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I'm pleased to share the first instalment in my new series, The Bubble Butt BFG. Those of you in the higher tiers will have seen a prequel to this story in Photo Story #15.

The Bubble Butt BFG is about Alex, a sexy himbo with an epic bubble butt and his manipulative roomie, Marcus, who takes full advantage of his incredibly gullible roommate to get access to the ass he becomes obsessed with.

Let me know what you think in the comments or via message, and give the post a heart if you enjoy it!

I’d been living with Alex for nearly a month, and I’d never jerked off so much in my entire life. Having to deal with a roommate with a bubble butt like Alex had was driving me to the brink of insanity. Every time I went into the kitchen, there was Alex and his incredible ass. He seemed to be constantly bending over or sagging in his sweats so that those meaty cheeks were always begging for my attention.

No matter how often I saw Alex and the ass that had taken over my life, I just got hornier. I was desperate to get it on show, to grope it and to bury my face between those cheeks and suffocate.

Fuck, I was a wreck.

But despite Alex’s complete lack of interest in sex, I’d been concocting a little scheme to get what I wanted from him.

After all, the great thing about Alex was that he was the dumbest, most gullible himbo that I’d ever come across. I’d once stolen a pair of his used briefs from his laundry hamper, and when he’d found them on my bedroom floor, I’d convinced him that he must have slept walked and stripped them off in my room. He felt so bad that he bought me dinner as an apology.

It was that gullibility that I planned on manipulating.

“Hey Alex,” I said as I entered the lounge. “Do you fancy going for a drink tonight? There’s this new bar in town that’s supposed to be quite good.”

Alex wrinkled his nose in this cute way he did when he was thinking. “I dunno. I don’t really want to go out.”

“It would mean so much to me if you did. I thought we could celebrate one month as roomies.”

Alex tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy. “That’s true. I guess we could go. Although, I haven’t got anything to wear. I need to do laundry.”

I fully expected this. Alex spent most of his time wearing sweats as he seemed to barely ever have clean clothes.

“I actually bought some new dress pants, but they don’t fit so I thought I’d give them to you as I think they’d be a perfect fit on you.”

Alex’s face broke into a massive grin. “Really? That would be amazing. Thanks so much, Marcus.”

I nodded and smiled. “My pleasure. I’ll jump in the shower and change and then bring the pants to your room. Sound good?”

Alex nodded and ran off to his room to find a clean shirt, his epic bubble butt bouncing behind him and giving me a semi in the process.

I ensured my shower was freezing cold in an attempt to calm my dick down and I was dressed and heading to Alex’s door in under fifteen minutes.

“I’ve got those pants for you, Alex,” I said as I knocked on his door.

He pulled the door open with a dopey grin on his face and greedily took the dark grey dress pants from my hands.

“They’ll be a tight fit on you, but that’s the fashion right now, which I think you’ll rock,” I said as the door closed to between us.

I leaned against the wall, listening to Alex grunt and struggle with the pants before he eventually opened the door.

As I’d expected, the pants were like a second skin on his thick thighs and his bulge looked obscene.

“They look amazing on you,” I said with a smile.

Alex frowned. “They’re really tight on my butt and my briefs are showing. Look!”

He turned around and gave me the world’s best view. The pants looked like they were glued to his huge cheeks, and I could clearly see the lines of his briefs as they dug into said cheeks, barely covering them.

“You may want to consider wearing a thong to get rid of the brief lines,” I said with a shrug. “I wear them all the time. It’s quite normal for a guy to wear a thong now. Do you want to borrow one?”

Alex frowned again. “Do guys wear thongs?”

I laughed. “Absolutely. We have no choice when pants are so tight these days. Wait here.”

Trying hard not to laugh at how easy Alex was going along with my plan, I grabbed a black thong from my dresser that I’d chosen earlier and passed it through the door to him.

“Give this a go.”

Alex looked at the thong with a face that said he was thinking way too hard, but he pushed the door closed and I listened as he struggled to remove the pants. There was then a little gasp of surprise before more grunting and then he opened the door again.

“Thongs feel weird,” he said as moved uncomfortably on the spot.

“You’ll get used to it; I promise. Now get some shoes on and let’s go.”

Alex looked like a wet dream when he headed to the car. He was wearing a pair of polished black leather boots with the skin-tight dark grey dress pants and a white shirt. I wanted to just rip the entire outfit off of him and fuck his brains out, but I’d have to settle for what I could get from him. At least, for now.

The bar was a funky place that was all dark woods and greenery, and before long, Alex and I were perched on stools at a high table. My drink was being utterly neglected as my focus was solely on the sight of Alex’s thighs in the tight pants that dug into his legs.

By the time we’d had a couple of drinks, Alex seemed to be getting a nice buzz and I decided to put the next phase of my plan into action.

As Alex returned to the table with our third drinks, I knocked my phone off of the table and watched it bounce on to the floor.

“Oh damn! Alex, can you pick that up for me please?”

Alex looked at where I pointed, and his mouth fell open in shock. “Oh god, I hope it isn’t broken.”

His tone was so sincere that I nearly felt guilty for manipulating him, but as he turned around, all of my guilt evaporated.

As Alex started to bend over, my cock quickly burst to life inside my tight briefs. His shirt rode up slightly showing off the waistband of the black thong and the tight dark grey dress pants that barely contained Alex’s butt.

As he bent over fully, my dreams came to fruition as a loud ripping noise filled the air and the rear seam of Alex’s dress pants shredded from waistband to crotch seam.

Alex immediately jumped up, his hands flying to his butt.

“Oh no, I split my pants,” he gasped, his cheeks going a deep shade of crimson.

“Did you? Are you sure bud?”

Alex nodded, his blush deepening. “I definitely have. I can feel my butt.”

I frowned at him. “And you didn’t even pick my phone up.”

Alex gasped. “I’m so sorry.”

He immediately spun around and bent back down. As he grabbed my phone, I was treated to the sight of his huge bubble butt practically eating the thong that was buried between his cheeks.

What I hadn’t planned for was Alex’s girthy butt destroying the waistband of his dress pants. As he bent over fully, the waistband shredded apart, and as Alex stood up with my phone proudly in his hands, the dress pants dropped to his knees.

“Oh fuck,” Alex yelled, drawing the attention of everyone around this who either laughed, wolf whistled or cheered.

I took my phone from Alex and pulled his pants back to his waist.

“Looks like that big butt of yours destroyed those pants. Hold these up and let’s get you home.”

Alex nodded, his face burning with embarrassment as we rushed back to the car.

Mercifully, for Alex, there was no one in the parking lot, and I left the car locked as I put a hand on his shoulder as I let him catch his breath.

“Are you doing okay? You looked pretty embarrassed in there.”

“I rip my pants a lot, but I don’t know why it always happens to me. Stupid pants.”

“Do you want me to try and fix things for you, buddy? Might make you feel less embarrassed getting home?”

Alex’s innocent eyes widened in surprise. “Would you do that for me?”

“Sure. What are roomies for? Turn around and I’ll see what I can do.”

Alex smiled and spun around.

The pants were utterly destroyed. The rear seam was history and the waistband had just shredded apart. But I had no intention of trying to repair them.

“I don’t know if I can do much, Alex. These pants are pretty ruined, but I might be able to push your butt back inside them, so you’re covered up.”

“That would be great. You’re such a good friend, Marcus.”

I resisted the urge to laugh as I finally gently placed my hands on his voluptuous ass. His cheeks were slightly furry but soft and plump to the touch. I was utterly hypnotised as I groped them and moved them back and forth in my hands.

My cock lurched inside my briefs, and I knew I was close to the edge, but I didn’t care. I was finally getting my hands on Alex’s bubble butt after a month of lusting after it.

“Any luck?” Alex asked breaking my reverie.

“I’m trying but I don’t think it’s working.”

I ran a finger along the line of the thong down his crack and he shivered.

“Uh, what are you doing?” he asked with a perplexed tone.

“I wondered if the thong was causing a problem, but it’s fine.”

I kneaded his cheeks like bread dough as my cock throbbed in my briefs, but as I reached the point of no return, Alex turned around.

“Thanks for trying, but maybe we should just go home so I can change.”

As Alex turned around, I saw his huge cock tenting the black thong through the ripped pants and that was enough to tip me over the edge. I nodded as my cock erupted inside my briefs without me even touching it. Knowing that my hands on Alex’s cheeks had made him cum was enough to give me one of the best orgasms of my life.

“Yeah,” I said breathlessly. “Let’s get you home to change.”

And whilst he changed, I’d plan my next outing with Alex. I wasn’t done with him by a long shot.


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