A Small Change in Perspective, A Big Difference (Patreon)
Same place. Same location. Same time. Two different focal lengths.
The first photo was taken at 24mm, and the second one at 70mm.
A minute change in perspective and focal length can make such big of a difference.
The same thought applies to a lot of things in life, "changing your perspective, changes your experience." It could offer you a whole new way of seeing, thinking, and feeling about yourself and the people/things that surround you. Often times it takes little to no effort to change your own perspective, so why not give it a shot?
Sorry for the MIA recently on YouTube and Social Media in general, my final semester is getting a little hectic with Final Year Projects, editing is going slow but surely getting there! A final video to rap up my exchange in Japan coming up! As usual, I hope it's worth the wait! Have a beautiful day wherever you are and hope to see y'all on YouTube again soon!