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So, this is the June Story for higher tier patrons. I'm sharing this with all patrons on this one occasion so that my lower tier patrons can see the sort of additional content they get access to.

My awesome higher tier patrons voted on a new Architect story and voted for what they wanted to see happen, and here it is.

Following on from the flashback chapter (only available to higher tier patrons - and posted in March for anyone who missed it), Kit takes Matt out for lunch to prove he isn't such a bad guy at all . . . or is he?

I hope you guys enjoy this latest instalment and please give it a heart if you enjoy it.

Matt Butler wasn’t sure how much time had passed as he stood daydreaming about the first time he’d cum in an embarrassing predicament, but seeing Kit West pull on to the building site in his truck had his already hard dick throbbing inside his tight undies.

He’d had no real instructions from Kit aside from turning up in an old suit.

“Get in, Matt, we’re not staying here.”

Matt frowned and tilted his head to the side like a puppy. “Where are we going?”

“I thought I’d take you for lunch. Show you I’m not such a bad guy after all.”

Not wanting to argue, Matt climbed into the passenger side of Kit’s truck and Kit immediately floored it out of the site.

“So, where are we going for lunch?”

“A place I know in the city. The owner’s a buddy of mine.”

Trying not to be too obvious, Matt looked over at Kit to take in his outfit. Kit was not in his usual Levi’s and heavy-duty boots, but a pair of charcoal grey suit pants, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of polished lace up dress shoes. Matt couldn’t deny that the rough and ready Mr West looked absolutely godly in his smart outfit. He could barely tear his eyes away from the bulge in the fitted suit pants.

“How was your bus ride home?” Kit said with a suppressed laugh.

“It was mortifying. I can still smell the cum, even now.”

Kit laughed, a loud booming sound. “Maybe that’ll help you learn to hold your load a bit better.”

Matt looked down at his own suit, an old one as per Kit’s request. The navy suit was faded and definitely a size too small for Matt, the pants and the jacket digging into his muscular body. He’d worn a better shirt, but even that seemed to be a little snug, the buttons straining a little against his chest.

“Can I ask why you wanted me to wear an old suit?” Matt asked as Kit pulled the truck off of the highway.

“I have a hunch and I wanna test my theory. Good to see you following instruction though.”

As Kit drove them deeper into the city, Matt kept glancing at the stubble on his jaw and the fullness of his lips, the slight greying at the temples and the way his nipples showed through his white shirt.

Matt knew Kit was attractive in many ways, but he was starting to crush on him. The guy was Matt’s idea of a wet dream, and he desperately wanted Kit to pull the truck over and fuck him senseless over the hood.

“What are you staring at?” Kit asked with a grin.

Matt faced the windshield with a slight cough. “Uh, nothing. Sorry. How long until we arrive?”

Kit chuckled and the sound rumbled straight to Matt’s dick. “Just a few more minutes.”

When Kit pulled his truck over and parked at the side of the street, Matt looked through the windshield at a restaurant called “Depth”.

“Isn’t this the place that gets all the five star reviews?” Matt asked as he got out of the truck.

Kit nodded. “Yeah, it’s a big success. I built it.”

Before Matt could say how impressed he was, he had to hurry to follow Kit into the building.

They were greeted by a young woman who immediately hugged Kit and took them to the back of the restaurant where they were seated in a private booth. The seat was a curved leather sofa that was hidden from view of most of the restaurant by a dark wooden screen.

“This place is incredible,” Matt said in awe as he looked around the restaurant at all of the dark wood, dark leather and rich greenery.

“I know,” Kit said with a shrug as he sat down in the booth, the leather creaking under his weight.

Matt sat down, but as he did so, he froze, the unmistakable sound of popping stitches meeting his ears. He didn’t want to alert Kit to his potential dilemma, trying to keep his face neutral.

Kit grinned at him. “Everything okay over there?”

Matt just nodded and busied himself with his menu.

“Are you allergic to anything?” Kit asked.

Matt shook his head. “Nope.”

“Good, I’ll order then.”

A waiter in his late twenties came to the table wearing a black shirt and pants with a black apron tied around his waist. After he’d introduced himself as Adam, Kit gave him a big smile and ordered two glasses of red wine and a selection of dishes that Matt didn’t understand.

With Kit distracted, Matt tried to discreetly inspect the crotch of his suit pants with his fingers, and sure enough, yep, there was a small hole.

Matt knew he should have ignored Kit’s instructions and worn something that fitted him better.

“You look a little flushed,” Kit said when the waiter was out of ear shot.

“Just a little warm, I guess,” Matt said, as nonchalantly as he could manage.

Kit leaned over Matt and ran one of his big hands up one of Matt’s thighs to his crotch, before sliding a finger inside the rip and stroking Matt’s balls through his undies.

“I think this is what has made you all hot and bothered.”

Matt tensed up, trying not to moan at the feather light touch on his balls. “I . . . uh . . . what if someone sees?”

Kit laughed. “Unless the waiter comes back, we’re well out of view at this table. Did these rip when you sat down?”

“Uh, yeah, but it’s not big deal. I’ve done far worse.”

“Maybe you should tell me about it,” Kit said.

And inexplicably, Matt found himself telling Kit about every time he’d ended up in an embarrassing predicament when his pants had ripped, or he’d ended up naked. It was like reliving every single experience, every time his pants had ripped, and he felt the material loosen after that instantly arousing noise, not to mention each time he’d found himself blushing as he’d lost another item of clothing. Finally, Matt told him in great detail about the night he’d broken into the building site, knowing full well that Kit had watched him on the security footage.

By the time Matt finished, his cock was achingly hard, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of Kit.

Why had he just shared that with him? Talk about giving the guy more ammunition against him.

As the plates for their appetisers were cleared, Kit took a sip of his wine before leaning over Matt again and grabbing his cock through his suit pants.

“Mmm, I knew you’d be hard after sharing.”

Matt felt his cheeks heat as he tried to look anywhere but at Kit. “I don’t understand why it has this effect on me.”

Kit smiled before picking up his napkin and tossing it on the floor, a short way away from the table. “Maybe you should get my napkin for me.”

It wasn’t a request, it was an order, and Matt knew full well what would happen if he bent over in his suit pants. His dick throbbed at the thought, but despite knowing how embarrassing it would be to leave one of the swankiest restaurants in town with his ass out, he got up from the table.

Matt gave Kit a nervous look before stepping over to the napkin and quickly bending over to retrieve it.

Unsurprisingly, there was a loud ripping sound as Matt’s suit pants shredded open along the rear seam giving Kit a perfect view of Matt’s tight bubble butt in a pair of skimpy red bikini briefs., his cheeks barely covered by the skimpy undies.

Matt stood up with the napkin in his hands, a blush spreading across his face once more. “I think my pants ripped.”

Kit growled low in his throat and pointed at the seat next to him. “Sit.”

Matt did as he was asked, his pants ripping slightly down the inner seams, a flash of red material on the show at the crotch.

Not wasting time on words, Kit grabbed the front of Matt’s suit pants and ripped them open even more, exposing Matt’s bulge in the tiny red briefs.

“Fuck,” Matt whimpered as Kit immediately gripped Matt’s hard cock through his undies.

“You love being exposed like this, don’t you? Knowing that I just saw your pants rip wide open, showing off your slutty little briefs.”

Matt could only nod as he bit his bottom lip to suppress a moan. He was desperate to cum, and he wasn’t sure how much manhandling from Kit he could take.

“Say it,” Kit whispered as he closed the distance between them, their thighs pressed together. “Say how much you love it.”

“I . . . love being exposed,” Matt said quietly, his legs shaking slightly from arousal and nerves.

Kit squeezed Matt’s cock and maintained a firm grip as he moved his mouth to Matt’s ear. “I’m going to spend the next few months exposing you over and over, controlling you and humiliating you. You are going to beg me for modesty, and I will deny you time and time again. Are you willing to submit?”

Before Matt could answer, his body tensed, and Kit’s hand was suddenly covered in cum as it oozed out of Matt’s briefs. Matt had cum with barely any stimulation at the prospect of a few months with Kit exposing him.

Kit held up his hand to Matt and Matt obediently licked off his own cum, the salty sweetness making him feel even more humiliated.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Kit said with a chuckle.

Matt was about to respond when the waiter appeared with their entrees.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt,” the waiter said, immediately averting gaze from Matt’s damp, sticky crotch.

“My friend here has had a little accident,” Kit said as he stood up. “I’m going to have to drop him off at his apartment to change. Could we take those to go?”

The waiter nodded and scurried back towards the kitchen.

Matt felt mortified. Being caught with his pants ripped was bad enough, but ripped pants exposing his cum covered briefs and his still semi-erect cock was more humiliating than he could imagine.

Kit pulled Matt to his feet and gave his ass a squeeze. “You’re looked a little flushed again. I wonder what could have caused that?”

Kit didn’t wait for Matt to answer and headed towards the host station where the waiter was bagging up their food. Matt hurried after him, desperately trying to keep his pants closed with his hands, but to no avail based on the smirks that both the hostess and the waiter were wearing.

“We look forward to seeing you again soon, Kit,” the hostess said with a smile as she handed him the bag.

“You too,” Kit said heading straight out of the door.

Matt was grateful to get back into the truck, by which time his humiliation was starting to turn into anger. How could Kit treat him like that? Sure, it was horny as hell, but he might have given him something to cover up with? After he’d cum, it was always so much more embarrassing.

“Look, about just now,” Matt said, his tone sounding more pissed than he realised was.

Kit held his hand up. “I don’t want to hear it. You got off and you enjoyed it.”

Matt watched in shock as Kit unzipped the fly on his charcoal grey suit pants. “Now it’s my time. Get your mouth round my dick and if I find a single drop on my suit pants after you swallow my load, then you’ll be paying the drying clean bill.”

Utterly stunned by this turn of events, Matt just looked hungrily at the white undies holding Kit’s meaty bulge. He’d been so pissed, but now . . . now he was even more ravenous than when he’d arrived at the restaurant.

“Yes, Mr West!”




Hehe 😌😏😍


Matt needs to get Kit publically nude. Eventually Kit has his revenge. The thing is they both like being nude in public places and the erotic charge it causes.


I think it’s probably getting to a point where Matt needs to turn the tables on Kit and get him naked in public!


I definitely can see these two becoming a couple. As long as Kit doesn’t go to far over the line that is


Me too! I think there’s definitely something more than just lust there - they’ll be a new architect story next month so watch this space