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I'm excited to share this commission I recently finished for one of my amazing followers. I'm sharing this here so that you guys get early access before I share on Tumblr.

This story sees hunky gym coach, Gavin, getting himself into quite the naked predicament in the middle of the school that he coachs. I used to have a massive crush on one of my gym coaches - let me know in the comments if you had a crush on yours and any fond memories you want to share!

Gavin Hughes had been the Coach at Eastridge High for nearly 5 years. He’d joined the school straight from college and was proud to say that he loved his job. Although a decent sized boys only high school, there were only a few hundred students and it was situated in a fairly well to do area so the students, although bratty and spoiled, were generally well behaved.

Friday was Gavin’s favourite day of the week. Only the Seniors had classes on a Friday afternoon and none of them were Phys Ed, so Gavin went for a swim in the school pool, took a shower and finished up anything urgent in his office before finishing early for the weekend.

Once the school had cleared out at lunchtime and afternoon classes had started, Gavin grabbed his gym bag and headed into the boys changing rooms to change into his swimming trunks.

As he entered the changing room, Gavin paused to check himself out in the mirror. At 5’10, he had broad shoulders and a beefy build. Although his jock body had gone a little soft, he was definitely in the fit fat category – toned arms, thick muscled thighs and a meaty bubble butt with a firm, furry belly.

“Oh no,” Gavin sighed as he opened his gym bag and realised that he’d forgotten his swim trunks. “Now, what?”

Although he didn’t have his own trunks, there were always spares in the lost and found. As much as he didn’t particularly want to use one of the students’ pairs, it was better than not having his peaceful Friday swim.

Gavin reached up to grab the box down from the top of one of the lockers, his shirt riding up and exposing a sliver of furry belly.

The box was full of discarded t-shirts, gym socks, shorts, and sneakers. As Gavin rifled through, he found a tiny speedo that one of the swim team had left behind, but there didn’t appear to be any trunks.


Gavin picked up a pair of navy gym shorts. They would definitely be on the small side for him, but they could be good enough for a swim and they’d be infinitely better than trying to wrestle himself into the teeny, tiny speedo that he’d found.

After returning the box to the top of the lockers, Gavin pulled off his shirt, exposing his thick, furry upper body, before dropping his track pants and kicking them of with his sneakers. He pulled off his socks and then hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his red briefs and pushed them down.

Being naked in the boy’s locker room always felt taboo to Gavin. As much as he knew some of his colleagues would change in here with the students, he always felt that there was a line where your students just shouldn’t see their coach in the altogether.

Gavin picked up the navy gym shorts and stepped into them. He got them up to his furry thighs, but by the time he’d wrestled his butt into them, the seams were stretched to the limit, and he wasn’t sure he’d even be able to move his legs enough in them to swim.

Moving over to the mirror, Gavin couldn’t believe he’d even gotten the shorts on. The legs dug into his thighs, the back barely covered his butt, and the top of his furry crack was on show.

“They’ll loosen up in the water,” he thought to himself with a shrug, before heading out to the pool and letting the door slam behind him.

On a Friday when he had the place to himself. Gavin never bothered with a locker because he was the only one there and with his focus on his shorts, Gavin had left his towel on the bench next to the clothes.

Not bothering to use the ladder, Gavin jumped straight into the pool and was feeling instantly more relaxed in the warm water. He kicked off from the side to start swimming lengths, but quickly had to stop.

“These are just too damn tight,” he cursed.

The shorts were so tight on his thighs that he could barely move his legs.

“Maybe if I . . .’

Gavin gripped the material at the side of his leg and gave it a sharp tug, hoping to tear the side seam just a little so he had more movement.

Unfortunately, the seams were so stretched that he ripped the shorts straight up the side seam to the waistband, exposing his thick, muscular thigh.

Gavin immediately looked around the pool as if there were loads of people that could suddenly see what had happened. But he was still very much alone and, at least this way, he could move more easily.

Gripping the shorts on the other leg, he did the same thing again and immediately felt so much better! With his legs no longer restricted, he carried on with his laps.

After half an hour, Gavin came to a stop next to the pool ladder and leaned against it as he caught his breath. He’d smashed his usual lap record and was feeling incredibly smug about it. He pushed his wet hair away from his eyes and decided to get showered so that he could head off.

It was as he pulled himself from the water that he felt some resistance on his waist, but it quickly disappeared as he stepped clear of the pool . . . butt naked.

Where he’d been leaning against the ladder, the torn material had caught on the metal and the weakened seams had had little resistance as he’d pulled away, shredding through the waistband.

Gavin was halfway to the door when he happened to glance down and see his trimmed pubes and his cock and balls bouncing against his thighs.

“What the fuck?” he gasped as he quickly covered himself with his hands.

Gavin walked quickly back to the pool with his hands tightly clutching his manhood. He saw the navy material next to the ladder and pulled the shorts free, but there was only a scrap of material. The rest of the shorts were floating in two pieces further away.


Gavin took a few deep breaths and headed towards the locker room. Yes, he was butt naked, but there was no one around, and he could just get dressed without anyone even noticing.

However, when he tried to open the locker room door . . . it was locked.

“No, no, no! How did I forget my stupid, damn key?”

The locker room door had an auto lock so that no student could sneak inside and steal anything. Gavin always had the key with his towel, which he’d also left behind. He felt like such an idiot!

Standing with his hands over his cock was a little too much for him and he could feel it starting to chub up in his warm grip. He’d always had a bit of a quick trigger and he hadn’t jerked off so far that day.

With a sigh, Gavin knew he only had one choice – he’d have to get to the teacher’s lounge to get the spare key. At this time of the afternoon, all the seniors should be in classes and the remaining teachers were teaching them. He just had to get down the corridor towards the main entrance before cutting through the sports hall and over to the teacher’s lounge.

Gavin headed over to the door that led out to the corridor. The thought of any of the students or faculty seeing him butt naked like this was unthinkable. Yet, he couldn’t deny that his body liked the idea as his cock twitched in his hands.

The corridor was empty, which was a relief as Gavin slowly stepped on to the cold tiled floor. The feel of the tile on his bare feet made the whole experience more real.

He was naked . . . in the middle of the school!

As he slowly walked down the corridor, keeping his butt pressed against the wall, he quickly came to a stop. One of the classrooms on the right was in use and the door had a window. He’d need to go down on his hands and knees to be able to get past it, he thought.

Releasing the tight grip on his manhood, Gavin got down on to his knees and leaned forward, his bubble butt sticking out and his thick thighs spread. He moved as quickly and quietly as he could past the door, before jumping to his feet. As he jumped up, his cock slapped against his thigh and the sound echoed down the corridor.

Gavin froze, convinced that the classroom door would suddenly burst open, and all the seniors would come pouring out, and see him totally exposed.

But no one appeared!

Gavin put his hands back over his manhood, his cock now semi-hard and getting harder with every step.  His breathing was slightly shaky as he continued along the wide corridor.

By the time he reached the double doors to the sports hall, he could see the main entrance and he knew that he was only feet away from the support staff in reception.

Gavin pushed open one of the doors and after a quick check that the hall was empty, he stepped inside. He was halfway there! He could totally do this!

The only issue was that his dick was now hard as a rock, and he could feel the first beads of precum on the head.

Despite the situation, he couldn’t resist stroking the shaft a couple of times and he had to immediately stop as he felt his balls tighten.

How am I so close? He panted as he gripped the base of his cock and jogged across the sports hall to the opposite double doors.

Gavin opened a door and peeked outside, relieved to see the coast was clear. He stepped into the corridor before practically running to the teacher’s lounge.

There was just one problem . . .

The teacher’s lounge was locked and his security pass that unlocked the electronic key was in the locker room.

“Oh fuck!” he cursed as he felt his cock throb once more at his exposure.

He had no other choice. He’d have to go back to the pool and try and break down the door or something.

Gavin jogged back down the corridor to the doors that led to the sports hall. He threw one open and dived inside, panting from adrenaline.

He felt confident that he could get back without being seen as he crossed the sports hall once again and stepped out into the other corridor.

That was until the classroom door he’d crawled past earlier suddenly flew open.

Gavin froze in horror as fifteen seniors suddenly filed out into the corridor, and all came to a stop seeing their naked gym coach.

“What are you doing, coach?” one of the football team asked with a suppressed grin.

“I . . . I . . . ummm . . .”

“Why are you naked, coach?” another of the team asked with a giggle.

“Woah! Guys, he’s got a boner!”

Gavin glanced down and realised that his hands had dropped to his sides in a state of a shock. He knew he needed to cover up, he needed to run, but he couldn’t move.

At least, his body didn’t move.

His cock had other ideas.

Hearing the seniors discussing his nakedness and his throbbing cock was more than he could handle, and he felt his balls tighten, the muscles in his legs and his butt tensed and he couldn’t believe what was about to happen, any more than he was able to stop it.

“Oh . . . I’m . . . gonna . . .”

“Is he gonna?”

Gavin’s face flushed as his cock began to shoot his load all over the tiled floor. He hadn’t even jerked off. How was he cumming? He didn’t understand. But as the seniors all cheered and laughed, his cock just continued to shoot. Rope after rope of thick white cum painted his stomach, thighs, feet, and the floor.

Even when he’d finished cumming, his cock stayed hard and continued to twitch.

The noise brought the teacher, Kyle Howe, rushing out of the classroom to see what the commotion was.

Luckily for Gavin in his dazed, post orgasm state, Kyle immediately took charge, telling the seniors to go home and to not speak of this, before he grabbed Gavin by the shoulders and steered him into the empty classroom.

Gavin had no idea what had happened, but as the door closed and Kyle ran a hand down his back to his ass, he had a feeling that his fucked-up Friday wasn’t over yet.