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This month's prize is a rebellious little bunny >:3 She might be a bit bratty, but she'll be the most loyal friend you'll ever have! If you manage to tame her, that is.

I know quite a few people are waiting for the kobold designs, so I'll make sure the next one is a kobbo 👀 And as an unrelated thing, I'm sorry for the quiet start of the month! I've been a bit of  a corpse, autumn tends to do that to me. Getting into hibernation mode..

In order to participate, you must answer the prompt:

Tell me about the place you would imagine she lives in! For example how it looks, or what kind of special items she has there, or just the general vibe of it. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or a long text, just a couple sentences is plenty :3


•  Try to keep it within a couple sentences, or under 200 words.
•  There is no correct answer! Just come up with something you think would fit.
•  Only one entry per person
•  My TOS contest prize section applies to this design

Submit your entry in the comments before the end of November!

I'll pick the winner based on how creative/fitting/funny or otherwise interesting I think the entry is!




Ginger, also known as Gingy, the rabbit lives in the inner city of Fulstead. Fulstead is known as the party capital in the state and invites all members of predators and prey alike; much like zootopia or Anima City from BNA! Being a little bit of a dare devil, and sometimes a brat, Ginger has decided to take up living in the predator apartment complex that is conveniently next to a night club (The Full Moon) and a coffee shop (See You Latte), both of which she frequents daily. At the Full Moon she throws down some killer moves throughout the night, and stops by See You Latte for a quick pick me up before a day of rest or work. The luxury apartment complex known as the Aard Apartments is comprised of mostly predator sized living spaces. For a prey, such as a bunny, it offers an abundant amount of space to decorate. Ginger lives in design A1, which is a one bed, one bath apartment with approximately 667 sq. ft of living. Due to her abundancy of scars, her neighbors (A Female Fossa named Freya and a small male red fox name Casper) give her a large amount of respect and have come to admire the small bunny for her tenacity. They frequently visit Ginger to make sure she is alright, and occasionally join her at parties, the club, or a quick round of coffee. The entrance is a spruce door with a peek hole accommodated for her height, though there is a small ladder next to the entrance since she refuses to look down upon. Alongside a small table where she rests her orange and black travel bag. Entering into the apartment, on the right, is a small kitchen with a refrigerator that stores canned coffee for quick on the go runs, vegetables, and frozen baked goods, a stove for stir fried food, and a dishwasher. The cupboards are filled with themed mugs and cutlery, as well as, a small coffee maker. On the left is a small closet with a washer and dryer. Past the kitchen and closet is a cozy living space that is decorated with a plethora of different plants and succulents. A small couch faces a window that leads to the outside with a tv mounted on the wall that is constantly playing some sort of fashion show or sale. Tucked into one of the corners is a small speaker mounted up to an ipod that plays some club music as well as a corner dedicated to her family. The bathroom features a sink, toilet, and bath/shower mix. The place is strewn about with different colored hair dyes and a little bit of makeup, but mostly eye shadow and fur toner. Lastly, is the bedroom which is a chaotic, yet organized mess which is hidden behind a hazel wood sliding door (which is why Ginger wanted to live at the apartment; its her favorite wood). The large bed meant for someone way larger has the sheets rustled and a small carrot and broccoli blanket sits at the head of the bed crunched together like a small cocoon. On the night stand is a carrot lamp with all of her jewelry and bracelets. The walk in closet features a mix of clothing from city girl, to club, to casual in-door wear. Most of her clothes edge on the side of punk, but also have a cute mix to them with colorful beads or ties to help distract from the black under garments. A drawer in the closet is dedicated to the bandanas that wrap around her legs and another drawer for nail polish/paint. Overall, the space is large and cozy, but a lot of the room is taken up with decorations. But, that never stopped Ginger from having a good night partying it up.


I can definitely see her living in a burrow, either just on the outskirts of the city or even under a club. With punk posters hanging on the wall and a bass as large as her. I like to think that the thumping of the club is comforting to her and she has trouble sleeping without it these days.


Shes the type of bun that lives in an apartment, her room not bigger then 4 by 3 meter with a bunkbed to save more room, with 4 other people, 2 are students the rest are fresh out of business school, and she just applied for all of the available spots and took he first yes she can have, during the day shes working for a mobile-app development start up and at night plays in a semi-punk band and likes to hang out wit her roommate in the irish pub thats down the street


So I think she'd live in area in where she's a big painter, likely having a room dedicated to her painting so it's a room that can get messy at times. Walls and floor likely having paint on it, with maybe some portraits that she did or murals she did on a canvas or even the wall/ground


She strikes me as an engineer living in the ruins of a research laboratory. She and the other scientists scavenge parts to build and repair tech and tools to help others survive outside the major high tech cities of a post-collapse society. She also uses scavenged parts to make fashionable clothes and runs an network for those on the outskirts. She enjoys roller skating, device hacking and the beach 🏖

Cipher Isn't Sane

I have to imagine she would probably live in the central of one of those big cities, communal terrace Roof at the top of the building and her in a small apartment that’s pretty standard but it’s filled with plants & decorative wall planters where they’ve grown completely out their plant pots and she just kept watering them. Probably has some rundown but comfy furniture in her living room & kitchen. I would also have to imagine she has a communal greenhouse on the roof to be a self sustaining bnuuy for carrots and various vegetables that she also grows spicy peppers and chills to add that extra spice to her life (even though she still can’t handle it and ends up chugging milk everytime). Her bedroom would probably be overrun with various blankets and plushes in a big pile, opting to get rid of her bed to fit the photo studio so she can try to spread her name as a freelance photographer. Though I can imagine she has a free standing in the bedroom with various trinkets from her childhood friends like movie tickets and Polaroids of them when they were all being rebellious teenagers taped to it.