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I wrote this one-off story nearly a year ago, and I had a request from one of my Patrons to do a sequel, so here it is. If you haven't read the first part of Russell's story, I suggest you go back and remind yourself of his Senior Partner interview.

Enjoy this steamy suited tale and give the story some love!

It had been two weeks since Russell Klein had successfully secured his role as Senior Partner at his law firm. Despite having to get through his presentation whilst enduring the most incredible blow job of his life, Russell was even more arrogant than he normally was.

After seeing how much more money he’d get, he’d gone out and bought a load of new suits and was strutting around the office like he owned the place.

Sure, he was still dying to know who his mystery sucker was, but he was happy to keep the mystery with the memory of that insanely good blow job.

On the third week after his promotion, Russell was invited to lead the all-staff meeting to kick off the third quarter. He accepted immediately and began work on his opening presentation. He’d have thirty minutes to introduce himself and update the company on their progress before they broke into discussion groups.

Dean Luka had spent the last few weeks jerking off every night as he relived the memory of having Russell’s cock in his mouth, the feel of that thick meat at the back of his throat and the overwhelming scent of Russell’s sweaty balls inside his tight suit pants.

When Dean heard that Russell was going to be leading the all-staff meeting, he immediately began scheming a replay.

The all-staff meeting was held in the big events room where there was a stage and a wooden podium. If Dean repositioned the podium over one of the holes in the stage, he could literally stand inside the podium and do as he pleased.

On the day of the big meeting, Russell walked into the office wearing a brand-new designer navy suit. The jacket was a perfect fit across his broad shoulders and his thick pecs, the suit pants hugged every curve of his thighs and ass whilst highlighting his meaty bulge to perfection. He finished the outfit with a crisp white shirt, sky blue tie and beautifully polished wingtip shoes.

Dean was one of the first to see Russell as he came into the office, and he could barely stop himself from dropping to his knees there and then.

Russell looked like some suited god that was begging to be worshipped.

“Morning Russell,” Dean said brightly.

“Morning . . . uh . . . buddy,” Russell said as he tried to cover his memory of Dean’s name by swiping something on his phone.

Dean didn’t care that Russell didn’t know who he was. After the meeting, there was no way he’d forget him.

The morning passed slowly for Dean, and he was practically vibrating in his seat when lunchtime came around. He’d volunteered to setup the tech for the meeting and headed into the events room to ensure the iPad was connected, the lights were on, and the microphone was working.

More importantly, Dean had the time to reposition the podium, open the hatch and then crawl under the stage to lie in wait. It felt like a hundred degrees under the stage, but Dean didn’t care. He’d be getting his reward soon enough.

Russell had been hoping for a hook-up with one of the new secretaries before the all-staff meeting, but she flaked on him just before lunch, so he ended up stuck in his office feeling frustrated.

“No matter,” he thought to himself, “they’ll be plenty of opportunity after this lot see how incredible I am in this meeting.”

Feeling just as cocky as ever, Russell adjusted his tie and headed down to the events room. He wasn’t surprised to see so many people in their seats already, and he lapped up the attention as everyone tried to say hello to him as he headed to the round table nearest the stage where the Senior Partners sat. He didn’t miss some of the comments as he walked through the room:

“Did he get stitched into those pants? Check out that ass.”

“Jesus, the bulge on that man should be illegal.”

“I wonder if they could make this a fully monty situation.”

Russell grinned as he said hello to the other Senior Partners and took a seat as he waited for everyone else to arrive.

With a minute to go, Russell ascended the few steps to the stage and took his place at the wooden podium, his body pressed against the mahogany.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” Russell said with a smile, his voice coming through the speakers around the room. “I am delighted to welcome you to our Q3 all-staff meeting, and even more delighted to be doing so as your new Senior Partner.”

There was loud applause at this and Russell couldn’t keep the grin from his face.

As he moved the slides on, he began the introduction about himself, but no sooner had he started talking about his client success rate, he felt a familiar, but unwelcome, touch on his calves.

Russell paused momentarily, unable to believe that someone was trying to fuck with him whilst he was doing a presentation, and worse, when he was in front of the entire company. Not wanting anyone to notice, he stepped as close to the podium as he could, praying that he wouldn’t get a repeat of his interview.

“Anyway, enough of me, let’s get on to what we really want to hear . . . our Q2 results.”

Russell started talking about targets and metrics, trying to ignore the firm hands that were groping his calves and his thighs. His traitorous dick was already hard as a rock after being denied at lunchtime and remembering the amazing blowjob from his last presentation.

“As you can see from the Q2 projection, we . . .”

Russell bit his lip as the mystery person inside the podium put their lips to his suited dick and breathed warm air against his throbbing cock.

“. . . we had some real success in . . .”

He had no idea how he was managing to continue but Russell refused to allow his first all-staff meeting to be a failure or an embarrassment.

As he moved on to staff recognition for the last quarter, Russell couldn’t believe how much more brazen his mystery admirer was. As they licked and sucked the head of his cock through his navy suit pants, they groped his thighs and even slid their hands around to his ass, squeezing his cheeks and pressing a finger against his hole.

Russell could feel the sweat on his forehead and on his furry chest, but he pressed on with his presentation, calling out some of the fantastic work achieved by some of the staff in the room.

It was as everyone was applauding Esther Damson for winning “employee of the quarter” that Russell gulped and wondered whether he should stop whoever was inside the podium. The applause was loud and covered the sound of Russell’s zipper being slowly tugged down.

Before he could act either way, Russell’s meaty cock was pulled free from his fly and that eager mouth was devouring his dick in seconds.

Russell’s knees started to wobble slightly as his balls were tugged out of his fly and his mystery sucker tickled them with one hand whilst squeezing his thigh with the other. It was nearly impossible to get his words out as his cock was deep throated in the best head he’d ever had.

“Finally, I’ll go through the topics of our table discussions today.”

As Russell started running through the various topics, he felt his balls starting to tighten. He couldn’t cum on the stage like this. He was already sweating, and even if this person swallowed every drop, he’d still get cum on his navy suit pants and it would probably be incredibly obvious, not to mention the wet patch from his mystery sucker’s mouth.

Russell tried to tense his core, but that seemed to only succeed in getting him closer. He raced through the final discussion topic as he felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge. He was gonna blow his load down this random person’s throat in front of the whole company.

“Thank you all, let the discussions commence,” Russell said in a rush and as everyone burst into applause, he switched off the mic and moaned into his sleeve as he felt the first rope of cum shoot from his cock. He pumped a massive load down the throat of whoever was under the podium, doing his best to stand still and not fuck their face. It was the most intense orgasm and his entire body tingled as the sucker licked his dick clean before pushing it back inside his suit pants and zipping him up.

If nothing else, Russell would finally get to see who his mystery admirer was, but as he finally stepped back from the podium, there was no one inside. There was just a hole in the floor of the stage.

What the fuck?

The only thing Russell did notice were the couple of splashes of cum on his polished wingtip shoes, but without anything to wipe them clean, he left the stage, one hand over his crotch to try and hide the wet patch, before quickly taking his seat.

Russell was completely oblivious to Dean pushing his way out of the back of the stage and rejoining the room, after disappearing to the restroom to cleanup. Dean had creamed his boxers whilst sucking Russell’s incredible dick and they were so soaked that he’d had to remove them and hide them behind the cistern.

Dean couldn’t keep the smug smile from his face at the sight of Russell, his tie loosened, his face flushed and sweat on his brow. Dean had done that, and if he had his way, he’d be doing it again.


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