💖Feedback Requested 💖 (Patreon)
As some of you may know, I am updating the perks within Patreon and will be announcing those here soon. I want your honest feedback on what you think of the perks so far. Is there anything that I could do differently or better to improve the experience and make it more worth it for y'all?
Is there anything that y'all would really like to see as an added benefit (within the tier that your subscribed to) that I am currently not providing?
Lastly, how comfortable would y'all be giving your address to Patreon in order for me to send y'all things? I have one of the new perks to be personal welcome packages (this will be for y'all as a thank you but mostly for new members that join) and at the end of the year - sending out Christmas thank you packages for all of y'all who are supporting.
Idk, just some thoughts I am having as I wrap up the updates for Patreon. I will hopefully be satisfied with the new perks by the endof the week to announce them in the Metal Monday stream next week.
Thank you so much for your time and your support! I always try and do my best to make this worth it for y'all because I know you could do anything else with your time and money. It means the world to me and I appreciate each and every one of you!