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Doing something a little different with this week's photo story - let me know what you guys think. I get this request a lot, so I thought it was time to give it a go.

Liam had played rugby since he was a teenager and at thirty-five, he couldn't help being happy with his body. He rarely worked out, outside of rugby training, but his thick thighs, meaty bubble butt and toned upper body never failed to pull any guy he wanted.

When he wasn't on the rugby pitch, he was either in the office or trawling bars for his next hookup. It never took much effort to get the guy he wanted. He always wore the tightest suit pants he could wrestle his ass into, and a quick lean against the bar with his cheeks pushed out against the straining seams would have the guys begging for him to take them home.

The only issue with that Liam had become a little too arrogant. He had an air of being better than any of the guys he chatted to, and he'd become rude to any guy that he didn't deem hot enough to even speak to him.

Unfortunately for Liam, he'd been rude to the wrong guy.

Shane was one of the richest men in the city, and although he wasn't the most attractive guy, he had a reputation for being kind and patient, even with the guys who were only trying to get to his bank balance. What most people didn't know was that Shane had a temper.

And on one Friday night, Liam had ignited Shane's temper with such ferocity that Shane had spent the following week raging about perfect Liam and his perfect bubble butt.

Shane had asked Liam if he could buy him a drink; a simple offer that should have garnered a polite decline. But Liam had laughed at him and said "as if". Shane was furious and had been able to stop plotting some sort of payback. He knew he wasn't being creative, but he was past caring. He'd found some juicy info about Liam online and if it proved to be right, then by the time Shane was done, no one would be that bothered about doing anything with Liam again.

Liam needed to be taught a lesson.

The next Friday, Shane headed back to the same bar. He'd seen Liam in there plenty of times before and just after seven, there he was in a lightly checked white shirt and a pair of light grey suit pants that looked like they'd been painted on his sculpted muscular legs.

Shane got himself a drink and sat a little way from the bar, watching Liam dismiss multiple men as he ordered himself drink and drink.

A little before ten, Shane finally got his chance as Liam made his way to the bathroom.

Shane jumped up from his seat, downed his drink and followed Liam.

When he pushed open the door, Shane found Liam at one of the urinals, thick cock in hand as he sprayed piss over the wall, not caring about the poor staff who would have to clean it up later, which just made Shane angrier.

"Are you gonna clean that up?" he barked at Liam.

Liam looked at him and laughed. "They have people to do that. I'm not cleaning."

Liam continued to laugh to himself as he washed his hands, which was Shane struck.

As Liam put his hands underneath the hand dryer, Shane came up behind him, duct tape at the ready and wrapped Liam's hands to the dryer at lightning speed. In his tipsy state, Liam was more bemused than anything else, but when Shane had finished, Liam's hands were stuck fast to the hand dryer.

Shane switched off the hand dryer so that the heat wouldn't burn Liam or the duct tape.

"What the hell's going on?" Liam asked when he realised he couldn't pull his hands away.

"A lesson in humility," Shane said as he reached his arms around Liam's chest and ripped his shirt wide open, buttons pinging against the walls. "You think you can treat people like dirt and get away with it, and I'm here to prove otherwise."

Liam yanked against the restraints, but he was stuck tight as Shane ripped more at his shirt until he was left with just two sleeves.

"You fucking perv. You just want to get your hands on my ass."

"Oh no," Shane said, as he put his hands around Liam's waist and unbuttoned his suit pants. "Your ass may be impressive, but I've heard you've got a tiny dick that you keep very well hidden. It's time everyone got to see."

Liam suddenly started tugging harder at his taped hands. "Look, dude, please, you've had your fun."

Shane laughed as he yanked down the fly on Liam's suit pants. "I'm just getting started."

Liam tried to kick out but by the time Shane had yanked Liam's suit pants to his ankles, he could barely move his legs.

"Let's see if the rumours are right, shall we?" Shane said with a satisfied chuckle as he grabbed the sides of Liam's briefs and yanked them to his knees.

Shane moved to the side and sure enough, the rumours were correct. Beneath his toned stomach, Liam had a hefty set of balls and a small nub of a dick. Despite the cruelty of it, Shane couldn't help but laugh at this arrogant, macho guy with a tiny dick.

Liam desperately tried to cross his thighs, but with his suit pants around his knees, he couldn't cover himself.

"Please, I am begging you," Liam said in a quiet voice. "Cut me free. I can't have anyone seeing me like this."

"I'm intrigued to know how much bigger it gets," Shaun said with a frown, his intrigue getting the better of his good nature.

Liam tried to squirm away but Shane grabbed Liam's dick with his thumb and forefinger and started to slowly jerk it back and forth.

"Please don't do this," Liam whispered. "You'll ruin me."

Shane ignored Liam's protests and it took only a matter of seconds before Liam's small cock started to harden.

"Dude, how big is that? Like three inches?"

Liam hung his head in shame as his small cock throbbed and pulsed.

"I think that's exactly how you need to be left for the other guys to see," Shane said with a satisfied grin. "But first . . ."

Shane wrapped duct tape around Liam's legs where the top of his suit pants were resting. It wouldn't stop someone from being able to pull them up, but it would make a lot more difficult.

"And we don't want anyone getting any ideas," Shane said as he taped a line of tape over Liam's butt crack.

"Good luck."

Liam's yells were drowned out by the music bar as Shane left the restroom. He went round to every single person in the bar and told them there was a surprise piece of entertainment tied to the hand dryer. He didn't wait around to see what people's reactions were, opting to go home and revel in the knowledge that Liam would be a better person in the future.

Or would he?



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