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Kate Sweeney bonus Set for everyone.  

We shot this set last week, in a brief period of time. Really didn't have a plan other than to be us. 

What prompted this set basically was some comments people left on Instagram from one of the photos of Kate's underarm hair. 

Everyone has their own choices but what bothers me is the point people make of saying how it's not normal, gross, or sexualized. One commenter said it was like she had two pussies, which I assumed as a joke, but really it was in bad taste. I didn't laugh. Someone felt it necessary to say their opinion. The effect might be some young women, seeing those comments, and going with their perceived norm, or changing their own behavior based on someone elses idea. 

Women have been subject to societal norms, established by opinions  on how they can or can not be. Body hair has been fetishized in a sense of it not being normal. Everyone has a fetish. Nothing wrong with that. It is how it is presented to others though is where the problem arises. 

Somewhere, there is someone rubbing helium balloons together. I don't get it, but I am not going to go find something like it and talk shit. Ain't nobody got time for dat. 

It's cool to have those things we like, desire. Most people keep them to themselves though. If you share, do it in a manner which keeps others in mind when something might come across as mean or hurtful. Why this even needs explained is a pity, but as Time Magazine stated - Is Truth Dead?  Kate is Truth. Not dead, nor our pursuit of the Truth in how we do what we do. 

Kate is Super Natural. She's always an evolution, change, never afraid to do what she wants. She is one of the most powerful, strong women I have ever met. She's not a retouched illusion. She's real. That's how it will stay with us. 



Brent Bishop

Great set, great words.