down his throat and he momentarily felt like his chest was on fire.

‘Another,’ Mr Jameson said, slamming his glass on to the table, his cheeks red from the warmth that was undoubtedly spreading through his body.

‘Allow me,’ Carlos said, grabbing the bottle and standing up.

Jack watched Carlos refill all 4 glasses, but as he sat down, he made a big show of having dropped his napkin and needing to pick it up.

As soon as his head dipped below the table, Carlos’ hand was instantly in Jack’s lap and groping his cock through his open fly. A day of no jerking off and an evening of good food and alcohol made Jack’s cock spring into attention immediately and he was almost disappointed when Carlos released him and sat back up.

As Mr Jameson and George launched into a discussion about an upcoming trip with their wives, Jack couldn’t stop thinking about his throbbing hard on, which was now fully out in the open. He tried his utmost to ignore it during the next 2 shots of grappa, but if anything, the alcohol was just making him more horny than before.

‘I feel that I must . . . retire . . . for the . . . evening,’ Mr Jameson said, his ruddy face shiny with perspiration.

George laughed. ‘I think you’re right. That grappa has gone straight to my head.’

Jack felt like a huge weight had been lifted. If his boss and George were gone then surely, he could just stay where he was until the restaurant was empty before heading back to his villa.

Mr Jameson and George both stood up (slightly wobbly on their feet) and shook hands with Jack and Carlos, who to Jack’s relief both stayed seated.

As the two men stumbled back into the restaurant, Jack let out a sigh of relief. ‘I thought I was done for then.’

Carlos laughed. ‘Worried that your boss would see your throbbing cock?’

‘Not funny,’ Jack snapped at him. ‘Can you just let me know when the restaurant is empty so that I can head back to my villa?’

‘It should be empty now, but let me check,’ Carlos said, jumping up from his seat.

Jack tried to pull his suit pants closed, but with not enough material and his cock still hard, he had no chance.

‘Coast is clear,’ Carlos said, walking back on to the balcony.

Jack stood up and straightened his shirt and tried to ignore how much the buttons were straining at the seams.

‘Before you sneak off,’ Carlos said, stepping up close to Jack. ‘I just need to do one thing.’

Jack didn’t have time to be confused before Carlos’ lips were on his. The kiss was electric as Carlos’ hands ran down his back and grabbed his bubble butt. Jack moaned into Carlos’ mouth as he ground his hard cock against the tented bulge in Carlos’ slacks.

‘I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,’ Carlos said with a grin as he pulled away, leaving Jack desperate for more.

‘Maybe you should come back to the villa?’ Jack asked.

‘Only if I can make one adjustment?’ Carlos asked with a grin.

Jack tilted his head in confusion like a questioning puppy, but before he could ask what Carlos meant, his hands were on Jack’s shirt and ripping it open, sending buttons scattering over the balcony.

‘What the fuck!’ Jack yelled.

Carlos grabbed the open sides of the shirt and used them to pull Jack against him as his tongue pushed into Jack’s mouth, his hands running down Jack’s sides and down the back of his suit pants to grope his firm bubble butt.

Forgetting that they could get caught at any moment, Jack kissed Carlos like he’d never kissed a man before. He ground his crotch against Carlos’ not caring that his cock was slick with precum and probably staining Carlos’ slacks.

‘Okay, we need to get somewhere more private,’ Carlos chuckled. ‘Hold your pants together and attempt to hide that.’

Carlos stroked Jack’s cock making him moan with desperation, but Jack quickly gripped his pants closed and followed Carlos to the door.

‘Oh wait, I left my phone. Go on and I’ll follow you.’

Jack let Carlos walk past him and with his hands tightly clutching his pants closed, he pushed open the door and headed back into the restaurant.

The restaurant was not empty!

The young eager waiter was stood in front of the exit with another 5 waiters, all of whom were in their early twenties and wearing huge grins.

‘I knew he’d have to emerge eventually,’ the waiter said with a grin. ‘No way you’re going to hide that throbbing cock from us, mate. I saw it at the table, and I know full well that the only thing keeping those pants up is your hands.’

‘Just let me get passed,’ Jack said, mentally cursing Carlos, as he walked towards the exit.

The 6 guys just laughed and showed no signs of moving at all.

‘What do you want?’ Jack said in a defeated tone.

One of the waiters started to speak, but the young eager one shut him up quickly.

‘I just want you to let go of your pants for us!’

Jack looked behind him to see where the hell Carlos had got to but resigned to his fate of being unable to stop exposing himself in public, he let go of his suit pants.

The pants were so tight that they didn’t fall. The flaps of material at the front just fell open, exposing his slippery hard cock and his bulging balls.

The 6 waiters all cheered and the eager one stepped towards Jack, an obvious tent in his black pants.

‘I get one stroke and then you can leave.’

Jack just shrugged and allowed the waiter to wrap his slightly sweaty hand around his cock and pump it up and down a couple of times.

The kissing with Carlos and the hours of being hard had him so close to that edge that Jack was worried that he’d cum, but thankfully the waiter stopped quickly.

‘Alright, you can go now,’ the eager waiter said with a grin as he slapped Jack on the arse.

Jack grabbed his suit pants and held them together, trying to ignore how good the material felt against his cock, but as he went to walk away, the waiter stepped on the heel of his right brogue, and he stepped out of it.

Jack turned around to push his foot into it, but the waiter kicked it under a table.

‘You did that on purpose,’ Jack hissed.

‘Just grab your shoe and leave,’ the waiter said with a smug grin.

Fed up with feeling humiliated and desperate to get back to his villa to cum, Jack walked over to the table and bent down to grab his shoe.


The hole beneath the waistband of Jack’s suit pants was right on the seam and the extra stretch on his already bursting suit pants made the entire seam split open exposing his massive butt to the 6 waiters who all cheered and burst out laughing!

Jack jumped up, pushed his foot into his shoe and tried to pull the material together, but with the split at the front and a gaping hole at the back, he just couldn’t cover himself.

‘Maybe we should take turns fucking him?’ one of the waiters yelled.

‘What the fuck is going on here?’ Carlos roared as he walked through the door.

The eager waiter immediately jumped away from Jack, before babbling an explanation.

‘Get out all of you! I will deal with you in the morning,’ Carlos screamed at them, and the six waiters quickly ran out of the room.

‘I’m so sorry,’ he said rushing to Jack’s side. ‘This room was empty when I checked.’

‘The waiter knew my pants were busted,’ Jack said with a resounding sigh.

‘You really do have trouble keeping your clothes in one piece, huh?’ Carlos said with a chuckle.

‘I never used to! It’s just the last week I’ve had this issue and . . . ‘

‘And what?’ Carlos asked with a raised eyebrow.

‘It gets me so fucking horny and I don’t know why,’ Jack exclaimed, feeling half embarrassed at his admission and half like a weight had been lifted. ‘As soon as something rips, my cock gets rock hard, and I suddenly want to rip off everything and cum all over myself.’

‘Maybe we’ll have to expose you some more then,’ Carlos said grinning and pulling Jack in for another kiss.

‘Or maybe we’ll have to expose both of us,’ Jack said, breaking the kiss and yanking open Carlos’ slacks and sending the button popping off.

‘Oh no, that wasn’t part of the deal,’ Carlos said as his white bikini briefs came into view, his slacks sliding to his knees.

‘Too bad,’ Jack gasped, his tongue sliding against Carlos’s as he groped Carlos’ hard cock.

‘You’re so desperate to cum right now, aren’t you?’ Carlos said as he gripped Jack’s cock.

‘Yes – please let me,’ Jack begged, his voice a moan.

‘Better get you back to your villa then,’ Carlos whispered in his ear. ‘Unless you want to cum for me here.’

Jack didn’t need asking twice. He stepped back from Carlos, removed his open shirt, tore off the remnants of his suit pants and gripped his cock. His hand flew up and down his shaft at lightning speed and it was barely 30 seconds before his balls tightened and he was shooting his load all over Carlos’ shirt.

‘Oh fuck,’ Carlos said with his mouth ajar.

Jack sagged back against a table, noticing the wet patch spreading across the front of Carlos’ bikini briefs.

Carlos pulled Jack to his feet. ‘Come on, exposure boy, that was just the start!


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