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Tyler - Create Your Own Adventure 2024 - Part Six

  • Does Tyler run home? 10
  • Does Tyler call his boyfriend? 1
  • Does Tyler call an Uber? 4
  • 2024-05-13
  • —2024-05-20
  • 15 votes
{'title': 'Tyler - Create Your Own Adventure 2024 - Part Six', 'choices': [{'text': 'Does Tyler run home?', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Does Tyler call his boyfriend?', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Does Tyler call an Uber?', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 20, 19, 58, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 13, 16, 51, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 15}


You guys voted for Scott to destroy all of Tyler's clothes - how will Tyler get out of this one? Read on to find out and vote below for what you want to happen next.

“What do you mean by interesting?” Tyler asked, suddenly feeling even more exposed as Scott looked him up and down.

“You obviously enjoyed your naked dash, so let’s make the most of the empty library and give you another dare.”

Tyler shook his head and clutched his clothes more tightly. “I think I’m done for today.”

Scott laughed as he stepped forward and wrapped his hand around Tyler’s cock which was still granite hard.

Tyler gasped and barely suppressed a moan at the feel of Scott’s hand on his dick.

“What are you doing?”

Scott released Tyler’s cock and took the clothes and shoes from his hands. “Here’s the dare. You have sixty seconds to jerk off. If you cum, I destroy your clothes and you have to get home naked. We’ll assume at that point that you’re signing up to my offer. If you don’t cum, you can get dressed and go home, and you can decide whether you want my offer or not.”

Tyler watched as Scott placed his clothes behind him. “That’s too risky. I can’t do that.”

“Then you don’t cum. Simple. Now, let’s start the timer.”

Scott pulled out of his phone and tapped away before holding up the screen. “Your minute starts now.”

Without thinking about what he was doing, Tyler wrapped his hand around his cock and nearly sank to his knees in relief. He’d been hard for so long that he was desperate to jerk off.

“Wow, someone’s enjoying that,” Scott said, his eyes fixated on Tyler’s hand as it flew up and down the shaft of his dick.

Tyler used his free hand to tickle his balls, just like he did at home, and the sensation made him groan with pleasure. He knew he had to focus on the timer, and not his blow his load before it expired, but he couldn’t help himself.

As the timer hit thirty seconds remaining, Tyler closed his eyes and tried to think of something unsexy, but all he could think about was that he was stood in the library butt naked jerking off. He’d stripped down to his undies, which had been ripped off of him by this hot guy that wanted to help him explore his kink. And now, said hot guy was watching him jerk his dick and he was . . .

“Oh fuck,” Tyler whimpered as the first rope of cum flew out of his dick and splattered on to the carpet.

“Oh dear,” Scott said with a smirk, holding up his phone that showed there were still four seconds remaining.

Tyler couldn’t comprehend what that meant as he finished milking his cock, his legs like jelly as he started to come down from one of the best orgasms he’d ever had.

Scott didn’t waste any time and pulled a pen knife from his bag. Tyler opened his mouth to protest but Scott stabbed the knife into Tyler’s jeans and tore it through the material with a loud rip. Unable to even move, Tyler just watched on as Scott shredded his shirt and jeans.

“I can’t believe you destroyed my clothes.”

Scott shrugged. “I’m a man of my word, but you can keep your sneakers. You’ll need those to run home.”

“But people will see me,” Tyler protested weakly.

Scott handed Tyler his sneakers and smiled. “Yes, they will, so I suggest you move fast.”

After rifling through the pockets of the shredded jeans, Scott handed Tyler his phone, keys and wallet.

Tyler looked at his stuff with a bewildered expression before slowly pulling on his sneakers, his cock still leaking cum.

Scott tapped away on Tyler’s phone after making him unlock it. “You’ve got my number and I’ve got yours. Keep an eye out for my text and get home safe.”

Without another word, Scott grabbed his bag, gave Tyler a slap on the butt and headed out of the stacks laughing.

Tyler looked down at his naked body, cum splattered over his legs and his cock still semi-erect.

How the hell would he get home?



What if Tyler decides to streak home and ends up stopped by a security guard who has had a crush on Tyler for years and who also likes to do naked dares. He offers Tyler a ride home but first dares Tyler to flip a coin to see if just he or both of them end up nude and then do a dare together. They both end up nude and then the new dare for them to do together begins. The are together could become a new story