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Tyler - Create Your Own Adventure 2024 - Part Three

  • Does Tyler come out and reveal himself to the guy? 9
  • Does the guy take the clothes to reception? 4
  • Does the guy lose interest and leave the clothes? 0
  • 2024-03-26
  • —2024-04-02
  • 13 votes
{'title': 'Tyler - Create Your Own Adventure 2024 - Part Three', 'choices': [{'text': 'Does Tyler come out and reveal himself to the guy?', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Does the guy take the clothes to reception?', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Does the guy lose interest and leave the clothes?', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 2, 20, 22, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 26, 20, 30, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 13}


You guys voted for the guy to turn around - read on to find out what happens when he does.

Don't forget to vote below for what you want to happen next.

Not wanting to wait and see if the guy turned around or not, Tyler dropped to the floor on his knees and dived forward to go under a desk.

“Hello?” the guy said as he removed his headphones.

Tyler shuffled as far under the desk as he could, wincing slightly as his dick banged against the wood as he turned to the side.

The guy placed his headphones around his neck and stood up, immediately noticing the book on the floor that hadn’t been there when he walked in.

At least, he didn’t think it had been there.

The guy walked over to the book and picked it up, confused as to how it had fallen off the shelf.

“Is someone here?” he called as he walked towards the end of the stacks to see if there was someone on the other side.

Tyler heard the guy walk away and desperately wanted to grab his clothes and run, but he knew he’d be screwed if the guy turned around and caught him. As much as he wanted the adrenalin rush, he really didn’t want some random guy to see him rock hard in his damp tighty whities.

Before Tyler could reconsider his decision to stay put, the guy started to walk back towards him, utterly perplexed as to how a book had randomly jumped off the shelf.

The guy was just about to put his headphones back on and return to the computer when he noticed a pair of sneakers on the floor. They were at the end of the stack and the guy walked towards them, wondering why someone would have left their shoes in the library.

“What the hell?” he said with a chuckle as he got closer and spotted the folded shirt and folded jeans on different shelves.

Tyler’s heart hammered in his chest as he heard the guy walk to the end of the stack . . . the end of the stack where he’d stupidly left his clothes in plain sight.

The guy grabbed the pair of jeans and unfolded them, holding them up and wondering what happened to the guy that had been wearing them.

The guy dropped the jeans on one of the nearby desks before picking up the shirt. He did a quick check to make sure he was on his own before he gave the shirt a sniff. It smelled of sweat and aftershave and the guy’s dick twitched in his boxers.

“I wonder who left these,” he said with a grin.

The guy picked the jeans back up and checked the pockets, surprised to find a phone and a set of keys. His eyebrows rose in surprise as he realised that whoever had taken the clothes off must still be nearby. There was no way anyone would leave clothes behind with a phone and keys in the pockets.

“I wonder who’s running around the library in their undies,” the guy chuckled to himself.

Tyler stifled a gasp.

Not only had this guy found his clothes, but he’d worked out that he was still in the library.

What the hell do I do now, Tyler thought to himself, a sheen of sweat coating his forehead as his traitorous dick continued to pulse inside the damp confines of his briefs.

The guy took a sniff of the crotch of the jeans and groped his cock through his own jeans. The idea of some hot guy being bold enough to strip off his clothes and just leave them behind was horny as hell and the guy couldn’t resist stroking his now hard cock.

But he wanted more.

He wanted to see the guy that had been so daring!

“Maybe I should take these clothes down to reception? If no one claims them in the next five minutes, I’ll have to do just that.”

Tyler had to cover his mouth to stop himself yelling. He was completely screwed. If he didn’t reveal himself to this guy, then he’d risk losing his clothes completely.



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