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Tyler - Create Your Own Adventure 2024 - Part Seven

  • Does Matt let Tyler go? 0
  • Does Matt agree if Tyler makes it worth his while? 14
  • Does Matt refuse? 2
  • 2024-05-27
  • 16 votes
{'title': 'Tyler - Create Your Own Adventure 2024 - Part Seven', 'choices': [{'text': 'Does Matt let Tyler go?', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Does Matt agree if Tyler makes it worth his while?', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Does Matt refuse?', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 27, 11, 1, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 16}


You guys were eager for Tyler to run home so here goes nothing - let's see what happens to him now. Vote below for what you want to see happen next.

With his phone, wallet and keys stacked in one hand, Tyler used his free hand to try and hide his cock and balls.

He couldn’t believe that he’d ended up butt naked in the library with nothing to wear except his sneakers.

How had he allowed Scott to convince him to jerk off and then to let Scott destroy his clothes with that damn pen knife.

Tyler managed to get to the ground floor of the library without seeing another soul, but as he headed towards the door, he could see a couple of the librarians near the reference desk chatting.

With a deep breath, he ran for the door, praying that no one would be outside.

Unfortunately for Tyler, he had no such luck.

As he emerged through the double doors of the library on to the quad, there were loads of people milling around. Granted, it was nowhere near as busy as it would be in a few days’ time, but even so, there were a lot more people than Tyler expected to see.

He blushed profusely as people started to notice the naked guy stood on the library steps. They laughed and cat-called, and it took Tyler a moment to realise that everyone was staring at him, and that he needed to move.

Tyler took off in the direction of home, praying that the people with their phones out wouldn’t be able to capture his face.

Leaving the quad, Tyler headed down the narrow street that led in the direction of his house, hyperaware of the breeze against his nipples and thighs, not to mention the way his butt seemed to bounce with every step.

It was just as Tyler was running around the corner to leave campus that he ran straight into the one person he didn’t want to meet in such a state.

Matt Cordie, the ridiculously hot campus security guard.

“Woah, what’s your hurry?” Matt said, grabbing Tyler by the shoulders. “You do realise that streaking is against college etiquette rules, and you can get in serious trouble if you’re caught.”

Tyler blushed again, unable to stop himself from taking in Matt’s broad frame, trimmed beard and handsome features.

“I can explain. This is all a huge mistake.”

Tyler and Matt were stood in an alley that was currently empty. Tyler had planned on using the alley to get back to his house with less spectators, but hadn’t counted on running straight into Matt.

Ever since Tyler had started at college, and he’d seen Matt for the first time, he’d had the biggest crush on him. Matt was in his late twenties and had the body of a god, not to mention the serious daddy vibes he gave off with his beard and the way he exerted his authority at every opportunity. Tyler had imagined Matt multiple times when he’d been sex with his boyfriend, and now, he was stood in front of him, butt naked and unable to escape.

“Before you explain, I think we’ll start with your name.”

“Tyler Wright, I’m a senior.”

“I thought I recognised you. Although I’m not used to seeing this much of you.”

Matt laughed, which made Tyler blush even more.

“I promise you this isn’t what it looks like.”

Matt raised his eyebrows as Tyler launched into the story about Scott and the library.

“So, you let some random guy make you jerk off and destroy your clothes?”

Tyler nodded. “I know it sounds ridiculous, but that’s what happened. I just need to get home, and I’d really appreciate it if you could keep this to yourself.”

Matt grinned. “So, you’re asking me to pretend I didn’t see anything?”

“Yes,” Tyler pleaded. “Just this once. Please.”



The set up is so obvious that the story needs an interesting twist. Maybe Matt is writing up Tyler when a guy that Matt has gotten expelled from the college is with a group of friends and they see Matt writing up Tyler. They confront Matt and hold him down and strip him naked and then they drop him off with Tyler a few miles away from campus and then a new adventure begins with Tyler and Matt naked together needing to get back to either Matt or Tyler’s house or ???


Oh, if you want an interesting twist, that can be arranged - keep an eye out for the next instalment!


Sounds fun Ian.