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For this month we have a healer doe!! She's quite good at healing, but sadly she's afraid of, well, pretty much anything that might cause a need of healing. (and yes I seem to be on a redhead streak lol)

In order to participate, you must answer the prompt:

She's terrified of dungeons! How do you motivate her to enter one?

(You can make up new lore or personality traits for her if needed)


•  Try to keep it within a couple sentences, or under 100 words.
•  There is no correct answer! Just come up with something you think would fit.
•  Only one entry per person
•  My TOS contest prize section applies to this design

Submit your entry in the comments before the end of May!

I'll pick the winner based on how creative/fitting/funny or otherwise interesting I think the entry is!



Balefire Phoenix

"There was once a tale of a great healer - much like yourself - who entered the catacombs of a deep and dark dungeon... Them and their comrades were a fierce team when together! Though this dungeon brought the worst upon them. This brave healer provided light and warmth to their friends as they delve deeper, ensuring that nothing would stand in their way, foe or fear! Reaching the end of their adventure in this catacombs, a spirit awoken in front of the healer! A reward for their bravery and willpower was blessed upon them, giving them immense power to heal any sort of wound and even bring friends and allies back to life! This too could be you one day... Go! Travel deep into the darkest depths this world can provide! Be the shining light for your comrades!"


The deer possesses powerful healing magic, that lets her help many. But that is not enough. She wants to help take care of as many people as possible, so she works tirelessly to develop healing salves to save people even if she's not there. Her search for raw materials have taken her to many places, but recently she came in possession of knowledge of mushrooms and plants that soak up magical properties in the dank depths of dungeons. While she is terrified of delving into one, it can't stop her from pursuing her goals.

WaterFox 21

The healer doe was about to enter the dungeon when all of a sodden, a mysteries robe looking wizard told her-  "Take this amulet and you can complete the dungeon with ease". Hesitant at first but stilled listen and took the amulet as she descended into the dungeon. The doe kept pushing forward avoiding traps and monster, while finally getting the treasure she was looking for. As she return to the surface she spots the robe wizard and thanks him for the amulet, he chuckles-  "What amulet?" she looks, the amulet is gone, -looks up-, the robe wizard is gone.


She stood in front of the dungeon entrance, hesitant to enter. Her party had already gone ahead of her. She gripped her staff with determination as she gave a heavy sigh. “The wizard promised a lifetimes supply of apples and soybeans for this! Think of the beans!” And with that, she proceeds forth, ready to face the dangers.

Orb Juggler

A treat, kiss, and a hug when she needs it!