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This week isn't really a photo story . . . it's part sharing a past experience and part sharing some inner thoughts, but this is the photo that prompted some of that thinking, so it seemed appropriate to share.

Experience wise, this photo was once me!

There were some key differences - I wasn't that toned, I wasn't wearing cargo shorts and I wasn't wearing undies that covered my butt . . .

It was back in 2017 and I'd joined a new gym. I don't actually like gyms, they make me feel insecure and judged, but it was a new gym, it was near my house, and I felt like I should give it a go.

I'd been going for about a month when this handsome PT offered his services. I'd like to say I accepted because he seemed the most qualified for the job, but I'd be lying. He was handsome, he had broad shoulders and thick thighs, not to mention this incredibly masculine gruff voice that made me melt. I accepted because it gave me any excuse to perv on him whilst he made me sweat.

I had a session with him twice a week and by week two, I hated him. He pushed me harder than I've ever been pushed physically and it quickly went from lusting after my PT to plotting his death as he made me do split lunges over and over.

On week three, I'd grown accustomed to not being able to walk or move my arms, but I'd also noticed that one of my favourite pairs of shorts were getting a little worn. They were a pair of nylon silky shorts that I used to wear for rugby training, and they'd had more than a little wear over the years.

On my second session of the week with the PT, I turned up wearing said shorts and a black tee that would hide the sweat a little better. He was making me do squats with a kettle bell and I was on my third set when my shorts . . . effectively gave up.

I dropped into a squat, there was quiet ripping sound that I barely heard over my own panting, and then handsome PT burst out laughing and said something about showing off my gains.

I put the kettle bell down and felt my shorts with my hands. It was the most random rip. It started on the seam and that went horizontally across my right back. It was about 4 inches and my bare cheek was on show thanks to my decision to wear an AC jock to the gym - mostly because I had these fantasies that the hot PT would declare his undying love for me and we'd have sex on the bench press . . . clearly, that never happened.

Typically, I'd be horny as hell when I ripped my clothing, but the combination of physical exhaustion and confusion about a horizontal rip meant that my dick behaved and didn't jump to attention.

The handsome PT told me to ignore it and carry on, but I was barely confident enough to be in a gym, let alone workout with my ass on show, so I politely declined and headed home.

I had another four sessions with that PT and he brought up my ripped shorts at every one, which always got me thinking . . . did he love the rip as much as I would have done?

Once, one of my mates ripped his pants in front of me (a story for another time), but I couldn't stop myself mentioning it. it was such a hot experience that I wanted to discuss it all the time, and I had to forcibly stop myself from bringing it up.

Yes, one of my biggest kinks is a guy accidentally ripping his pants, which is why I was so obsessed, but I often wondered if it was something the PT was into. I had never had the foresight or the courage to actually ask him, but to this day, I still consider it.

I don't know if you guys like this kind of post so let me know below, and I'd love to hear - either in the comments, the chat or in messages - whether you've witnessed someone rip their pants and the impact it had on you. Were you as obsessed as me and the PT? What was it about the experience that stuck with you? Feel free to share!




I had a friend l was hot for back in the 1960’s way before ripped jeans were popular. He wore a pair that showed part of his very handsome ass and l followed him from behind whenever l could and fantasized about seeing more of him a lot. He was really cute too.


I remember my teachers having rips in their suit trousers One was my music teacher He was gorgeous, brown hair glasses, tight blue shiny suit. near the pocket he had a rip running down the side seam it wasn’t huge but it was visible, I kept mentioning it to my class mate I was so turned on that i literally said out loud “imagine if he caught his suit on something else, that suit would tear open” at this point I had to stop because I was rock hard. Another is my maths teacher he would sit on the table infront of me with his leg on another chair, this one time he had a hole in his trousers in the corner of his leg near his bulge but he didn’t know, that man’s ass was the biggest ass I’ve ever seen he was blessed.