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When I walked into the conference, I headed straight to the coffee bar to try and perk myself up. I'd had a late night, and an early start, and I was in desperate need of something to try and give me the energy to get through the day.

But I got an unexpected surprise when I turned to grab some sugar and nearly grabbed the beefiest butt I'd ever seen. The guy's black suit pants were practically painted on his ass, they were so tight.

Before I could stop staring, he turned around and I noticed that his name tag said that he was Ross.

"Uh hi," he said with a frown.

"Sorry, I'm half asleep," I said with a shake of my head, praying he didn't realise where I'd been looking. "I'm Mark."

He shook my hand in a firm shake that made me sad that I couldn't see the muscles tense in his forearms.

We exchanged a few cordial pleasantries before we both disappeared to go and find our seats.

I spent most of the morning sessions daydreaming about that beefy butt, and despite my best efforts, I found myself searching for Ross at lunchtime, but without any success. I guessed he must have gone out.

But my luck returned in the afternoon.

We were split into groups of ten where we had to sit in a circle facing one another.

I made sure I sat opposite Ross who was leaned back in his chair, legs wide open in the most delicious man spread.

And that's when I saw it . . . a flash of white!

Had Ross ripped his pants?

I could barely focus on the discussion, my eyes nearly locked solely on the crotch of Ross' pants.

It was as I was taking a sip of water that he shifted in his seat, and sure enough, there was a very clear flash of white material. Ross had ripped his pants and his clean white undies were show. God, I hoped they were briefs.

The discussion ran for a couple of hours and I could barely remember a word that was said. The final talk seemed to last forever, but when the closing remarks and the polite applause were completed, I jumped up and beelined for Ross as he headed for the door at speed.

I had no idea what I was planning on doing, I just knew that I needed to see another flash of his white undies.

Ross was in a hurry and I was practically jogging down the corridors to keep up with him. He threw open the doors and hurried down the steps to his Toyota.

Before he could open the door, I was behind him and I pushed him up against the side of his car.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he yelled as he forced my weight against my forearm as it rested on his back.

What was I doing? I didn't know this guy and this was definitely assault. But if I was in trouble already then why not make it worth it?

"Sorry bud, but you've been teasing me all afternoon and I have to see what you're hiding."

I ignored Ross' protests and used my free hand to first grope his muscular cheeks before running a hand along the rear seam of his suit pants until I found the hole. It was quite sizeable and I could feel his balls in his tight undies hanging down.

"Dude, get the fuck off!"

I grabbed the side of the rip and yanked it as hard as I could, his suit pants ripping down the inner thigh seams and slightly up the rear seam to reveal muscled furry thighs and a pair of clean white tighty whities. Fuck, he was a briefs guy!

I was about to inspect them further when he caught me off guard and pushed me back, spinning around to face me.

'What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I was about to try and defend my behaviour but as I looked down I was treated to the sight of his meaty cock at full mast tenting the tight white briefs.

"Woah! Need a hand with that?" I asked.

He frowned before looking down and seeing his hard cock. "Oh fuck!"



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