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It's been a couple weeks. I still am in shock to a degree. 

Trying my best to get to NYC this coming weekend for the memorial. I will be there. I will. 

Still, I don't know what to say about this man other than the fact he had been instrumental about how to ask questions about things. Not just the obvious ones we all face, but others we might not think of. 

Perception. Life. Reality. What is our life?

George's life was nothing short of amazing and he touched countless people in positive ways. He had some great stories as well. He lived his path and not a path determined by needing to appease others belief systems.  He challenged himself, and others. 

He is missed. I never had given too much thought to the word Legacy in my own work. But when he passed, one of the things I thought of was exactly this. His work. 

I'll see you soon, NYC. Not the best of circumstances, but if I flip it around, maybe it is one of the best. To celebrate his memory.



Lorna Doone

I got a notification that you updated this post. Glad I did, as I’d not seen it before.... I met him once. I have a polaroid of that moment somewhere... what a lovely human. Thank you for reminding me of him today. And know that my meeting you once was as wonderful and impactful and I wish I’d taken a polaroid of you ❤️ hopefully someday we will meet again.