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I am a fan of erotica. I know what erotica means to me. When you have this discussion with others it gets interesting. 

Like, you always end up talking about a line - Where is it? We know what it is. 

It's a matter of what you like and are comfortable with. While Erotica and Pornograpny are two different things, there are areas where they cross. And, I will admit, I like Porn too. I am not going to deny myself soemthing on the basis of what someone else might perceive. 

But when it comes to photographing Erotic and Porn, it is something to think about. 

Someone once said, Erotica Makes you Think, while Porn makes you Aroused. 

There is actually  nothing wrog with either, It's all in our heads. 

I've been 3 feet from a blowjob, photographing it. It's a beautiful act. I've photographed people making love, or fucking, or whatever label you would care to place on it. 

Guess we make a lot of excuses for what is in our own nature. 

In a recent interview I was asked - what is it about your work. My reply was Freedom. Freedom for me to do what feels right, and freedom for my subjects to express themselves how they like. I try my best to be consistant in this approach no matter what I am shooting. Portraits, Sex. It is all people, and what people really are. 
