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Kobbo time!! This month's prize is a strange kobold from a strange place. She has a mechanical tail prosthesis, which she is able to control.

In order to participate, you must answer the prompt:

She lives in a city! What is the name of the city, and what is it like? (General vibe is enough, details can be added but aren't necessary)


•  Try to keep it within a couple sentences, or under 200 words.
•  There is no correct answer! Just come up with something you think would fit.
•  Only one entry per person
 Please don't use ChatGPT or similar
•  My TOS contest prize section applies to this design

Submit your entry in the comments before the end of July! The winner becomes the new owner of the character design above.

I'll pick the winner based on how creative/fitting/funny or otherwise interesting I think the entry is!




She lives in Drakenfeng, a hidden city nestled among towering mountains. It's a serene haven where kobolds live harmoniously under the watchful eye of their big and fluffy, but yet not even nearly as cute as some snow-furred vixen, dragon deity. The city features ornate pagodas, peaceful temples, and homes adorned with intricate asian/monk motifs. Lanterns and banners cast a warm, mystical glow, reflecting the deep reverence for their beloved god-dragon :3

Devon McEwen

She lives in Klokridge. The city itself is ahead of its time thanks to the borrowed (read, stolen) technologies from Goldengleam. Unknowing yet unfettered, the city went further and made the city into a technological marvel with the air as clean as pea soup and the entirety of the territory subject to the races that wind through much of the mines, mountainside, and cliffs of the city.


This kobold comes from the City of a Thousand Spirits! The city is set in the frigid north where the barrier between worlds is thin and after generations of shamans the veil has been further eroded causing spirits to be ever present mingling with the living residents. To entertain and honor the spirits the city is covered year-round in festival lights, music and the living residence have adopted costume pieces with into their everyday lives. The costumes are necessary for disguising yourself and often have elaborate pieces that have movable faces on the back to protect from the shy but more malevolent spirits like gobblers who sneak up behind you and whisk you away to the spirit realm. If you get the chance to visit be sure to try their famous street food called kobbos, fried dough balls dipped in honey!


Picture a land lush with vibrant green trees and beautiful sprawling hills. Cloistered away from the rest of the world is the hidden paradise of a long undisturbed civilization: Ashan’eo, a large city built upon the hillside. At the bottom of the hills, wide streets and large clay houses made of reddish clay fill the city’s residential district. Today there are statues and flags and decorations of gold, green, and red on show across the city as a festival is taking place. Ascending further, one reaches the market district, where banners are raised high and shopkeepers peddle their wares. This morning special pastries are being sold, a beautiful golden brown crust stuffed with fresh cheese and tomato and plenty of wonderful spices. The delicious aroma wafts up to the upper city with the breeze. The upper city is the grandest area of them all– a massive palace of gold stands proudly at the top of the city, just in front of the town square. Atop the stairs is a large pedestal from which the rulers speak to their people. Today, the town square is filled with people, as a new leader has been chosen to rule, her elegantly designed prosthetic tail blending perfectly with the ceremonial garb as she addresses what is now her kingdom.